January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
SO SICK of everything about that creature, that ego-golem…but yeah, it’s not suddenly going to be ‘morning in America’ again just because we remove him from circulation. He didn’t think all this up, and he didnt bring it with him: checkout the Libertarian Party platform the year David Koch ran for President as the LP candidate…you’ll be…surprised how much of it’s been accomplished already
It's not so much Trump going down, as much as, most of the real assholes in the republican party going down with him eventually. Win in November and you can really clean house and senate too, with an independent special counsel, just dust off the law and put it into effect for a couple of years before expiring. The constitutional blue print for their destruction exists, but you need to keep the house and get a few more in the senate to bring Frankenstein's monster back to life and set him on the republicans in the congress! :lol: No time or much effort would be required from the congress, as they went to work on the mountain of evidence.


Well-Known Member
SO SICK of everything about that creature, that ego-golem…but yeah, it’s not suddenly going to be ‘morning in America’ again just because we remove him from circulation. He didn’t think all this up, and he didnt bring it with him: checkout the Libertarian Party platform the year David Koch ran for President as the LP candidate…you’ll be…surprised how much of it’s been accomplished already
Yeah, they really did take the shittiest parts of libertarians and just make it the new republican party.

It's funny/sad....a fad if you will. Good for the libertarians maybe? It's such a big wide group, I'm down with the "I like weed and don't like taxes" libertarians, not so much the age of consent, accept my racism, and anarcho-capitalist ones. All three of those have found a new mainstream home.


Well-Known Member
It must be sinking in at the secret service that they are civil servants and have no magical political protection like politicians. This is the most serious crime in US history and they deleted the texts around it and are guilty of the destruction of evidence which carries very serious prison time. These guys will do far more time than most of those who sacked the capitol. This is absolutely stunning and inexcusable, anybody involved should go to prison.

Well guys, I hope Donald was worth destroying your lives over, I'm sure he will be grateful for your extreme efforts, personal sacrifices and all the prison time you will serve for him, suckers.

View attachment 5166552
pretty sure the NSA has all those texts. will take a bit longer for the committee to get them


Ursus marijanus
Yeah, they really did take the shittiest parts of libertarians and just make it the new republican party.

It's funny/sad....a fad if you will. Good for the libertarians maybe? It's such a big wide group, I'm down with the "I like weed and don't like taxes" libertarians, not so much the age of consent, accept my racism, and anarcho-capitalist ones. All three of those have found a new mainstream home.
I worry that there is a seamless progression from not liking taxes to full MAGA. In fact, I challenge notional conservatives to inspect taxation under Eisenhower, the last fairly honest Republican to hold the office.

Expecting lower taxes when the sounds coming from democracy’s basement are this bad (as a direct result of tax-cut populism) is the opposite of patriotic.
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Well-Known Member
pretty sure the NSA has all those texts. will take a bit longer for the committee to get them
Someone has them or some of them, they want the phones ASAP for forensic examination. They opened another big can of worms with this, all 24 agents involved will testify as will others, heads will definitely roll.

I've got an idea for those Trump loyalists who are still around when the dust settles, they can be assigned outside his cell and shove his food tray through the grub hole in the door. They can serve Donald's time with him, just on the other side of the door... They can also be driven nuts by his incessant whining, freaking out and screaming, don't sound proof the cell door!


Well-Known Member

The Jan. 6 Committee Has Given DOJ A Trial Run Says Barry Berke
16,666 views Jul 20, 2022 Special counsel for Democrats in the 2019 impeachment inquiry against Trump and chief counsel for the Democrats in Trump’s second impeachment trial Barry Berke discusses the evidence the committee has presented in their hearings trying to prove Trump’s culpability.


Well-Known Member

Deleted Secret Service Texts May Violate Federal Records Act Says 1/6 Committee
22,151 views Jul 20, 2022 Host of MSNBC’s “Way too Early” Jonathan Lemire, national correspondent for Politico Betsy Woodruff Swan, and former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes react to the January 6th committee’s response to the Secret Service saying the agency may have violated the Federal Records Act.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member

Deleted Secret Service Texts May Violate Federal Records Act Says 1/6 Committee
22,151 views Jul 20, 2022 Host of MSNBC’s “Way too Early” Jonathan Lemire, national correspondent for Politico Betsy Woodruff Swan, and former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes react to the January 6th committee’s response to the Secret Service saying the agency may have violated the Federal Records Act.


Well-Known Member

Glenn Kirschner On Missing Secret Service Texts | Zerlina.
35,960 views Jul 20, 2022 Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner breaks down what missing texts from the Secret Service could mean for the Jan. 6th investigation and the criminal probe against Trump in Fulton County, Georgia.


Well-Known Member
Garland is making the right noises, win in November and an independent special counsel will take care of the traitors in congress and Garland and the congress can work on other things, while the counsel goes after every one involved in the house and senate for years to come with public hearings, investigations and prosecutions. Just dust off the law and pass it again, the constitutional framework for dealing with this shit effectively already exists, or did. All the democrats have to do is win in November and it will happen, all the way to 2024 and it will be Hell on republicans, because they are guilty as sin.

Of Course Trump Is Still Trying To Overturn The Election—He's Faced No Consequence
18,755 views Jul 20, 2022 Chris Hayes on Trump still trying to overturn the 2020 election in July 2022: On one hand, it's delusional to the point where one might question the ex-president's mental fitness. On the other hand, it kind of makes sense from Trump's perspective—because he has still suffered no consequence.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
win in November and an independent special counsel will take care of the traitors in congress and Garland and the congress can work on other things, while the counsel goes after every one involved in the house and senate for years to come with public hearings, investigations and prosecutions.
prosecute a load of them NOW, and they won't make it to november...and all the ones yet to be indicted will be thrown into chaos like a kicked ant hill

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Garland is making the right noises, win in November and an independent special counsel will take care of the traitors in congress and Garland and the congress can work on other things, while the counsel goes after every one involved in the house and senate for years to come with public hearings, investigations and prosecutions. Just dust off the law and pass it again, the constitutional framework for dealing with this shit effectively already exists, or did. All the democrats have to do is win in November and it will happen, all the way to 2024 and it will be Hell on republicans, because they are guilty as sin.

Of Course Trump Is Still Trying To Overturn The Election—He's Faced No Consequence
18,755 views Jul 20, 2022 Chris Hayes on Trump still trying to overturn the 2020 election in July 2022: On one hand, it's delusional to the point where one might question the ex-president's mental fitness. On the other hand, it kind of makes sense from Trump's perspective—because he has still suffered no consequence.
trump is just a buffoon that is more useful to the democrats now than he is to the republicans...
the real threats that DOJ should be dragging into court already are all the senators, representatives, state attorney generals, election commissioners, and republican county level officials that aided and abetted the plot to keep trump in office illegally.
get rid of them, and the entire republican plan falls the fuck apart...


Well-Known Member
prosecute a load of them NOW, and they won't make it to november...and all the ones yet to be indicted will be thrown into chaos like a kicked ant hill
If it helps you win, then do it now, if not, then do it later, winning is the most important thing, win and you can exterminate the GOP, or those parts of it that need stomping out. It is more or less a constitutional duty to defeat all enemies foreign and domestic and these assholes are an existential threat to the country and constitution.

Congress will have a lot to do if the democrats win in November, with HRI on steroids to level the electoral playing field and curtail cheating in 2024, media needs to be regulated and women's basic human rights codified into law and anti terrorism laws and a domestic terrorists watch list is urgently needed, much needs to be done in 2 short years, if they win. An independent special counsel can delve deeply into everything, hold public hearings and prosecute too, it was tailor made for this shit and the republicans fear it like the Devil himself. Best of all it wouldn't take any of congress's time, or the DOJs either. Another special counsel could investigate corruption in the Trump administration, there was plenty, besides trying to overthrow the government. It would be the obvious move, if they won the house and a few more in the senate.


Ursus marijanus
prosecute a load of them NOW, and they won't make it to november...and all the ones yet to be indicted will be thrown into chaos like a kicked ant hill
wishful thinking but

what if this were the part of the event where the sea pulls way, way back …

it seems to me that August through October is a great time to insert a growing number of subpoenas, indictments and other broomsticks into the overthrow party’s spokes. Like water that just keeps coming.
