Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Trump Intensifies Violent Rhetoric Amid Reports Of Nuclear Secrets At FL Estate
147,268 views Sep 7, 2022 After new reporting of foreign nuclear secrets found at Mar-a-Lago, former Alabama Senator Doug Jones weighs in on the health of our national security.
How's your daily witch hunt people? Ever thought about fishing or a new hobby?
Watching Donald and republicans being flushed down the toilet of history is fun, it is good that the morons are being lead by a moron. So how will Donald on the midterm stump work out, while the J6 hearings start back up with even better evidence and more witnesses? :lol:

It won't be about the issues they wanted to fight on, it will be all about Donald and he is panicking while losing his mind in public, while Mitch shits bricks. Donald did himself with the secret documents and walked right into it, he's doing the same thing by taking to the midterm stump, while the J6 panel is holding public hearings spaced a week apart in October.
How's your daily witch hunt people? Ever thought about fishing or a new hobby?

Nah, fishing is boring. Sorry this witch hunt is getting in the way of Donald collecting donations for a presidential run he's conning his followers into thinking he's going to announce. Gotta strike when iron is hot and get that money. Just ask Steve Bannon about his wall scam.
Guys, chill out. The judicial process takes time. Did you really think they'd send him to the electric chair within a week?

Historically people who fail to usurp a country get treated as traitors and killed fairly quickly. There's good reason for that because historically they don't go away.
I fish quite well, thank you.
You need to stop comparing witches to Benedict Arnold trump.
Hunt should be for Son Of Perdition or perhaps Man Of Lawlessness.
There is no hunt, that is over, it's time for court, but Donald has other uses first, ruining Mitch's election hopes and perhaps costing the GOP the house among them. Donald is gonna be on the midterm stump eating up all the oxygen and spouting the big lie as the J6 hearings start back up, what do you think will happen then? ;)
Could be, we don’t know yet. They could also be an adversary’s.
Many of those intelligence secrets are products of allied intelligence agencies and could expose their methods and operations. The Dutch intelligence service for instance hacked the webcams at the Russian IRA and recorded their activities during the 2016 election. The five eyes share a lot of intelligence among themselves, more than most countries and that includes Canada, the UK and those down under.
Can you imagine if Obama had these kinds of documents at his beach house? They wouldn't be able to bang on their computer keyboards due to having a hemorrhagic stroke.
That is why both Obama and Hilary need to hit the stump and go on TV baiting and mocking Trump, call him stupid repeatedly, that will fire him up bigly because he is an idiot. The Mar A Logo documents give them the opening. Remember when Joe called him stupid during the debate and his reaction? Joe can just kinda stand back as Donald self destructs at rallies with those two baiting him like a bear on a chain. :lol:
Looks like Bill Barr is trying to launder his reputation and do Mitch's work at Donald's expense, I figure he was really working for Mitch all along. He will be an open book for the J6 criminal investigation and others, as long as it fucks Trump. Most of the conservative legal experts are not on Trump side or agree with this judge's decision here, she is kinda out on her own with nothing in the law to support her. He is right about it not making any difference in the long run, Donald will go down and if she fucks up again, she might go down with him!

Barr calls judge's ruling in Trump's Mar-a-Lago case 'deeply flawed'
38,440 views Sep 7, 2022 Former President Trump's Attorney General William Barr criticized a decision by Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon to grant Trump's request for a special master. CNN's Eli Honig, Abby Phillip, and John Sale discuss the ruling and Barr's critique.

Nuclear Secrets From Foreign Governments Seized In Trump Search: WaPo
5,945 views Sep 7, 2022 Some of the seized documents from Mar-a-Lago detail top-secret U.S. operations so closely guarded that many senior national security officials are kept in the dark about them, according to new Washington Post reporting. The Morning Joe panel discusses.
As a Canadian, I'm concerned about those top secret documents and what they've revealed. Our nation is considered the gateway to the North as far as North America's defense system is concerned. We are in a very key position geographically if the shit hits the fan. Some people had better start re-evaluating their current position on who they're going to bat for here.