

Active Member
Yes ….. you can run your plants in it alone . It can feed upfront for weeks before some depletion will show ( strain dependent ).
No special water either - Tap water. Ocean forest is amended with oyster shell and will buffer it just fine. Or can range your tap water ( checking your ph with meter to know where yours fall ) then adjust to ( 6.5-6.7 allowing for drift ) then water in.

Not rocket science. FFOF soil ranges around 6.3 from bag but I have thrown 7.2 ph straight cali water without ph adjusting and all is fine.
‘But now noticed that if I “ range “ the water to match medium , buffering lasts much longer. FFOF can be top dressed and watered in to recharge your container grows - it simply brings back what the plant has used plus there is less issues because plant is already acclimated to this soil and the chances of over feeding ‘ burning is greatly reduced. I can run a soil only grow thru veg ( top dressing at intervals) up to desired flip , say 6-8 week veg on this soil alone - then either continue top dressing thru flower or a dry bloom fert scratched into top soil of container.

Flower girl , Megacrop , Recipe 420 recharge , Happy frog fruit and flower , jack’s …. Etc.

FFOF is always overthought - consider this soil like a super soil - hot upfront but plants will acclimate. Think slipping into hot tub then adjusting to heat after awhile . Too many growers fuck up by adding even more nutes on top of this soil before plant at least gets to exhaust it.

Wow you broke that down to the t


Well-Known Member
Listen to his advice….add some additional perlite and EWC at the start. That will carry you into flowering (if growing autos). Just water it…and I always ph’ed my tap to 6.6-6.8.
Around week 5 or 6 (as the plant is exhausting the amendments) you can do any number of things…the simplest being to top dress with more of the same (ocean Forest and EWC)…..or do what I’ve done and top dress with a dry organic fert. and EWC. I use Gaia Green but wouldn’t hesitate to use others.
Other than the occasional dose of ReCharge, mycos, stump tea, etc etc., for the microbial action, all that’s needed is water.
I’ve never had to give cal mag…I guess my tap has what’s needed in that department…..others do need a touch of it.
Believe me when I say there have been more grows ruined by dumping a dozen different liquid nutes on the plant than you’d believe.
Keep it simple, give the plant what it’s used to and acclimated to and you’ll be good to go.


Active Member
Listen to his advice….add some additional perlite and EWC at the start. That will carry you into flowering (if growing autos). Just water it…and I always ph’ed my tap to 6.6-6.8.
Around week 5 or 6 (as the plant is exhausting the amendments) you can do any number of things…the simplest being to top dress with more of the same (ocean Forest and EWC)…..or do what I’ve done and top dress with a dry organic fert. and EWC. I use Gaia Green but wouldn’t hesitate to use others.
Other than the occasional dose of ReCharge, mycos, stump tea, etc etc., for the microbial action, all that’s needed is water.
I’ve never had to give cal mag…I guess my tap has what’s needed in that department…..others do need a touch of it.
Believe me when I say there have been more grows ruined by dumping a dozen different liquid nutes on the plant than you’d believe.
Keep it simple, give the plant what it’s used to and acclimated to and you’ll be good to go.
Earth worm castings I'm a dodo


Well-Known Member
It is what it is, the soils and nutes are formulated for cannabis. I’m sure there are better and worse. I start with frog and uppot to forest, triple pack of nutes, extra perlite and try not to overwater.
So I dont actually use their soil. Make my own mix like most people I guess. Was kind of just commenting on the “elite growers” who talk smack about fox farm when it’s as good as any other salt and can grow a fine product. It’s just tiresome lol.


Active Member
I think people just hate on foxfarm just to do it but most of them said it will work fine so I'm sticking with it but as soon as I get a bigger place I'll start making my own


Active Member
Listen to his advice….add some additional perlite and EWC at the start. That will carry you into flowering (if growing autos). Just water it…and I always ph’ed my tap to 6.6-6.8.
Around week 5 or 6 (as the plant is exhausting the amendments) you can do any number of things…the simplest being to top dress with more of the same (ocean Forest and EWC)…..or do what I’ve done and top dress with a dry organic fert. and EWC. I use Gaia Green but wouldn’t hesitate to use others.
Other than the occasional dose of ReCharge, mycos, stump tea, etc etc., for the microbial action, all that’s needed is water.
I’ve never had to give cal mag…I guess my tap has what’s needed in that department…..others do need a touch of it.
Believe me when I say there have been more grows ruined by dumping a dozen different liquid nutes on the plant than you’d believe.
Keep it simple, give the plant what it’s used to and acclimated to and you’ll be good to go.
Ok well I already have ewc I've never heard of green Gaia but I trying to make this grow as easy as I can so is there anything as far as nutrients that I need to have now when starting


Well-Known Member
Ok well I already have ewc I've never heard of green Gaia but I trying to make this grow as easy as I can so is there anything as far as nutrients that I need to have now when starting
Just extra perlite, large course chunks if you can find it. No nutes til the third or fourth set of leaves then go 1/4 strength and see what the leaves do, color and any curling.


Active Member
I might babble a bit on this subject , so forgive me . I am torching up some SSH and am in a good mood.

Fox Farm ocean forest is one of the most nute dense bagged mediums out there but it can be improved.
Add 25-30% more perlite , rice hulls or pumice.
Add more Myco .
Add EWC -
actually add EWC to any bagged soil.
Optional : ADD Neem meal ( soil conditioner / pest control )
Mix it all and use. Soil can be re-used in solo cups for new seed germinations too.

You can even “ cut it “ with a 50/50 mix of Promix or other peat based ( black magic / Kellogg’s / whatever ).
You can make a tea with it. ( directions even on bag ) for soil drenching the. Use the steeped soil from cheesecloth for example in a new seed cup.

It’s a little better than most will admit .
I might babble a bit on this subject , so forgive me . I am torching up some SSH and am in a good mood.

Fox Farm ocean forest is one of the most nute dense bagged mediums out there but it can be improved.
Add 25-30% more perlite , rice hulls or pumice.
Add more Myco .
Add EWC -
actually add EWC to any bagged soil.
Optional : ADD Neem meal ( soil conditioner / pest control )
Mix it all and use. Soil can be re-used in solo cups for new seed germinations too.

You can even “ cut it “ with a 50/50 mix of Promix or other peat based ( black magic / Kellogg’s / whatever ).
You can make a tea with it. ( directions even on bag ) for soil drenching the. Use the steeped soil from cheesecloth for example in a new seed cup.

It’s a little better than most will admit .
Promix the workout supplements?