2022 Sour Space Candy Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Whats up Growmies! If you guys have any advice/questions please feel free to post them as it will help me become a better grower in my future grows!

This seed was germinated in a paper towel for 48 hours then planted in a solo cup filled with Miracle Grow sphagnum peat moss. Timed it, so that it was planted when the Moon is just starting its Waxing Phase. It was kept in the shade with a ziplock bag over the cup until she sprouts. 48 hours later we have a seedling!

She will now be put in direct sunlight.


I’ve just been giving her 1.5 - 2 ounces of mixture of RO Water and Roots Organic Bio-Force every 2 days or when the top of the soil dries out.


She grew her first set of 5 fingered leaves and her leaves has reached the edges of the solo cup, so she was transplanted into a 5 gallon fabric pot filled with Roots Organic Original Soil. Then watered with 16 ounces of a mixture consisting of RO water, Roots Organic Extreme Serene, and Roots Organic Bio-Force. She is also getting sprayed with a mixture of RO water and Roots Organic Extreme Serene every other day as a Foliar Feed. Waterings and Foliar Feedings are done in the morning when the sun rises.


Let the feeding begin! I will be Top Dressing the soil only when the Moon is starting it’s Waxing Phase and when it’s starting the Waning Phase which is about every two weeks. Feedings will be at full strength of what the manufacturer has listed for their nutrients. I also will not be using any sort of PH balance in my water (I believe that the micro biology in the soil has the ability to balance the PH in the soil itself, although i dont really know what goes on down there) She received her first Top Dress which was a mixture of Roots Organic Terp Tea Grow and Roots Organic Terp Tea Microbe Charge then watered in a mixture of RO Water, Roots Organic Extreme Serene, Roots Organic Bio-Force and Molasses with little to no run-off.

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Let’s get this Main Line started! I will be topping her every week for the next 5 - 6 Weeks to possibly get 32 - 64 Mains from her. She’s now grown her 6th node and received her first topping. I topped her at night (only because I believe it causes less stress on the plant when done in the dark since to me she sleeps when its dark) down to the 3rd node and all lower growth was removed. She looks like she’s handling the full strength Top Dress feeding very well, no nutrient burns or signs of stress. This week she only received regular watering which was 3/4 gallon of RO water mixed with Roots Organics Extreme Serene, Roots Organics Bio-Force and Molasses with little to no run-off, and no PH balance, so i have no idea what the PH is of the water or soil. As of right now she needs water around every 3 - 4 days depending on the weather. Foliar feedings with RO Water and Roots Organics Extreme Serene are still being done every other morning when the sun rises.

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This week she received her 2nd topping of the Main Line process and LST has been started. She seems to recover from the toppings pretty well. She did receive her second Top Dress of Roots Organic Terp Tea Grow and Roots Organic Terp Tea Microbe Charge this week. I did notice some ants crawling around my soil so I sprinkled some Ground Cinnamon on the top soil. The next day the ants were gone. So far so good! I also checked out the underneath of the leaves of the tops I cut off, they were clean. No bugs as of right now. I will continue to sprinkle Ground Cinnamon on the top soil once a week to keep the ants at bay.

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She’s looking strong and healthy! Im starting to believe that Foliar Feeding every other morning with RO Water and Roots Organics Extreme Serene really helps with her bouncing back from the toppings. Her 4 mains look beautiful! I added a ring and LST’d her to the ring to spread her 4 mains out. This week she will be receiving her regular watering, 3/4 gallon of RO Water, Roots Organic Extreme Serene, Roots Organic Bio-Force and Molasses. Along with my weekly sprinkle of Ground Cinnamon on top of the soil after watering to keep the ants at bay. I believe the ants come around because of the Molasses which is high in sugar, the ants do look like sugar ants you find in your kitchen. But as long as the Ground Cinnamon keeps them away from my plant then it’s all good. Also I dont see the Cinnamon affecting the plant in anyway when it eventually gets watered in, so ill keep at it. She will be getting her 3rd topping tonight.

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Last week this Sour Space Candy was topped for a 3rd time. The 8 tops are now almost ready to be topped again. So this week I’ll be bending those 8 tops down and topping a 4th time for 16 tops. Now i did see some little bugs flying around, so i purchased some yellow sticky traps from Amazon. So far the traps are working good and have caught alot of bugs. The ant problem I had in Week 4 has gone away. Sprinkling Cinnamon on top of the soil has done its job with keeping the ants away. Feeding regimen is still the same, when the moon starts Waxing and Waning I Top dress with Roots Organic Terp Tea Grow and Terp Tea Microbe Charge. Then watering in 3/4 gallon of RO water, Roots Organic Extreme Serene, Roots Organic Bio-Force and Molasses. Regular waterings of Roots Organic Extreme Serene, Roots Organic Bio-Force and Molasses in between Top Dresses.


Topped for 16 mains. Starting to show really small pre-flowers, I cant tell yet if it’s Male or Female pre-flowers yet.

Week 9 Veg Stage

What i thought was pre-flowers was actually not. No pre-flowers yet.

Transplanted to 15 gallon Smarts Pots filled with Roots Organics Lush. Was getting 2 hours direct Morning Sun from 7am-9am now its enjoying 3 hours of direct Morning Sun from 7am-10am. The rest of the day until sunset it doesnt get any direct sunlight since the sun goes over my building and to the other side after 10am.
