2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
no, i expect desantis to win...you live in a state that is full of redneck fucking morons...i lived in it for 7 years, i fucking know who 90% of the residents are.
while it is unfortunate for you and the other non retarded people who live in florida, at least we have a lot of them contained in one area, not scattered around the country spreading the sickness...so they can only make each other miserable.
once desantis drives away half the businesses in florida, drives away doctors, even doctors who don't perform abortions, because they don't want to work in that kind of environment, drives away teachers who don't want to work in a repressive, fascist authoritarian state that requires them to teach lies, when the military starts closing bases because their members rights are taken away by desantis...then the stupid fucks who elected him can turn on each other, and him...it will be glorious to watch
I just found out that my 70 day recommendation for medical marijuana has now been cut. Apparently we are only allowed to have enough for one days worth.

Can someone go to mmur.com and see if you understand?

I’ve got good drs here or we’d leave. Thunderstorms morning and night, so not good for arthritis.

I voted Nikki8D09F13F-4FD9-4FC9-AC69-9AFD11B8DDE3.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Crist ain’t going to do it for sure.
Maybe Donald in his desperate madness while going down, will turn on the republican establishment and their boy DeSantis. Like his fans, he will not be replaced and if Donald can't own the GOP he will destroy it, they, like Foxnews are in a difficult spot with Donald. Lawyers figure there won't be federal indictments before 2 or 3 months and Georgia won't indict him soon. Meanwhile Donald is getting more freaked out by the day and will be running around inside the GOP causing mayhem and division while gobbling up their small dollar donations.

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
Maybe Donald in his desperate madness while going down, will turn on the republican establishment and their boy DeSantis. Like his fans, he will not be replaced and if Donald can't own the GOP he will destroy it, they, like Foxnews are in a difficult spot with Donald. Lawyers figure there won't be federal indictments before 2 or 3 months and Georgia won't indict him soon. Meanwhile Donald is getting more freaked out by the day and will be running around inside the GOP causing mayhem and division while gobbling up their small dollar donations.
DeSatan barely won Governor last race against Gillard and he was a mess.


Well-Known Member
Disclaimers: the poll was done in January '22 by New York Post.

That said, forget the absolute numbers just note that when Biden is running against nobody (hypothetical), Biden loses. When Biden's opponent is a well known Republican, he wins.

So, forget the "approve/disapprove" polling numbers. Voter preferences change when the President and leader of the Democratic Party is pitted against a Republican leader, any Republican leader. Well before SCOTUS scuttled Roe v Wade, well before Florida, Texas, Idaho and other states implemented archaic anti abortion laws, well before Biden and the Democratic Party controlled congress managed to squeak through massive and important bills that made good Biden's promises on many issues that are important liberal and moderate voters. Biden was preferred over any well known Republican, including Trump.

Republicans aren't well liked. They are less liked now that they have staked claims on women's bodies. 2022 will be an outlier in mid-term elections. If what works for Biden rubs off on congressional candidates, Republican hopes for a red wave, or even a ripple will be for naught.


Well-Known Member

BREAKING: Trump makes INSANE DEMAND he be reinstated as President
34,537 views Aug 29, 2022 Donald Trump just posted a message on his failing social media company that the 2020 elections should be overturned and that he should be appointed President. This disturbing authoritarian declaration is being supported by the Republican Party.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Republicans aren't well liked. They are less liked now that they have staked claims on women's bodies. 2022 will be an outlier in mid-term elections. If what works for Biden rubs off on congressional candidates, Republican hopes for a red wave, or even a ripple will be for naught.
they are less well liked now that they've voted against helping veterans get the health care they need for conditions they got while doing their service.
they are less well liked now they they've voted against the infrastructure bill, and even less well liked for being shown to be the hypocrites they are, not only taking the infrastructure money, but trying to claim they "secured" the money to help their constituents, when they voted against helping those same constituents...
they are even less well liked now that they are calling for violence against FBI agents who were doing their jobs, in a professional and legal matter.
...i could go on, but we both know where this goes. No one that isn't insane remembers Benito Mussolini fondly, but i do think that at least his fate is worth remembering.
executed, their corpses desecrated, his grave desecrated until they were forced to hide his body....
but we were talking about trump and the republicans, right? :lol:


Well-Known Member
they are less well liked now that they've voted against helping veterans get the health care they need for conditions they got while doing their service.
they are less well liked now they they've voted against the infrastructure bill, and even less well liked for being shown to be the hypocrites they are, not only taking the infrastructure money, but trying to claim they "secured" the money to help their constituents, when they voted against helping those same constituents...
they are even less well liked now that they are calling for violence against FBI agents who were doing their jobs, in a professional and legal matter.
...i could go on, but we both know where this goes. No one that isn't insane remembers Benito Mussolini fondly, but i do think that at least his fate is worth remembering.
executed, their corpses desecrated, his grave desecrated until they were forced to hide his body....
but we were talking about trump and the republicans, right? :lol:
They will have to turn Trump's headstone into a public urinal, there will be long lines and the ground will become too saturated...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
They will have to turn Trump's headstone into a public urinal, there will be long lines and the ground will become too saturated...
i wouldn't waste my piss on his grave.
he should be buried naked from the waist down, wearing the top half of a clown suit, with makeup, vertically, head down...and it should be an open casket, televised funeral


Well-Known Member
Here in Hawaii we just had MMA fighter and known domestic and substance abuser, BJ Penn, run as a GOP candidate for governor. He is now one of 3 candidates contesting the election results after he failed to get more than 6% of the vote.