Anyone else try mixing distillate with e-liquid?


I finally gave this a try. I actually posted about this a while back and someone said to use ccell carts. I was going to buy some to test this out but it turned out my friend already had some ccells that he'd bought to fill with distillate before realizing what a pain in the ass it is. Anyways, I grabbed a bit of distillate, mixed it with some e-liquid, and filled some carts with it. Initial impression: not as good as I was hoping. I played around with this a bit and figured out that not all of the e-liquid flavors mesh all that well with distillate. After testing some different flavors, I found that I really don't like mixing any menthol/mint e-liquids with it, which is weird because I normally love them when I'm vaping straight e-liquid. So the combination I really like, which is what I've been vaping a lot of lately, is about 25% distillate and 75% strawberry e-liquid. The only problem is that I've been using this strawberry e-liquid that's sold in Australia and New Zealand that my friend (a summer chaser who spends half the year here in the States and the other half in New Zealand) hooked me up with. With all this coronavirus madness I'm not sure when, if ever, he's going to be able to get me more. But that's not a big problem, I'm sure I can find some other strawberry e-liquid here that's as good if not better.

For reference, I tried a higher concentration of distillate, which was fine, but I was getting blasted cause I was ripping it like I would an e-cig, which is way more often than I'll hit a vape pen filled with distillate. And this is cool and all but I've actually got stuff to do and can't be mega lit all day lol.

The next thing I want to try is buying some proper terps, nicotine liquid, and then mixing it with distillate. I feel like this is the right way to do it if you're going to do it because I have no idea what flavorings the e-liquid companies are using and I'd much rather have some proper terps like maybe some grand daddy purp terps or lavender. That would be dope. Not even sure where I can buy terps around here - guess I might need to look online? If anyone knows where I can find some, let me know!

The last thing I want to add to this: working with distillate is not the easiest thing to do. I've found that it really helps if you can heat it up a tiny bit, makes it more like a liquid and less like a gel. If you get it on your hands it's basically impossible to get off lol. You can wash them but it just stays there for a while. Definitely don't do this around any fancy furniture or in your car. I've been using a large dinner plate to catch the things that spill and that's worked fine for me. I figure I'll probably just end up throwing the plate away at some point cause it seems really hard to clean the distillate off.

If you have any tips, please share them!
I just warm the distillate syringe in a cup of warm water..then straight into the cart.. only reason I see using e liquid to stretch the distillate... that sounds nasty.. but hey do your thang
I just warm the distillate syringe in a cup of warm water..then straight into the cart.. only reason I see using e liquid to stretch the distillate... that sounds nasty.. but hey do your thang
lol so I used to smoke cigs and quit by using e-cigs. I don't smoke as much herb as I used to, mostly switched to vaping oil. So I'm mostly a vaper at this point, which is why I thought I should just mix the two, like what we call a spliff around here (tobacco and herb rolled up), but vaper style. Honestly, it's not great. I don't think the two mix that well but I've been doing it and it's been enjoyable. I guess I'm trying to find a perfect combination but I've yet to find it.
No, I've never mixed liquids, especially distillate with e-liquid. It's not mine, especially since you write that it's difficult.
No, I've never mixed liquids, especially distillate with e-liquid. It's not mine, especially since you write that it's difficult.
Then why strain yourself and do e-liquid yourself when there are different Vape deals in UK for which I can purchase any e-liquid which one will be at a discount? Of course, I do not condemn other people who do this, but still, why do people, for some reason, make their own liquid when you can now buy liquid with any taste in modern vape shops? Well, I hope my post has a place to be here.