Well-Known Member
1.15 EC calmg 1 tsp per gal (my main source says you can lower it and it does in the schedule, dr mj coco) .5 tsp micro .5 tsp grow 1/10th tsp bloom and then ph down carefully so i dont have to go ph up and this is 60/40 distilled /tap to add some volume. want to have 5 days worth will get pump to circulate incase this is a salt binding effect from stagnant sitting solution. i could do just distilled if i want to up the doses of nutes to a custom level but this is actually close to what the suggested schedule doses. mixing 2 qts distilled with 2 qts tap always brings it to .35 EC which was suggested as the threashold of ok starting water
You're making this more complicated than it needs to be. I don't know who Dr MJ Coco is and it really doesn't matter as most of these cannabis instructional sites are full of crap anyway with all their cannabis specific nonsense. It's a damn plant. Treat it like one. There is nothing special about cannabis that it needs all this voodoo or some damn schedule to grow. Mix your nutes with tap water and pH to between 5.8 and 6.2. That range is close enough and should be easy to hit.