Look, this dilution process is only for dumb people who are not able to count and read the ratios out of feeding schedule. For eg. you have 3-part grow-micro-bloom botlled base food and you are supposed to use 0,8ml of G, 1,6ml of M and 2,4ml of B. That means you get ratio 1:2:3 G:M:B and you can go whatever dose you want by keeping those ratios. 0,1-0,2-0,3ml gives you ballanced food as well as 0,8-1,6-2,4ml just at lower EC which you are looking for. The thing about calmag is, that it is not neccesary to use when you have nutrient line providing ballanced food, those contain calcium and magnesium in the botlles already to satisfy the plant needs. You can make some high EC calmag solution and flush your medium prior to planting, just to be sure that those in your base food stays available for the plants in early begginings. Than of course set the pH and EC of medium back down. Do not use pH up and down together, Yeah I know when using RO water with such low amount of nutrients, the amount of pH adjuster needed is like one and half drop. One is not enough and two is too much. Peroxide is easy to use for begginers to keep your water clear.