Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

Monographs are not peer-reviewed. Messenger RNA is not gene therapy, since it does not meet the basic criterion. It makes no changes to the genome.

Be a less uncritical consumer of references that use words whose understanding you have not demonstrated.
Not peer reviewed, lol. It's a fucking textbook.

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as are yours. why bother replying?
It isn't senseless to assert that the incubation period between exposure to covid and symptoms of covid would be greater than 5-hours. Please feel free to cite any evidence whatsoever might contradict my assessment. I realize that this reality may shake your sense of reality to the point that you get defensive and tell me to eat shit multiple times, and it's unfortunate that you feel the need to degenerate yourself in such a pathetic way.
It isn't senseless to assert that the incubation period between exposure to covid and symptoms of covid would be greater than 5-hours. Please feel free to cite any evidence whatsoever might contradict my assessment. I realize that this reality may shake your sense of reality to the point that you get defensive and tell me to eat shit multiple times, and it's unfortunate that you feel the need to degenerate yourself in such a pathetic way.
Well PJ, this is what I've learned so far about our conversation.

I'm not allowed to accuse anyone of giving me covid.

I'm not allowed to get symptoms of covid quickly.

Thanks for the talk PJ. Eat shit and die :eek:
You are still misusing the terminology. mRNA is not gene therapy. Gene vaccines are not gene therapy in the classic and still normative sense, as they do not modify the genome. They are an immunotherapy.
Weird how one of the inventors of mRNA technology disagrees with your assessment.

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The CCCA pushed hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the founding doctor is under investigation. Your head is so far up the antivax movements’ rear that you can’t smell the bullshit.
I'll take that as a "no, I didn't listen to the evidence before I tacitly discounted it".
your “source”. So much for following the science.

And Hillary Clinton was under investigation by the FBI back in 2016. Did that automatically make her guilty, or did you vote for her anyway?