It seems there are mixed reviews on most of the people on strainly. I’m eyeballing a couple things from Pig Tail, Get seeds right here, microbros and fireside. Seems like mostly positive reviews. Any reason I should pull the trigger on one from each?
It seems there are mixed reviews on most of the people on strainly. I’m eyeballing a couple things from Pig Tail, Get seeds right here, microbros and fireside. Seems like mostly positive reviews. Any reason I should pull the trigger on one from each?
I only know Pigtail and GSRH but both were very legit for me. I'll order from both again.
I only know Pigtail and GSRH but both were very legit for me. I'll order from both again.
It’s hard to trust reviews.. people buy an infected cut and don’t know for months later or possibly never but they leave their feedback as soon as they get the cut, so you’ve got guys like pink box and Babylon sending infected cuts but getting good feedback. I would buy front auntie Jane or pigtail (even tho I got mites), I can kill mites I don’t care, and they really just redistribute what they buy from the local nurseries to them so they probably got it with mites anyway.. mainely organics if you don’t mind spending a chunk of change.. coffee pot is legit but he sort of took a break, you could message him tho he might still help you out, he helped me out.. legend farms doesn’t have any listings but he’s also legit and you could message him and see if he has anything or will take any orders. I’ve been talking to all star clones and he was honest with me in telling me that he has tested some but not everything he has and he is looking into testing, what he did test came back negative. I was interested in 2 strains he has and one he said he hasnt ever tested and the other he has but it had been a few months, so it seems like he’s an honest dude as far as I can tell and once he does start testing everything he has he would likely be a solid vendor.
And for some reason they banned ajn I think because so many people gave them positive reviews they got annoyed as hes not one of the paying advertisers. Seemed like the only positive reviews were for ajn cause all the other vendors are a crap shoot,As far as what I have read over the years.
Just my 2 cents
thats not at all what happened please dont spread bullshit
Not to beat you while you're down but why didn't you just do what he did instead of sending your stuff and expecting him to do all the work? I mean you kinda set yourself up to get hustled.

I'll give people cuts I have and not expect nor want anything in exchange except credit, which is shitty Savage won't even do that for you.

If somebody is prepared to hustle, get the word out there and then start moving product thats no small feat. It's easy to pop beans and find great cuts. It's hard to get hundreds, possibly thousands of people to want what you're selling and then capitalize off of that.

Again not to shit on you or anything but you're on here acting like dude physically made you send him your shit vs you had faith in someone you didn't even know. Call it a hard lesson learned, you want to hustle you need to do it yourself vs hoping someone will live up to their word.

I've been through this several times back in the "go to prison for anything weed days." Helped several people get up and running providing cuts, lights and know how... and all but 2 of those people screwed me over.

"Oh I'll give you half the 1st crop..."

Not a single one did. So I learned to just charge upfront 1 time payment. I get mine, then you get yours. Works best that way for me.
What do you charge for an upfront payment ?
Kaka’s nic the bruiser is nice, maybe a little underrated even. Been growing it for few years already, it’s gotta nice mix of floral citrus and gas that translates well, also pretty good potency… nine weeks with a good yield, nice neon green coloration. I got this from strainly so I’m not sure if he still has it.View attachment 5184419
Leafdoctor stuff shouldnt be slept on.
It seems there are mixed reviews on most of the people on strainly. I’m eyeballing a couple things from Pig Tail, Get seeds right here, microbros and fireside. Seems like mostly positive reviews. Any reason I should pull the trigger on one from each?
There's alot of drama with GSRH recently. Theyve also sold stuff with Hops this year, we've been eying the studio54 but not sure what to do.

Pig Tails is legit specially with their sourced genetics.

Microbros/mainly is also legit, just got to catch them on a sale. They do test everything now cuz they did pass shit last year but damn they fixed that up for sure.
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I trust Boston with their genetics, love how they now have a QR code right on their clone tags that show all the testing for that strain. def worth the prices
Thats how I feel I got a good amount of there clones always been happy I rather pay more and keep a clean garden and get legit cuts ,down time isn't cheap
There's alot of drama with GSRH recently. Theyve also sold stuff with Hops this year, we've been eying the red velvet but not sure what to do.
I'd ask for proof of a recent test since GSRH claims to not only test but double test. They are sponsored with mhVerify and DeltaLeaf (they sell deltaleaf kits on their site). They have posts with mhVerify on their IG, that's the $900 24 test at home kit and $700 per 24 refill.
I'd ask for proof of a recent test since GSRH claims to not only test but double test. They are sponsored with mhVerify and DeltaLeaf (they sell deltaleaf kits on their site). They have posts with mhVerify on their IG, that's the $900 24 test at home kit and $700 per 24 refill.
You said GSRH was just a bank and the clones were coming from the vendors in which that would mean GSRH has zero control over the testing.
Also you had said something about Auntie Janes having complaints on Reddit but never posted any proof.