Well-Known Member
Buy decks, amps, ect with a low THD like I do. Problem solved,.
If I hook my amps up to cheap speakers, hell ya it's sound distorted. That is until the speakers blow,![]()
Remove headroom issues all along your signal path.

My speakers are good for 3000w before they start breaking up (going linear, exceeding Xmax), but have a really short distance between x-max and xmech (the point where your drivers start tearing themselves apart), but can sustain transients above that if needed. I often found that breakup was coming at the power stage and/or at a few of the preamp stages, so having a power amp that won't hit the voltage rails quickly or easily was a need for me, as well as good proper gain staging & matching (I have about 5 preamp stages in my signal chain). So my speakers are a 3-way setup (sub/woofer/mid-to-high) that's fairly close to line-array engineering, then my power amp is a custom made one that is 2500w rms and closer to 3500w peak and has an over-spec power supply that could carry three of the amp units. From there, again, it's all gain staging to maintain tone but also have clarity.
As a result, I have a setup that can be extremely loud but also clean and clear at volume...basically a PA but for a single instrument.