Germination Problems?


Well-Known Member
Ok well i have 5 what looked to be good seeds germinating. I got a paper towel i folded it into about a 4x4 inch square soaked it in 3 day aged tap water and strung it so that its damp and no longer dripping water then placed the 5 seeds in the folded paper towel and placed it inside of a Ziplock baggy. i open the bag daily and give it new air. Its now day 6 and there is still no sign on a tail. Am i doing something wrong? Or is there a better way that someone can advice me to germinate my seeds? Here are a couple pix of my setup (i soaked 3 seeds for 24 hours and put them in Miracle Grow (with Perlite) 3 days ago They have yet to give me anything either. Advice Please.



Well-Known Member
just stick them in a damp paper towel in a ziplock bag in a warm DARK spot for 2-3 days, you don't have to open the bag..

if you forget about them those seeds will FULLY spout with little leaves on them and LONG ass roots. i've done it..


Well-Known Member
Maybe your seeds are bad. Anyway, I never put germinating seeds in a plastic bag. I just fold them up in wet paper towels (on a plate) and I never have any problems.


Well-Known Member
I have them in a damp paper towel in a ziplock bag in the back of the closet Very dark with a Small (Snake Heating pad) under a towel keeping the bag at a steady 76 degrees. Its now been almost 6 days and still nothing.....


Well-Known Member
Is there any specific way i should prepare the water or anything before i use it to dampen the paper towel?


Well-Known Member
So just dampen a paper towel and sit it in a dark place? would i need to add some water to it periodically to keep it damp


Well-Known Member
So just dampen a paper towel and sit it in a dark place? would i need to add some water to it periodically to keep it damp
Not just a DAMP paper towel. A WET paper towel... and yes, if the paper towel starts to dry out, pour more water on it. Don't let it dry out!


Well-Known Member
Sorry im a noob =)), my 1st time growing indoors, ive been an outdoor grower of many different types of plants for years


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you just get dead seeds.

I've been trying to germinate 6 skunk seeds for like 5 days now and 2 sprouted fully and another is showing signs...but the others aren't doing anything. It's incredibly aggrivating. I ordered these seeds from, spent $40 on them...and my grow is almost dead before I even got started here.


Well-Known Member
That sucks.. And yea its been now almost 7 full days and nothing from any of those seeds. I have 2 others goin right now but there 28 days old. Didnt have any problems with them but these kaya seeds just will not give me a tail!


Well-Known Member
And i got 3 in a paper towel (WET) on a plate in the cabinet above the stove right now, NO Ziploc bag trying to get this done the way Specialist advised me to do. Checked on the this morning were drying out got em nice and wet again without disturbing them in any way. Going to unfold tomorrow and see whats goin on in there.


Well-Known Member
And i got 3 in a paper towel (WET) on a plate in the cabinet above the stove right now, NO Ziploc bag trying to get this done the way Specialist advised me to do. Checked on the this morning were drying out got em nice and wet again without disturbing them in any way. Going to unfold tomorrow and see whats goin on in there.
Let us know how it goes. :blsmoke:


Active Member
just put the seeds between a damp paper towel, put the towel on a plate, then put a bowl over the towel and of course put them in a DARK room temp area. wait 24 hours, check them and re moisten towel with spray bottle if needed, this process should only take 48-72 hrs!!


Well-Known Member
just put the seeds between a damp paper towel, put the towel on a plate, then put a bowl over the towel and of course put them in a DARK room temp area. wait 24 hours, check them and re moisten towel with spray bottle if needed, this process should only take 48-72 hrs!!
Thats how i got my other 2 goin, i tried that with these seeds to didnt happen. Its frustrating as hell!


Well-Known Member
Those are all interesting techniques but when i start a plant from seed I treat it like a clone! I've had 100% success rate with this technique and the plants grow fast and vigorous!

I start by soaking some rapid rooters (you can use whatever you want) in some water with some superthrive and clonex solution (very little of goes a long way!)
Because the rapid rooters are so damn aerated you only have to soak them for like 30 min to an hour or so! Then kinda squeeze some water out of them but leave them wet still (For clones you want them a little more damp then wet.) place the seeds in there and get a heating mat and place it under the tray and leave the temp around 75. (Roots grow very well with warmth!)
I know this sounds like a lot but I've tried many germination methods and this one I've never lost a single plant.....EVER!


New Member
I like to soak my seeds in a glass of water with a splash of hydrogen peroxide and a dash of rooting powder. Sometimes the tails pop out in a day, other times they stay in the water for up to 3 days. Then I place them on top of prepared soil and put a dome over them and put them near the lights.

I get pretty good results with this method, the paper towel thing never did work for me personally.


Well-Known Member
i'm not a fan of the paper towel deal..
but, if you care to try the method i use..
it's much more easier & quicker to do..

you can use a shot glass or any small cup..
fill it up with water half way & drop your seed inside..
take the cup & put it away in a dark humid place for 24-30 hours..
check on it after a day & if the seed has sunk , it's good..
when it has sunk, get a pair of tweezers with your pot of soil ready..
make sure you wash your hands & clean the tweezers off with rubbing alcohol..
take the seed out & plant it in the desired location of your pot..
you have to plant it knot side up & pointy side down..
the knot side is the stubby end, with that lightish brown circle..
plant it 1/3 deep into the soil & water thoroughly..
throw it into a humidity dome until the seed has sprout..
if you don't have a humidity dome take a piece of plastic wrap & cover your pot..
before you cover it, spray the underside of the wrap with water..
& use 2700k bulbs for the heat.. then switch over to daylights after it has sprout..

results show sprout in less than 2 days max of 3..
those are my results with this method.. i never had a sprout take long than 3 days..

good luck man :D


Well-Known Member
Well i just got some new seeds today and i put 3 in an old (CLEAN) pill bottle, 2 of them sank within 8 hours. For the rest of the seeds what do you think the outcome would be if i got another little clean pill bottle or shotglass or something and put a pinch of RooTone (Rooting Hormone) in the water then dropped in the seeds?