But as you go down the length of the article the reasons he will not get away with it is laid out.that stinks like weasel grease to me...another way for that motherfucker to escape punishment...i'm not a religious guy, but i find myself hoping that hell exists, solely so trump can get drug trough it by his lying tongue, then drug back to the other side by his tiny little balls.
The spurt of progress while the obstruction caucus became a bit busyAgainst some mythical 'ideal' candidate sure, but against the reality of what our nation will be up against with whoever the Republican nominee is for president?
Biden is a middle of the road competent person who has the experience and extremely clean record of not being corrupt or selling out to foreign nations that we need and that across the board people can trust enough to still vote for him and not be afraid to give his party the senate and house.
Anyone else, we are still looking at a split ticket with all the trolling going on.
Agreed, it is also way too early to say he shouldn't. I have always been cool with him being a one term president.For me, it seems a bit early to say whether he should run again or not. A lot can change. I agree with your reasons why it might be good if Biden runs for a second term. Still, though, it's not as if we could say he didn't do enough already to justify his place among the better Presidents in the modern era.
@xtsho says he doesn't like Biden, not just his age, but he's too inarticulate to explain why. Maybe he's still angry about tampons in the boys room in Portland area high schools.
I realize that campaigns will get going in earnest next year but I don't pay much attention until the primaries are closer.
i was skeptical about him at first, but Jon Stewart is actually looking pretty viable...pair him with Newsom, or Warren, or Klobuchar and they could give who ever the republicans put up a hell of a run.Against some mythical 'ideal' candidate sure, but against the reality of what our nation will be up against with whoever the Republican nominee is for president?
Biden is a middle of the road competent person who has the experience and extremely clean record of not being corrupt or selling out to foreign nations that we need and that across the board people can trust enough to still vote for him and not be afraid to give his party the senate and house.
Anyone else, we are still looking at a split ticket with all the trolling going on.
I am not a fan of the celebrity candidates personally. IMO Experience > pizazz, and Biden's old ass has that by the boatload and has done it being clean as a whistle.i was skeptical about him at first, but Jon Stewart is actually looking pretty viable...pair him with Newsom, or Warren, or Klobuchar and they could give who ever the republicans put up a hell of a run.
Pair him with Michelle Obama, and i think they could win pretty handily.
Trump hasn't been charged. We don't even know if he's going to be charged. So, yeah, if preparing for a trial is her reason for wanting the names, it's a mistake that makes her seem inept. But this isn't why Trump wants those names. Trump hates what he calls "snitches" he would want to make an example of whoever leaked the information to the FBI. Its my guess Habba was excoriated for not having "demanded their names" yet and Trump wouldn't take a sane reason for an answer. People working for Trump get dragged through the mud.It is called 'Discovery', where the procecution gives the evidence to the defence lawyer to prepare for a trial. Getting ahead of themselves it seems. But I guess it does not hurt to ask.
It does, but it still points out an opportunity...and if you give trump an loophole to avoid punishment, he becomes more agile than a falconfor just long enough. It's like watching a slug turn into an eagle for a split second, and back into a slug before it hits the ground.But as you go down the length of the article the reasons he will not get away with it is laid out.
It’s looking like Biden is going to have a lot of accomplishments to run on.I am not a fan of the celebrity candidates personally. IMO Experience > pizazz, and Biden's old ass has that by the boatload and has done it being clean as a whistle.
I'm not trolling you. Just saying. All you've said is that Biden is 81. In other statements, you said you don't like Biden. No reason given. Yes, I took a cheap shot. But only because you aren't articulating very well.Are you serious?
Are you that bored? I'm not taking the bait. Go troll someone else.
I'm not trolling you. Just saying. All you've said is that Biden is 81. In other statements, you said you don't like Biden. No reason given. Yes, I took a cheap shot. But only because you aren't articulating very well.
This is exactly what you said:
"Just look at how some react to my wanting a candidate other than Biden. Forget the fact that I voted for him. Three times actually if you add in the Obama years but now since I would like to see a different candidate I'm ostracized.
I get what you're saying about the age thing and I probably did make too much of that. But I don't think Biden is the best choice for 2024. "
You have reasons for thinking Biden isn't the best choice for 2024. But fail to articulate them
You don't have to articulate your reasons for thinking Biden "isn't the best choice". And you didn't. So I'm free to fill in the gaps. Your last tirade was over tampons in Portland HS. You said things like that are why Democrats will lose in 2024. I'm connecting what you've said to try to fill the gaps.
For myself, I'm hoping Elizabeth Warren will run again. I'll vote for her in the primary if she does.
Biden be like:If he is the candidate then I'll vote for him but there are much better choices that have a much better grasp on today vs Biden who's been in a bubble for a decade. He doesn't have the pulse of the nation. He's just a figurehead. A placeholder. All the accomplishment that have happened during his Presidency are all things that have been on the Democrats agenda for years. He didn't bring anything new to the table. There is no vision. He merely holds the office of President of the United States and signs what's put in front of him. He's no Obama who actually drove the party.
Time for someone more dynamic and more in touch with society.
you didn't actually give any specifics as to why you would prefer another candidate. Which to me is just splitting hairs if you say that doesn't mean you don't like him. You don't have to explain but "numerous other factors" is vague. Not my fault if you are misunderstood.You said I didn't like Biden. I never once said that. Hell I voted for him. I just said that I would prefer a different candidate for 2024. I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Yes his age is a factor. Yes his cognitive abilities are a factor. There are numerous other factors as well as to why I would prefer another candidate. It has nothing to do with whether I like or dislike Joe Biden.
I've articulated plenty. He's going to be going up against a much younger Republican candidate if he runs in 2024. trump will not be the candidate.
Optics matter regardless of the importance some put on them. Biden also can't motivate the younger voters in the Democratic party. If I think he's too old and I'm in my late 50's then what the hell do you think the 20 somethings think? They're not jumping for joy over him.
It's going to take enthusiasm amongst the voters to bring them out to vote. Nobody is enthusiastic about Biden.
If he is the candidate then I'll vote for him but there are much better choices that have a much better grasp on today vs Biden who's been in a bubble for a decade. He doesn't have the pulse of the nation. He's just a figurehead. A placeholder. All the accomplishment that have happened during his Presidency are all things that have been on the Democrats agenda for years. He didn't bring anything new to the table. There is no vision. He merely holds the office of President of the United States and signs what's put in front of him. He's no Obama who actually drove the party.
Time for someone more dynamic and more in touch with society.
OK then.When Biden came out of retirement, he said he'd only serve one term.
I wish he would stick to his word.
He's done a fine job, all things considered, restored some sanity and dignity to the office, but it's time for a generational change from octogenarian leadership.
Biden Would Only Serve One Term, Says Campaign Adviser
“He’s going to be 82 years old in four years and he won’t be running for re-election,” one close adviser told Politico.www.thedailybeast.com
Biden indicates he would only serve one term as president: report
Former Vice President Joe Biden has reportedly signaled that he would only serve one term in the White House if elected in 2020 as the top-tier Democratic candidate faces questi…thehill.com
Biden signals to aides that he would serve only a single term
Advisers weigh the merits of a one-term pledge by the 77-year-old former vice president.www.politico.com
Biden be like:
you didn't actually give any specifics as to why you would prefer another candidate. Which to me is just splitting hairs if you say that doesn't mean you don't like him. You don't have to explain but "numerous other factors" is vague. Not my fault if you are misunderstood.
In your opinion it is time for someone more dynamic and "in touch with society". Another vague statement that is prone to all sorts of interpretations.