2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away.
My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.

~Lawrence Ferlinghetti
If the democrats don't keep the house, Kevin McCarthy will be visiting Trump in the big house looking for his endorsement as house speaker in January. Trump will run the house from the big house and impeaching Biden repeatedly will be the only agenda, other than trying to get Donald out of prison by holding the country hostage. Any republican presidential hopeful will need to promise a federal pardon for Trump to get through the primary.

Democrats are closing the gap in the fight for the House. 67 days to go.

House Overview: GOP Control No Longer a Foregone Conclusion
Three months ago, it looked like a category five hurricane was heading for President Biden and House Democrats clinging to a flimsy 221-214 seat edge. Today, not only has it weakened to a tropical depression, but GOP primaries have thrown Democrats enough sandbags to give them a plausible, if still unlikely, scenario to stave off a Republican majority.

Republicans don't need gale force winds at their back to reclaim the House; they only need to net a minuscule four seats. By our estimates, they are likely to pick up roughly three seats off the bat from redistricting alone, owing to New York's top court torpedoing Democrats' gerrymander and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signing a brutal GOP gerrymander into law. That was once a tiny component of Republicans' potential House gains. Now, it looks like a critical GOP insurance policy in a highly fluid political climate.

Cook Political Report moves five House races toward Democrats
The nonpartisan election handicapper Cook Political Report on Thursday shifted its forecasts for five competitive House races in favor of Democrats.

The changes follow a spike in Democratic voter enthusiasm following the Supreme Court’s decision in June that overturned the landmark federal abortion rights protections in Roe v. Wade, Cook Political Report senior editor Dave Wasserman wrote. Democrats have outperformed expectations in every special election since the ruling.

Last week, a separate Cook Political Report analysis said Republicans still look like the favorites to win control of the House in the midterm elections. But the publication revised its forecast down from Republicans winning 15 to 30 seats to winning 10 to 20 seats.

Democrats are closing the gap in the fight for the House. 67 days to go.

House Overview: GOP Control No Longer a Foregone Conclusion
Three months ago, it looked like a category five hurricane was heading for President Biden and House Democrats clinging to a flimsy 221-214 seat edge. Today, not only has it weakened to a tropical depression, but GOP primaries have thrown Democrats enough sandbags to give them a plausible, if still unlikely, scenario to stave off a Republican majority.

Republicans don't need gale force winds at their back to reclaim the House; they only need to net a minuscule four seats. By our estimates, they are likely to pick up roughly three seats off the bat from redistricting alone, owing to New York's top court torpedoing Democrats' gerrymander and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signing a brutal GOP gerrymander into law. That was once a tiny component of Republicans' potential House gains. Now, it looks like a critical GOP insurance policy in a highly fluid political climate.

Cook Political Report moves five House races toward Democrats
The nonpartisan election handicapper Cook Political Report on Thursday shifted its forecasts for five competitive House races in favor of Democrats.

The changes follow a spike in Democratic voter enthusiasm following the Supreme Court’s decision in June that overturned the landmark federal abortion rights protections in Roe v. Wade, Cook Political Report senior editor Dave Wasserman wrote. Democrats have outperformed expectations in every special election since the ruling.

Last week, a separate Cook Political Report analysis said Republicans still look like the favorites to win control of the House in the midterm elections. But the publication revised its forecast down from Republicans winning 15 to 30 seats to winning 10 to 20 seats.

The fun with Trump is about to begin and women are registering and volunteering in large numbers, there might even be a victory in Ukraine to boost Joe a bit. Hopefully the stars are aligning for keeping the house and a useful majority in the next senate session. Good luck!
Just curious, @Roger A. Shrubber . why the "angry" reply?

Republicans don't need gale force winds at their back to reclaim the House; they only need to net a minuscule four seats. By our estimates, they are likely to pick up roughly three seats off the bat from redistricting alone, owing to New York's top court torpedoing Democrats' gerrymander and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signing a brutal GOP gerrymander into law. That was once a tiny component of Republicans' potential House gains. Now, it looks like a critical GOP insurance policy in a highly fluid political climate.

honestly, mention of desantis...i think i'm going to end up hating him more than trump, possibly a lot more.
people ask, who will lead the red states if they attempt a civil war?...i can see him at least trying.
mussolini didn't have a fucking thing on desantis, in either ambition or ruthlessness. i'm not sure trump has a damn thing on him as far as narcissism, either. remember when we were asking "what would happen if they got someone with trump's lack of morals or empathy, but knew how to shut the fuck up, and could tell a lie that would take more than a ten year old child to see through?" well, they got him...[/QUOTE]
Yep just what the GOP needs going into the midterms, Trump freaking out on the stump inciting violence and possible domestic terrorist acts leading up to the election. Politically and racially motivated death threats are terrorist acts too and must be treated as such.

Donald won't leave any oxygen in the room, it will be all about him from here on out as Biden plays him like a fish. Forget the GOP election plan of focusing on the economy, inflation, the border etc, now it will be about the big lie and other nonsense the public is sick of. If they squeeze Donald's nuts over legal issues, he will howl louder at his rallies, if they indict him a judge will muzzle him, so perhaps a subpoena? Things in Georgia might also get Donald excited too, Donald has a lot to be worried about and his fake run for president won't help him to avoid it. If he causes the republicans to loose the midterms while his fans stay loyal, they will be in a real pickle. Going to prison probably won't shake the hardcore loose from Donald's ass and if they walk out of the party with Trump they are screwed. Once a court convicts Trump, it will be hard for the establishment GOP to support him and with each conviction that will only get harder, but they will need to break with Trump sooner or later. If they lose the election and Trump goes to prison, it could cripple the GOP for a long time. The democrats should aid in their destruction with an independent special counsel and do them a favor by cleaning out the fascists.

Trump Warns Of Backlash To Search, Calls FBI, DOJ 'Vicious Monsters'
48,005 views Sep 5, 2022 Former President Trump held his first rally since the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago over the weekend, and he used much of his speech to attack the FBI and his political opponents. Trump also claimed there would be a backlash to the search.
there is no fucking way the FBI and the DHS aren't aware of who in the militias are worth watching, and that is a good thing, but if you want to stop a lot of this fucking death threat bullshit, then start grabbing the little fuckers who make the threats, try them publicly, and give them the harshest sentences the law allows...all publicly televised, all purposely uploaded to their maga horseshit websites...let them know that running your fucking cocksucker has consequences, that the internet isn't quite as anonymous as they think it is...that they cannot and will not get away with making threats to government officials, teachers, reporters, election workers...any and all threats will be investigated, and those responsible WILL be punished
Just curious, @Roger A. Shrubber . why the "angry" reply?

honestly, mention of desantis...i think i'm going to end up hating him more than trump, possibly a lot more.
people ask, who will lead the red states if they attempt a civil war?...i can see him at least trying.
mussolini didn't have a fucking thing on desantis, in either ambition or ruthlessness. i'm not sure trump has a damn thing on him as far as narcissism, either. remember when we were asking "what would happen if they got someone with trump's lack of morals or empathy, but knew how to shut the fuck up, and could tell a lie that would take more than a ten year old child to see through?" well, they got him...[/QUOTE]
He's smart enough to lay low until Donald departs the field, which won't be long! He could be a serious threat to Joe in 2024, less so if they win a useful majority in the congress. The fight is for this election however, 2024 can wait, win this one and then set the conditions and agenda for 2024.

DeSantis will be asked if he will pardon Trump and about abortion too and he will lose whatever his answer. The GOP has to drop abortion as an issue by 2024, but it's like Trump, a significant portion of their base will walk or stay home, the anti abortion crowd are just as fanatical as the Trumpers. They dug themselves a hole with Trump, abortion and a lot of other issues, only bigotry, fear, culture wars and stupidity are keeping them alive.
honestly, mention of desantis...i think i'm going to end up hating him more than trump, possibly a lot more.
people ask, who will lead the red states if they attempt a civil war?...i can see him at least trying.
mussolini didn't have a fucking thing on desantis, in either ambition or ruthlessness. i'm not sure trump has a damn thing on him as far as narcissism, either. remember when we were asking "what would happen if they got someone with trump's lack of morals or empathy, but knew how to shut the fuck up, and could tell a lie that would take more than a ten year old child to see through?" well, they got him...
He's smart enough to lay low until Donald departs the field, which won't be long! He could be a serious threat to Joe in 2024, less so if they win a useful majority in the congress. The fight is for this election however, 2024 can wait, win this one and then set the conditions and agenda for 2024.

DeSantis will be asked if he will pardon Trump and about abortion too and he will lose whatever his answer. The GOP has to drop abortion as an issue by 2024, but it's like Trump, a significant portion of their base will walk or stay home, the anti abortion crowd are just as fanatical as the Trumpers. They dug themselves a hole with Trump, abortion and a lot of other issues, only bigotry, fear, culture wars and stupidity are keeping them alive.
they dug a hole? great, save us the trouble of digging their graves...

As of Sept 1.

After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe and Ohio enacted abortion access restrictions, tens of thousands of women in the state have registered to vote, making the Buckeye state one of the fastest-growing in the country in terms of new women voters. Ohio Democrats and progressives are hopeful they can use the overturning of Roe v. Wade to mobilize those new voters.

As thousands protested across Ohio, many told News 5 they were going to register to vote. And they did. For women like Laila Shaikh, the newly-implemented abortion restriction in the state is why she is hitting the polls for the first time.

“That’s something that’s extremely personal, and it definitely did push me to go to the polls as a young woman, because you never know what type of situation you’re going to be in,” Shaikh said.

She is a Gen-Z voter who is ready to make her voice heard — and she is one of nearly 90,000 people who registered to vote after the decision, according to data from Ohio’s Secretary of State. This led her to vote in the August primary.

“Especially pushing me on being like, ‘Hey, I should even register for the smaller elections, you know, not just the one that’s coming up in November,'” she added.

A study done by the New York Times and verified by News 5 found a 6.4% increase in female voters from before the Dobbs leak to after the decision. This gives Ohio the second highest registration increase by women in the country.

But Lisa Stickan, the chair of the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County, said she isn’t worried about the potential “blue wave” coming this year.

“The polling on what issues or sort of drivers have consistently reflected pocketbook issues — the economy, inflation, gas prices, and I think women voters aren’t single-issue voters,” Stickan said.

Stickan be like:

Ya need to do way more to secure America's future and if they win, they must remove the republicans undemocratic advantages. In some places the popular vote is way out of alignment with the number of seats because of gerrymandering. The democrats should not need 10% more of the popular vote to break even in the house. Mitch said it himself, the senate can't be gerrymandered and the house is which is why they stand a much better chance there than in the senate.

Gerrymandering gives you almost all the republican radicals that not even the party establishment can control and it must be controlled. If a SCOTUS stands in the way, they must be packed the day after the decision. It's gonna be states rights versus human and constitutional rights and it has been that way for a long time in America. The defeated south brought you to this state of affairs and has poisoned America ever since they turned their defeat into victory using the congress and endemic racism.

Donald will make it about Donald and stop the steal, he will take up all the oxygen in the room, forget the pocketbook issues, the economy is roaring and gas prices are dropping steadily as is inflation. The only real issues will be Trump, safe guarding democracy and abortion.

A recent poll revealed that there are :
28% republicans
29% democrats
41% independents, 1/3 who lean right

Ya need to do way more to secure America's future and if they win, they must remove the republicans undemocratic advantages. In some places the popular vote is way out of alignment with the number of seats because of gerrymandering. The democrats should not need 10% more of the popular vote to break even in the house. Mitch said it himself, the senate can't be gerrymandered and the house is which is why they stand a much better chance there than in the senate.

Gerrymandering gives you almost all the republican radicals that not even the party establishment can control and it must be controlled. If a SCOTUS stands in the way, they must be packed the day after the decision. It's gonna be states rights versus human and constitutional rights and it has been that way for a long time in America. The defeated south brought you to this state of affairs and has poisoned America ever since they turned their defeat into victory using the congress and endemic racism.

"This is proof the Democrats cheated in the last elections. We had it rigged so they would lose."
Indict as many as you can and let the courts sort them out, those you don't convict you will ruin financially. Put the fear of Jesus into those who are thinking about this shit in 2022 or 2024 and issue a warning that the feds will be watching and indicting assholes who try to steal votes or suppress them. New federal laws will help a lot with controlling this bullshit and convicting fascists.

'Interesting' detail about Georgia official stands out to analyst
14,003 views Sep 6, 2022 CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen weighs in on the video, newly obtained by CNN, that shows a former Georgia Republican Coffee County official escorting two operatives, hired by an attorney for former president Donald Trump, into the county's election offices on the same day a voting system there was illegally breached.
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Furious Texas Paul OBLITERATES Trump Rally in UNCENSORED Rant of the Year
186,425 views Sep 5, 2022 A furious and fed up Texas Paul walked down to the Cussin' Pond to deliver his unfiltered rage directed at Donald Trump's recent rally in Pennsylvania and the MAGA Republican fascists who hang on Trump's every word.

Texas Paul RESPONDS to legend Dan Rather's question about the GOP with the PERFECT answer
33,697 views Sep 6, 2022 This week on Twitter, legendary news anchor Dan Rather asked a question that Republicans are probably too afraid to answer: What is their legislative agenda? Texas Paul responds.
If Biden wins a second term he could hang trump's portrait while Trump is in Prison for seditious conspiracy among other things. Joe might not give a fuck at that point and hang Donald in an orange jumpsuit and cuffs with a most unpleasant look on his forlorn face! :lol: It would sure as shit be tempting!
