Flower Fever....Anyone Else Suffering?

iv noticed that with the miracle grow organics choice my plant grew very slow, it was an experiment with soil it works well but not for poted plants
I just buy black earth, not mixed with anything really other than soil and organic matter. No nutes added.
trumpet vines are blooming....




my first garden flower from seed.

blue enchantment....


Beautiful! Gotta love it eh?
There is so many things blooming now in my gardens, I haven't taken many photos this year though. I am too focused on the indoor garden harvesting.
I do love a colour show in the garden, makes you happy.
fdd, do i see some coleus in there?

if so, those do well indoors during the winter, i put a few in the kitchen window every fall, they are big enough for the flower gardens by early spring.

oh, and the lizards love em too :p

(continuing the ramble) and i have two gecko eggs! woo hoo!!!
fdd, do i see some coleus in there?

if so, those do well indoors during the winter, i put a few in the kitchen window every fall, they are big enough for the flower gardens by early spring.

oh, and the lizards love em too :p

(continuing the ramble) and i have two gecko eggs! woo hoo!!!

my baby!!!! :mrgreen:
Great stuff....I have not caught up with this thread in a while.....sorry..........
Nice flowers FDD.....how tall are your sunflowers?
Fantastic fun with flowers.....I have to get batteries for my camera and show off some of my floral beauties....the damn charger died and I keep forgetting(puff-puff) to get a new one, or at least some batteries.
Coleus is one of my all time favorite plants....I LOVE Burpee's Watermelon coleus which I have put in some hanging baskets....oh well I have lots of photographic catching up to do!

my sunflowers are about 9 feet.
Methinks this is a tad shy of your expectations?
I think they would be about 12 feet or so if they were not grouped relatively close together (apparently by looking at photo)?
I like to space them about two feet apart...my biggest plants were sunflowers pretty much in their own plots.

Is the blue rimmed yellow center flower a type of convolvulus?

I'm stned on your damn Roadtrip I'm having a hard time typing now....
Thanks Buddy!

they are convolvulus, yes, blue enchanment. i had 15 sunflowers in a 3 foot row. i didn't expect them to all take off. i did get them in late. i have cut them back to 7 plants, i think. next year, my friend, next year.
my bells of ireland. they are supposed to be 14" mine are 4". something is going on in my soil. my leaves have brown splotches. they have since sprouting. i have 4 flower pots all with the same soil. this is the only flower strain that is showing the splotches. all the other plants, about 7 different kinds, are fine. really cool flowers though.



