The problem with libs/dems

Look around, I don't cats putting men in space or building a nuclear plant, I kinda think humans may be superior.
so we are an animal that shits in its own bed? Destroys our ecosystem that we need to survive in.
You think that makes us superior to other animals?
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And what kind of woman doesn’t realize cums oozing out of her after it’s done? You do realize over half of it comes out when the acts complete and she stands up. You’re also aware that women can notice the difference between skin and latex just the same way you do. At this point in time if she doesn’t wanna be pregnant she can take plan b right away, and if she’s smart she’s already on a contraceptive reducing her risk of being pregnant by 90%. Female responsibility goes hand in hand with male responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies. Two sides to every coin.
ahh so its OK a man does that and its the women's fault?
Sorry if you can’t handle the alternate truth. Sucks to suck bud

alternative facts Meaning & Origin | Slang by › Home › Words › Slang

1 Mar 2018 — Alternative facts have been called many things: falsehoods, untruths, delusions. A fact is something that actually exists

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"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, during a Meet the Press interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States .

Are you a flat earther to?
A jackass who thinks women aren’t capable of keeping themselves from getting pregnant by being wise and using the tools available to them apparently, that they need to be coddled and supported every step of the way because of their frailty and that we should be subservient to them at all times and forgive their irresponsibilities and take on all the blame ourselves as men. Yup sounds like a logically sound individual, one you’ll follow to the ends of the earth with your lips sown to their ass. Retards it’s pretty fucking simple, women who don’t want to get pregnant have every available option to keep them that way without the need for abortion. Amazing how many options are presented to them for that very purpose. Thus because of the wide array of birth control and emergency contraceptives that initiate the shedding of the uterine wall eliminating the ovum from attaching to the host, any woman who doesn’t want to be pregnant can prevent it by simply noticing three things; 1) skin and latex don’t feel the same. 2) a load in the pussy is easily felt when a dude cums according iG to every chick on any forum that question is posed to. 3) the fact her vagina is dripping semen after sex and if she doesn’t notice a viscous liquid excreting from her than her vaginal hygiene is beyond any fathomable word for disgusting. Upon noticing any or most likely all of those three honourable mentions should she not wish to be pregnant and was dumb enough not to use one of the many forms of birth control specifically designed for women then all she has to do is walk her sloppy cum filled vag to the nearest pharmacy, pull out her debit card or student visa and drop 20-30 dollars on the morning after pill and prepare for a heavy flow. If she chooses not to do any of these things at all and neglects them all together rolling the dice she’ll be fine, she is equally as responsible for getting knocked up because wait for it… she’s a retarded spoiled brat that thinks “I’ll just have an abortion if I get pregnant”. It’s the lazy woman’s solution to not taking simple steps to practice safe enjoyable sex. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, Fred’s cool, and fuck you, I’m out
I'm just flabbergasted that you want to control women's bodies. They don't control yours. You actually believe that as a man your superior. You must hate it that they got the right to vote. You are going to be so happy when contraception will be harder for them to obtain.
What did your mum do to you for you to hate women so much?
I'm just flabbergasted that you want to control women's bodies. They don't control yours. You actually believe that as a man your superior. You must hate it that they got the right to vote.
What did your mum do to you for you to hate women so much?
Not controlling them, saying they have every available option so make use of it instead of relying on the human slaughter factory as their back up plan. When you go drinking do you rely on driving yourself home piss ass wasted or do you make sensible arrangements to protect yourself and others from your mistakes? Pretty simple answer and if it’s no then you’re an asshole.
I'm just flabbergasted that you want to control women's bodies. They don't control yours. You actually believe that as a man your superior. You must hate it that they got the right to vote. You are going to be so happy when contraception will be harder for them to obtain.
What did your mum do to you for you to hate women so much?
In all honesty what the left seems to be screaming here is that you all think women have the intellect of toddlers and that it’s your duty to protect them at all costs including berating yourself and your fellow man. If you stop coddling them and say hey guess what there are consequences for your actions so analyze the outcomes before you act then you’ll be amazed at the capabilities they possess. Instead you’re pulling reverse alpha males thinking you’re doing good by them when you’re actually insulting them by belittling their resourcefulness and intellect making them feel they can do no wrong and the world is suppose to bend over backwards to them and life does that for no one. Way to go morons, you’ve done a wonderful job
You’re all so mentally incompetent it’s unbelievable. Good night, good grow, good god I hope you end your blood lines with yourselves. From all the pro slaughter jockeys here I’m sure you’re doing a wonderful job of it
Not controlling them, saying they have every available option so make use of it instead of relying on the human slaughter factory as their back up plan. When you go drinking do you rely on driving yourself home piss ass wasted or do you make sensible arrangements to protect yourself and others from your mistakes? Pretty simple answer and if it’s no then you’re an asshole.
What human slaughter factory? Nazis were defeated many years ago.
I'm a lifelong drink driver. Been lucky so far. Im certinaly an arsehole at times- no argument. But i do and will fight for people's freedoms.

So your 33 and a granddad that means you had a kid at 14 or something. So you got trapped because she didn't have an abortion. Your daughter then gets pregnant at 14 or so and you make her have the baby to because you had to.
Because you had no real life as a teenager or a young man you then want everybody to suffer like you have. You don't want anyone to have a different option than you.
In all honesty what the left seems to be screaming here is that you all think women have the intellect of toddlers and that it’s your duty to protect them at all costs including berating yourself and your fellow man. If you stop coddling them and say hey guess what there are consequences for your actions so analyze the outcomes before you act then you’ll be amazed at the capabilities they possess. Instead you’re pulling reverse alpha males thinking you’re doing good by them when you’re actually insulting them by belittling their resourcefulness and intellect making them feel they can do no wrong and the world is suppose to bend over backwards to them and life does that for no one. Way to go morons, you’ve done a wonderful job
Not at all. I just want women to have the right and freedom to make their own decisions. You don't agree. That's the argument in two sentence's.
What human slaughter factory? Nazis were defeated many years ago.
I'm a lifelong drink driver. Been lucky so far. Im certinaly an arsehole at times- no argument. But i do and will fight for people's freedoms.

So your 33 and a granddad that means you had a kid at 14 or something. So you got trapped because she didn't have an abortion. Your daughter then gets pregnant at 14 or so and you make her have the baby to because you had to.
Because you had no real life as a teenager or a young man you then want everybody to suffer like you have. You don't want anyone to have a different option than you.
Excellent backstory but it’s a nickname from being the levelheaded member of the friends. Anyways good night, enjoy cheering on the slut parade and holding the doors open to the murder factory. I mean I guess there’s no other options available to not have children right? I mean there’s not a single product scientifically designed tested safe and effective for women out there so…. Ooooohhhhh wait a sec, what this?? Fucking tons?!?!?! Yuh don’t say? Well I’m sure they’ll be responsible and use… nope. Apparently not. Enjoy playing white night losers
Not at all. I just want women to have the right and freedom to make their own decisions. You don't agree. That's the argument in two sentence's.
Yeah no. That’s exactly what your doing. Women don’t respect your rights to choose if you wanna be a dad or not but you keep on pretending it’s about equality lol you’re blind. Sucks to suck.
Excellent backstory but it’s a nickname from being the levelheaded member of the friends. Anyways good night, enjoy cheering on the slut parade and holding the doors open to the murder factory. I mean I guess there’s no other options available to not have children right? I mean there’s not a single product scientifically designed tested safe and effective for women out there so…. Ooooohhhhh wait a sec, what this?? Fucking tons?!?!?! Yuh don’t say? Well I’m sure they’ll be responsible and use… nope. Apparently not. Enjoy playing white night losers
Wow, you have have some strange friends.
So men are studs are women are sluts. Gotcha. Sex is just sex who cares if a women sleeps around? Men sleep around to. In fact men can get hundreds of girls pregnant in their lifetime, hell he can get hundreds of girls pregnant in a year. Where a women can only have so many kids in a lifetime.

What murder factory?

Abortions in hospital are very safe and effective for whatever reason contraception didn't work or was not used etc. Much better than women dying in hotel rooms.
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