top dressed then gnat explosion soil no till grow


Active Member
so yesterday i top dressed dry amendments as im entering 4 weeks of flower and boom gnats out the ass

i even added a extra thick layer or pea straw . nothing else has changed with my grow environment

i haven't had a issue like this before . my sticky fly traps went from yellow to black over night haha...not haha more wtf

is it normal for a top dress to make such a explosion . im not sure if i should spray them with something etc of just keep vacuuming up the flying ones and replace sticky traps + home for them go stop coming


Well-Known Member
You won’t notice them till they are out and flying and if you had a area that was at that level of maturity it could come out like that. I would get some microbe lift and use the traps and diatomaceous earth to rid yourself of them and keep the microbe lift in every watering and they’ll stay gone


Well-Known Member
I've had a boom of them come up after I've top dressed but I'm not sure if it's related. It could be the organic substances are ringing the dinner bell, it's hard to say. I just hit them with a Gnatrol drench as soon as I see the larvae or if they start getting out of hand and I'll follow up in about 3 days with another dose. Then about a week later I'll repeat the process and that usually takes care of it. Gnatrol drenches work better than anything I've tried combined with the yellow sticky traps for the fliers. It's really stopped them from being an issue for me and they used to drive me crazy because I live way out in the woods where they are everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Allow dryback then do a soil drench with mosquito bits(I throw like 2 tbsp in a 5 gallon bucket and brew with an air pump for a few hours). Probably to late in the season to order nematodes they’re very helpful but don’t ship well in the summer.


Active Member
I've had a boom of them come up after I've top dressed but I'm not sure if it's related. It could be the organic substances are ringing the dinner bell, it's hard to say. I just hit them with a Gnatrol drench as soon as I see the larvae or if they start getting out of hand and I'll follow up in about 3 days with another dose. Then about a week later I'll repeat the process and that usually takes care of it. Gnatrol drenches work better than anything I've tried combined with the yellow sticky traps for the fliers. It's really stopped them from being an issue for me and they used to drive me crazy because I live way out in the woods where they are everywhere.
is that what you mean by Gnatrol drench



Well-Known Member
is that what you mean by Gnatrol drench
No. That's diatomaceous earth which can be used as well. Gnatrol is just a brand name for BTI which is some kind of bacteria that gets in the gut of the fungus gnat larvae and kills them. There are little donut things called mosquito dunks that have it as well but you have to crush them up and strain them out. This is a powder you just add to the water your fertigating with and water as normal and I believe it can be run through hydro systems as well but I'm not 100% on that as I'm a soil guy. I bought mine at the garden center for about 20 bucks for enough to make at least 50 gallons of it I'd guess roughly.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
No. That's diatomaceous earth which can be used as well. Gnatrol is just a brand name for BTI which is some kind of bacteria that gets in the gut of the fungus gnat larvae and kills them. There are little donut things called mosquito dunks that have it as well but you have to crush them up and strain them out. This is a powder you just add to the water your fertigating with and water as normal and I believe it can be run through hydro systems as well but I'm not 100% on that as I'm a soil guy. I bought mine at the garden center for about 20 bucks for enough to make at least 50 gallons of it I'd guess roughly.
I also advocate for d.e. but not in your situation.


Well-Known Member
The down side to DE for me at least is the handling of it. I don't like masking up more than I have to indoors and it's nasty stuff if you breathe it in. It also has an effect on the soil chemistry which BTI does not so adding it doesn't mess with any nute schedule your running or flower stage they're in.


Active Member
Gnatrol, bti, mosquito bits/dunks are all bacillus Thuringis israelness
i just ordered off amazon from what i read it shouldn't harm the red wigglers so i will go this option

i just put a cover over my mulch layer as a preventative for them getting in and out of the soil . hopefully that keeps them contained until it arrives

2 tbsp in a 5 gallon bucket and brew with an air pump for a few hours sounds ez enough . i will hold off watering for a few days before applying


Well-Known Member
Seriously if you have more than a few gnats, you have an issue. A bare root H2O2 and transplant is needed. Will not harm or stunt plant if gentle and room temp water to clean root ball. Then spray down with 3% H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide. Fungus is set in and gnats are established. Repot in same new medium. Add a half to full inch of aquarium sand on top of medium to prevent further infestations. And learn to water.


Well-Known Member
The down side to DE for me at least is the handling of it. I don't like masking up more than I have to indoors and it's nasty stuff if you breathe it in. It also has an effect on the soil chemistry which BTI does not so adding it doesn't mess with any nute schedule your running or flower stage they're in.
A simple syringe??????