The problem with libs/dems

Your incoherent ramblings don't change the fact that red states take more money from the government than they contribute thus making them welfare queens and the "takers" you clowns whine about.
In my neck of the woods it’s the libs and new dems who ride the welfare train for every government subsidy they can get their greedy hands on and scream like children until they get their way from our pansy ass joke of a pm
So your just a foreign troll which makes you even more worthless in any discussion about the US, which shithole do you call home troll?
The one who’s gonna see an influx of your irresponsible kids getting abortions on our dime while my fellow citizens will have longer wait times for surgeries thanks to your janes sucking from the tit of our free health care
In my neck of the woods it’s the libs and new dems who ride the welfare train for every government subsidy they can get their greedy hands on and scream like children until they get their way from our pansy ass joke of a pm

Idk why dems can't figure this out, as if working class white people in these states are known for... Not working I guess?

Look at any blue area of the southern states and you'll see a huge ghetto area rampant full of free housing and food stamps. Blows my mind why that's so hard to do. Look at North Jacksonville for a great example
The only time I support abortion is if the pregnancy is risking the woman’s life due to complications or if the fetus is medically unsound and will not have a reasonable quality or long life span in which case it’s a mercy termination to prevent unnecessary suffering. Beyond that your damn adults ffs, you don’t want a kid use one of the tons of contraceptives and take an emergency contraceptive if it’s even questionable he blew a load in you then learn from it and make him wear rubbers. Females got their own accountability to hold up to instead of fuck I’m preg but lalapalooza in in three months and I won’t be able to go!! Suck this thing outta me doc
I’m not American so I don’t really follow your economic distribution, all I know is my govt said we’ll provide you publically funded abortions which means irresponsible women who don’t contribute to my country are gonna be wasting my tax dollars when we have a ton of problems to address here at home. All these women gotta do is get on bc, and take plan b if he nuts in her and they won’t have oops babies. More self responsibility for their own uterus is the solution here. Damn easy not to get pregnant if you use common sense and don’t roll the dice like a moron
Doesn’t matter buddy, your womens irresponsibility is going to cost my citizens taxes to be wasted on people who don’t contribute to our society. I’m at liberty to voice my opinion because it directly affects me and your women can wise up and use birth control and emergency contras so they aren’t border hopping for free vac jobs.
The only time I support abortion is if the pregnancy is risking the woman’s life due to complications or if the fetus is medically unsound and will not have a reasonable quality or long life span in which case it’s a mercy termination to prevent unnecessary suffering. Beyond that your damn adults ffs, you don’t want a kid use one of the tons of contraceptives and take an emergency contraceptive if it’s even questionable he blew a load in you then learn from it and make him wear rubbers. Females got their own accountability to hold up to instead of fuck I’m preg but lalapalooza in in three months and I won’t be able to go!! Suck this thing outta me doc
Rape victims?
The one who’s gonna see an influx of your irresponsible kids getting abortions on our dime while my fellow citizens will have longer wait times for surgeries thanks to your janes sucking from the tit of our free health care

So you're a supporter of the crackhead Fords, figures.
Doesn’t matter buddy, your womens irresponsibility is going to cost my citizens taxes to be wasted on people who don’t contribute to our society. I’m at liberty to voice my opinion because it directly affects me and your women can wise up and use birth control and emergency contras so they aren’t border hopping for free vac jobs.

That is just false. At no point has Canada offered free health services of any kind, abortion included.

A spokesperson for Gould later told the network that Americans accessing health care services in Canada — which has a universal, publicly-funded health care system — would continue to have to pay for the service either out-of-pocket or with their own private insurance, if they're not covered by one of Canada's provincial health plans.

So you're a supporter of the crackhead Fords, figures.
Crackhead or not he cut govt specialties saying they earn enough they can buy things like all other Canadians no freebies and he did great for the city. Was a walking joke to everyone but actually did a damn good job.
The one who’s gonna see an influx of your irresponsible kids getting abortions on our dime while my fellow citizens will have longer wait times for surgeries thanks to your janes sucking from the tit of our free health care
The one who’s gonna see an influx of your irresponsible kids getting abortions on our dime while my fellow citizens will have longer wait times for surgeries thanks to your janes sucking from the tit of our free health care
You can save the wait time if you go to surgery center instead of the abortion clinic.
You can save the wait time if you go to surgery center instead of the abortion clinic.
Nah it’s tax money we could use to hire more doctors and build new hospitals. We spend about 90 mill a year for abortion services would could be used to build a new 250 bed standard hospital every year to help our aging hospitals now. Instead it’s wasted on irresponsibility
Nah it’s tax money we could use to hire more doctors and build new hospitals. We spend about 90 mill a year for abortion services would could be used to build a new 250 bed standard hospital every year to help our aging hospitals now. Instead it’s wasted on irresponsibility
Who’s responsibility the child or parent?
Ok so a 50/50 ratio of male/female at birth is the usual give or take. Now these pro abortion women are fighting for womens rights and then kill other female babies to achieve their goal essentially fighting for womens rights to kill other women.