Where did the strains go?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, so back in my teenage years in the south east I would come across herb called crippy. All the buds were the same size, and when you would unfold a bag of it to open it up it would stick to the bag, the buds would stick together, and the smell was so strong. It was nearly impossible to smoke this stuff in a joint. You needed scissors to break it up. It wasnt wet weed either. Cost about $300 an ounce back then., I even paid $120 a quarter for it back then. I havnt seen that pot in over 25 years. I would love to grow it but know nothing about its heritage. I came across some simaler stuff in the north east, but never knew the name. Figured I would ask here if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.
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Hi all, so back in my teenage years in the south east I would come across herb called crippy. All the buds were the same size, and when you would unfold a bag of it to open it up it would stick to the bag, the buds would stick together, and the smell was so strong. It was nearly impossible to smoke this stuff in a joint. You needed scissors to break it up. It wasnt wet weed either. Cost about $300 an ounce back then., I even paid $120 a quarter for it back then. I havnt seen that pot in over 25 years. I would love to grow it but know nothing about its heritage. I came across some simaler stuff in the north east, but never knew the name. Figured I would ask here if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.
There's a clone only strain available known as crippy or something like that. Pretty sure it's what you're talking about. It's from the Florida area. You can find clones of it for sale on Strainly but I can't say which are legit and which aren't. Do your due diligence. It's still around in the right circles down south though so there's hope :mrgreen:
There's a clone only strain available known as crippy or something like that. Pretty sure it's what you're talking about. It's from the Florida area. You can find clones of it for sale on Strainly but I can't say which are legit and which aren't. Do your due diligence. It's still around in the right circles down south though so there's hope :mrgreen:
tampa crippie s3 is feminized seeds on strainly. man I wish I knew where to find it.
Like everything else "Crippy" has multiple meanings and multiple so called creators of strains called Crippy.

A quick google search brings up lots of different results. Take your pick. Here's a few

"noun - uncountable. high quality marijuana. What kinda weed is that, regular or crippy?"

"High quality grade Marijuana, usually from Florida. Typically has a lot of red hairs, high crystal concentration, and a pungent smell."

"Crippy Original OG Kush
((Hawaiian Webbed Leaf Indica x (Pakistani x Highland Thai)) = Crippy
Extremely potent; can be too strong for some

This is the original, real deal pre OG Kush clone from 1986. This cut was originally bred and grown on the island of Kauai. Selected from a 500 seed pheno hunt. Rumor has it that it made its way from Hawaii to Florida via surfers in the late 80's. It pre-dates Triangle Kush and often is confused as a slang term for good herb, used in Hawaii as "Da Crip" and in Florida as "Crippy Weed." Some older Hawaiians and Floridians know of this legend, and its correct name."

"Florida OG (aka Crippy) Marijuana Strain Information
Florida OG, aka Crippy or Ocean Grown, is the creation of DNA Genetics in Amsterdam."

So I have been doing some research online, and it seems some people think it was just a Florida slang term for great cannabis. I disagree. This stuff had all the buds looking the same, it would make you break out in a sweat after taking a couple pulls. I remember my cousin at 16 freaking out wanting to go to the hospital, lol. His lil dog even got into his bag and kept barking for hours. I have a feeling it is being hoarded by certain people for personal smoke since I havnt seen it since probably 2010. But man oh man when I was about 16-20 this stuff was great. You either purchased mids or asked for crippy bud. The bag would last forever too because you could smoke the smallest amount and be done. the flavor was amazing. I use to press a bud on the wall and it would just stay there, lol

If it's on Strainly you can buy it there but check out the seller carefully. Ask around on the Strainly forum here if anybody has bought from them and got there stuff.
I see a few seeds for crippy but not clones. Also I wouldnt think it would be on there after reading other people looking for it throuout the years.
how does
strainly work, you contact the seller?
I've only used it once and it was with a guy that had a really great reputation here on the forum named Dookie. I just messaged him on Strainly and he messaged me back. I told him I was interested in some clones he had and we negotiated a price and shipping. There are a lot of people that have had problems over the years there though that's why it's so important to really check out who you're dealing with and try to find people here that have dealt with them.