The White privilege to terrorize

Don't fascist leaders also fit that criteria? They are kind of the same thing in my view. Leninism and really all attempts at commie governments wind up as authoritarian states with a godhead type figure, but I think the same holds true for fascist type movements.
Don't fascist leaders also fit that criteria? They are kind of the same thing in my view. Leninism and really all attempts at commie governments wind up as authoritarian states with a godhead type figure, but I think the same holds true for fascist type movements.
Yes. Only the ideological veneer is different.
It does lead the commies to make no true Scotsman arguments, and well, everyone that tries to apply a political ideology to real life.

this was just normal shit, 100 years ago...the life span of one old man separates us from this....
MAGA like in them thar pictures.


This would not have happened if the kid was white.

Hard to make that statement, remember white kids get labelled as school shooters so there’s still a good chance a white kid would have been shot. The question is whether or not it would have been fatally.
I find this thread to be In no way helpful to good between common man, instead it further perpetuates stereotypes and causes further divide. It’s in pretty poor taste for all. It’s too bad we all keep putting labels on each other and even more a shame that the shit of each culture seem to adhere to those labels validating the stereotypes to all the others.
It’s too bad we all keep putting labels on each other and even more a shame that the shit of each culture seem to adhere to those labels validating the stereotypes to all the others.
perhaps there is a reason the shit adheres...maybe large portions of society have become sanctimonious assholes, who think they know what is best for everyone, while other large portions have become ignorant, hate filled little magats who can't support anything that is outside of their very small comfort sphere...but they feel they know what is best for everyone as well. of course, then you have that portion that is so apathetic that they cannot be bothered to pick a side, they could give a fuck about anyone or anything, as long as they have their comforts.
just maybe, nearly all of society has to do a little self examination, and work on their own huge, glaring flaws before they start to point out anyone else's huge, glaring flaws...except for trump, and every republican who assisted in his incompetent attempt at insurrection...i can't figure out why republicans insist on loving someone so fucking incompetent that they cannot duplicate the efforts of fucking winners like francisco franko, park chung-hee, jorge rafael videla, and qaboos bin said...all successful insurrectionists who seized power in their "shithole countries"...and trump can't do what these winners accomplished...maybe trump needs to downgrade his ambitions and move to an appropriately shitty country, where he might have more success