would u rename a strain? if so what would u call it?


Active Member
(fun survey) Is there any strain you'd rename? if so, what strains would u rename and what would u rename them? really bothered me on the name freakshow for the unique looking boston fern looking plant strain. i HATE that name for it. its so nasty n weird to me. like how can u name something so special of nature something so hideous. its not cool n its not funny like wth. theres others that bother me that make no sense too but wanna see how many ppl are on the same page as me. i cant be the only one
If you created it , it's yours to name . If not it just adds to the confusion and in a way it's dishonest .
i understand that and its still agree to disagree. isnt there any names you disagree w? it is actually possible to name a strain so offensive that beyond what u said and the confusion it may bring by change, that its better to think of something better. just exists that way. confusion can be also remedied by a general majority vote change and agreement. therefore cancels out confusion and in the long term.
i understand that and its still agree to disagree. isnt there any names you disagree w? it is actually possible to name a strain so offensive that beyond what u said and the confusion it may bring by change, that its better to think of something better. just exists that way. confusion can be also remedied by a general majority vote change and agreement. therefore cancels out confusion and in the long term.
such as think of the most offensive name u can think of that would offend u, cuz it is possible, and then think someone named it that, same example where im comin from, then what if i told u what u told me n others, then u can see where im comin from. the magnitude of extremity differs but the concept is well illustrated. like a lot of ppl dont want the name green crack especially for nature ppl n a lot of ppl lost fam n friends to crack so green cush is a better name imo. examples like this im curious of the survey
Call anything whatever you want but don't expect anyone else to acknowledge any name you decide to give to anything.

It's like renaming a Ford and calling it a Chevy because you don't like the name Ford. It's still a Ford and that's what everyone will call it.

And regardless of what you name anything there are some places where those names can't be used even if they are not offensive at all.

I really don't care what a strain is named . I grew my first plant in '79 and then it was off to the races . My group made our own crosses that over time did very well in our local environment . Our weed did get a local name of "God Weed" but not from us nor did we capitalize on it . It sold itself .

All I care about is the effect and vigor of a strain . Names , at least most of them , are meaningless . But the creator is who has that right . In the business I was in renaming someone else's work was called plagiarism and was dealt with harshly .

Each to their own though in the current weed world .
such as think of the most offensive name u can think of that would offend u, cuz it is possible, and then think someone named it that, same example where im comin from, then what if i told u what u told me n others, then u can see where im comin from. the magnitude of extremity differs but the concept is well illustrated.
I really don't care what a strain is named . I grew my first plant in '79 and then it was off to the races . My group made our own crosses that over time did very well in our local environment . Our weed did get a local name of "God Weed" but not from us nor did we capitalize on it . It sold itself .

All I care about is the effect and vigor of a strain . Names , at least most of them , are meaningless . But the creator is who has that right . In the business I was in renaming someone else's work was called plagiarism and was dealt with harshly .

Each to their own though in the current weed world .
i think its valuable. the creator may have the right but if its so offensive like the banned list mentioned above, i also believe the majority and users have a right also. and if done so, it will eliminate anything offensive like the wonderful nature that is completely unmatchable to a nasty or offensive name. nature can be very beautiful and wonderful
Call anything whatever you want but don't expect anyone else to acknowledge any name you decide to give to anything.

It's like renaming a Ford and calling it a Chevy because you don't like the name Ford. It's still a Ford and that's what everyone will call it.

And regardless of what you name anything there are some places where those names can't be used even if they are not offensive at all.

Call anything whatever you want but don't expect anyone else to acknowledge any name you decide to give to anything.

It's like renaming a Ford and calling it a Chevy because you don't like the name Ford. It's still a Ford and that's what everyone will call it.

And regardless of what you name anything there are some places where those names can't be used even if they are not offensive at all.

ford or chevy dont seem to be offensive or degrading names. so im gonna have to disagree w the comparison. expectation isnt necessary when it deals w more than 1 person let alone millions+ of ppl. thats just my standpoint. still hoping to hear some strains ppl may have cool ideas of new names for. ty
i think its valuable. the creator may have the right but if its so offensive like the banned list mentioned above, i also believe the majority and users have a right also. and if done so, it will eliminate anything offensive like the wonderful nature that is completely unmatchable to a nasty or offensive name. nature can be very beautiful and wonderful

I'm thinking that you may be much too easily offended .
i think the level is logical and agreeable by majority as i mentioned with the green crack reference which has a very popular vote. i can also state that you may be very dismissive and supportive of innapropriate and inconsiderate names. yet i didnt bring that up to u prior. cuz im not rude. get what you give. a great universal principal that all men can embrace
ford or chevy dont seem to be offensive or degrading names. so im gonna have to disagree w the comparison. expectation isnt necessary when it deals w more than 1 person let alone millions+ of ppl. thats just my standpoint. still hoping to hear some strains ppl may have cool ideas of new names for. ty

Ford may not be offensive to you but it is to many people due to Henry Ford's Nazi ties and anti-semitic beliefs. Many people to this day will not purchase a Ford vehicle because it offends them.

It's pretty ridiculous to rename something because you don't like the name.

I find White Widow offensive. I think it's racist so I'm going to call it White Trash.
Ford may not be offensive to you but it is to many people due to Henry Ford's Nazi ties and anti-semitic beliefs. Many people to this day will not purchase a Ford vehicle because it offends them.

It's pretty ridiculous to rename something because you don't like the name.

I find White Widow offensive. I think it's racist so I'm going to call it White Trash.
ford not may be offensive to me or others cuz henry "FORD" isnt the creator of the FORD name as his father had it before him so how do u sully a whole family name based on the beliefs of one family member? so i still disagree w the example. i think its ridiculous to be so strict w names cuz some 1 guy named it who could agree on a name change themselves like if u named a strain unicorn tits that has great medicinal values in a unique way, u probly wouldnt want ur grandma whos a nice old lady who doesnt like profanity or adult themes, would u want them to ask their daughter or son or grandchild caring for them to get their adult themed medicine? idk ab u but i dont want any pervsion discussed in my fam let alone my elders. so yeah i think its cool to innocently come up w a nicer name that would be creative and agreeable w all demographics cuz it is possible just sayin. ty
I tend to be a little more simple with names, I only use two: Sativa or Indica. Well, maybe throw in the occasional third name and say hybrid.
this is a good opinion and i tyvm for ur kindness i cant believe how others responded to me. ur totally right tho. i like that too but ive always been a fan of the names n looking up the strains by their name n seeing the effects, taste, n smell n what not since marijuanareviews.com which i miss so much :(
ford not may be offensive to me or others cuz henry "FORD" isnt the creator of the FORD name as his father had it before him so how do u sully a whole family name based on the beliefs of one family member? so i still disagree w the example. i think its ridiculous to be so strict w names cuz some 1 guy named it who could agree on a name change themselves like if u named a strain unicorn tits that has great medicinal values in a unique way, u probly wouldnt want ur grandma whos a nice old lady who doesnt like profanity or adult themes, would u want them to ask their daughter or son or grandchild caring for them to get their adult themed medicine? idk ab u but i dont want any pervsion discussed in my fam let alone my elders. so yeah i think its cool to innocently come up w a nicer name that would be creative and agreeable w all demographics cuz it is possible just sayin. ty

It doesn't matter where the name came from. Some people are offended by it. You seem to care only about what you think and that your opinion is all that really matters. Now you've gone off about perversion being discussed in the family.

I'm out of this mess.

Enjoy your day.
It doesn't matter where the name came from. Some people are offended by it. You seem to care only about what you think and that your opinion is all that really matters. Now you've gone off about perversion being discussed in the family.

I'm out of this mess.

Enjoy your day.
It doesn't matter where the name came from. Some people are offended by it. You seem to care only about what you think and that your opinion is all that really matters. ford not may be offensive to me or others cuz henry "FORD" isnt the creator of the FORD name as his father had it before him so how do u sully a whole family name based on the beliefs of one family member? so i still disagree w the example. i think its ridiculous to be so strict w names cuz some 1 guy named it who could agree on a name change themselves like if u named a strain unicorn tits that has great medicinal values in a unique way, u probly wouldnt want ur grandma whos a nice old lady who doesnt like profanity or adult themes, would u want them to ask their daughter or son or grandchild caring for them to get their adult themed medicine? idk ab u but i dont want any pervsion discussed in my fam let alone my elders. so yeah i think its cool to innocently come up w a nicer name that would be creative and agreeable w all demographics cuz it is possible just sayin. ty

I'm out of this mess.Now

Enjoy your day.
It doesn't matter where the name came from. Some people are offended by it. You seem to care only about what you think and that your opinion is all that really matters. Now you've gone off about perversion being discussed in the family.

I'm out of this mess.

Enjoy your day.
where did i say it mattered where the name came from? i mentioned how anything that may be inappropriate or offensive can be renamed. so that chronologically innacurate and false. you are wrong. and, "Now you've gone off about perversion being discussed in the family." that really all u got from that? n is that all u got lil boy? cuz there are strains that are perverted which makes it applicable and stateable as i did so. and yes family is a demographic for "MEDICAL" marijuana." im out of this mess" yes ofc once u realized u lost. im out of this mess too since u r. which u caused. jesus h. get what u give thats what i embrace as all other men do. still hoping to hear names of strains changed n ideas hopefully ppl dont be afraid to respond cuz of combative ppl like this guy who get what they deserve. gg. another W.
People hate ford cause their a pos. Nobody’s boycotting ford anymore because of nazi ford lmfao. Well. Not to that degree. That’s like the 1940s to 1980s. Maybe. With the amount of f150s and mustangs you see. 7/10 vehicles on the highway. Ford. Or ford made. Mass produced weed. Garbage. Mass produced vehicles. Garbage. Same difference. Nothing offends you unless your ass sat on the side of the road with an overheated ford motor. Or fucking exhaust leak coming thru the accelerator. Lol. Re naming a strain makes no sense because somebody else put that hard work in to earn that right. Pollen chucked or not. He/she. Made it to harvest. Gets that right. It offends you. Leave it alone. Don’t buy it. Or keep your new name to yourself. Unless you put the years of work to re create the cross to make your “own” version. Or something in relevance to that same name. Or just have fun with it.