Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

As I ponder the foul that brought the harm, the one thing that shocks me right down to my soles is his acting on the considered disregard for the lives and welfare for our agents in hostile lands, who are laying it all on the line to get us otherwise unavailable intel. In this regard, the sociopath-in-chief’s attitude and actions are an evil without parallel or precedent in the two-plus centuries of presidential history.

What gets me most of all is that some of his staffers must have been aware of his disclosing (and probably selling) the information that led to the spike in the losses of our “illegal” agents overseas. Yet nobody said a thing. That is to me an Iowa-class headscratcher. He cannot have taken the documents unobserved. He cannot have disclosed them to foreign nationals unobserved. Somebody witnessed him engaging in probable conspiracy to arrange the premeditated murder of perhaps the bravest people in Federal service, and told nobody.

I can only hope that if that man is indicted for this betrayal of lives in his trust, the so far silent witnesses will testify. That man has betrayed the office and the nation in a variety of ways, but this is on a level all its own. It eclipses the famous treason of Benedict Arnold, the byword for high treason in our history until now. I estimate it as bigger even than the bombshell news about his possessing the document about a foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities. We should all be infuriated, and vote accordingly in a few weeks. My opinion.

When I was confronted with the fact that 70 million people voted for Trump and admitted I could not understand these people, DIY suggested I read up on authoritarianism. The book I chose, Authoritarian Nightmare, Trump and His Followers was available in my local library, so I checked it out. It's a pretty stale read but gave me some insight into what's going on with not just Trump but the kind of people who can still aggressively and violently support That Man after all that has happened. Another significant read, Kleptopia, which documents how dirty money from dictators and their oligarchs is corrupting financial and political systems around the world gave me insight into how dirty money is corrupting governments around the world..

I must admit that despite the warnings Dean and Altmeyer gave in their book, I was not completely prepared for what happened on Jan 6. And again, now that the story regarding Trumps pillage of the National Archives begins to be told, the warnings in Kleptopia had not sunk in enough. As in Jan 6, I am dumbfounded by the tale of betrayal of the US by Donald Trump, a billionaire sociopath who is completely centered on himself and without empathy or compassion to come. The US has been nothing but good to That Man and yet, look at what he has done. Not just to the US but as you point out, apparently That Man betrayed people serving the US's national security interests, causing them to be killed or worse.

So, I can read up on these subjects. Cite facts, figures, and what experts predict what will happen. But I don't and will never understand people like him. How can he have done those things and come back to face the cameras claiming his innocence? I felt a hot rage after Jan 6. Years later, now that the new betrayals to the people of the US and to those who serve in our interest, I feel my anger has cooled, but remains, awaiting the dish that is best served cold.

And yet, the danger remains. Trump has managed to corrupt our judicial system to the point where a very junior judge is writing law from the bench and its quite possible that the SCOTUS will eventually confirm that an ex president who moonlights as a spy for nations hostile to the US has executive privilege. I predicted that these early to middle years in the 2020's would be the nexus for this country. Will the radical right minority prevail or will our democracy prevail?

So, bravo for Biden and his blunt words last Saturday. He's saying what needs to be said. But it's my guess there are a lot of people who, like me, can't really understand what's going on. Because what Trump and other malicious sociopaths are doing is incomprehensible. When we look for explanations within the context of our own behavior, what Biden says sounds just as outrageous as what Trump says. Trump and his lying liars can still win the day.
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When I was confronted with the fact that 70 million people voted for Trump and admitted I could not understand these people, DIY suggested I read up on authoritarianism. The book I chose, Authoritarian Nightmare, Trump and His Followers was available in my local library, so I checked it out. It's a pretty stale read but gave me some insight into what's going on with not just Trump but the kind of people who can still aggressively and violently support That Man after all that has happened. Another significant read, Kleptopia, which documents how dirty money from dictators and their oligarchs is corrupting financial and political systems around the world gave me insight into how dirty money is corrupting governments around the world..

I must admit that despite the warnings Dean and Altmeyer gave in their book, I was not completely unprepared for what happened on Jan 6. And again, now that the story regarding Trumps pillage of the National Archives begins to be told, the warnings in Kleptopia had not sunk in enough. As in Jan 6, I am dumbfounded by the tale of betrayal of the US by Donald Trump, a billionaire sociopath who is completely centered on himself and without empathy or compassion to come. The US has been nothing but good to That Man and yet, look at what he has done. Not just to the US but as you point out, apparently That Man betrayed people serving the US's national security interests, causing them to be killed or worse.

So, I can read up on these subjects. Cite facts, figures, and what experts predict what will happen. But I don't and will never understand people like him. How can he have done those things and come back to face the cameras claiming his innocence? I felt a hot rage after Jan 6. Years later, now that the new betrayals to the people of the US and to those who serve in our interest, I feel my anger has cooled, but remains, awaiting the dish that is best served cold.

And yet, the danger remains. Trump has managed to corrupt our judicial system to the point where a very junior judge is writing law from the bench and its quite possible that the SCOTUS will eventually confirm that an ex president who moonlights as a spy for nations hostile to the US has executive privilege. I predicted that these early to middle years in the 2020's would be the nexus for this country. Will the radical right minority prevail or will our democracy prevail?

So, bravo for Biden and his blunt words last Saturday. He's saying what needs to be said. But it's my guess there are a lot of people who, like me, can't really understand what's going on. Because what Trump and other malicious sociopaths are doing is incomprehensible. When we look for explanations within the context of our own behavior, what Biden says sounds just as outrageous as what Trump says. Trump and his lying liars can still win the day.

Highly recommended, she's appeared on a lot of the news panels as well in the past few years

She's a PolySci Prof at NYU and seems to really knows her stuff

The main reason for delay in all this was so his and their reckoning would come during election season where it would matter most. To save the nation and get the full measure of justice the democrats must first gain power with a useful majority in the senate and at least a majority in the house. Then you will see both the country and constitution protected as best they can in 2 years and justice served wherever possible. Lose the house and Trump will run it from inside prison and impeaching Biden over nothing will be a monthly event.
The main reason for delay in all this was so his and their reckoning would come during election season where it would matter most. To save the nation and get the full measure of justice the democrats must first gain power with a useful majority in the senate and at least a majority in the house. Then you will see both the country and constitution protected as best they can in 2 years and justice served wherever possible. Lose the house and Trump will run it from inside prison and impeaching Biden over nothing will be a monthly event.
Imagine it will go the way of Russian show trials, just without the cages
Highly recommended, she's appeared on a lot of the news panels as well in the past few years

She really knows her stuff

View attachment 5194057
There are a plethora of books and research on the phenomena, many recent. The work has been done and even solutions found in the universities of America, it is currently a hot topic!
Yup, a sad state of affairs that it's the most pressing concern in 2022

There's no easy anecdote for stupidity
It had to come to a head when the parties polarized around mostly racial issues, states rights horseshit. It needs to get worse before it gets better and hopefully ya already bottomed out. Lead by Trump the GOP made major strategic and tactical blunders and now that he has a red hot poker shoved up his ass he's hit the stump raving like a lunatic. Just think, he will be stumping at rallies while the J6 panel is doing weekly public hearings, what do you think will happen? ;) Donald is the ugly face of fascism in America, the safety of democracy is the number one issue and abortion might not be far behind in reality. Much depends on what the ladies do and the republicans are worried about that whole woman's wrath thing as they got a taste of in Kanas, women are still registering in record numbers, especially in red and swing states...
“ Master List “ leaked from Oath Keepers naming members .

The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism pored over more than 38,000 names on leaked Oath Keepers membership lists and identified more than 370 people it believes currently work in law enforcement agencies — including as police chiefs and sheriffs — and more than 100 people who are currently members of the military.

It also identified more than 80 people who were running for or served in public office as of early August. The membership information was compiled into a database published by the transparency collective Distributed Denial of Secrets.
As a Canadian, I'm concerned about those top secret documents and what they've revealed. Our nation is considered the gateway to the North as far as North America's defense system is concerned. We are in a very key position geographically if the shit hits the fan. Some people had better start re-evaluating their current position on who they're going to bat for here.
I’m concerned that it got so totally fucked by a bunch of dumb folks that thought by having that lying, criminal fuck face (ya he has a vagina neck), could in some way make anything great again :(. And even with all the ungreatness (ya not a word but fitting) they still have his balls in their mouth. Crazy shit.
“ Master List “ leaked from Oath Keepers naming members .

The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism pored over more than 38,000 names on leaked Oath Keepers membership lists and identified more than 370 people it believes currently work in law enforcement agencies — including as police chiefs and sheriffs — and more than 100 people who are currently members of the military.

It also identified more than 80 people who were running for or served in public office as of early August. The membership information was compiled into a database published by the transparency collective Distributed Denial of Secrets.
Yep, I posted a video on it, aren't they members of a terrorist organization? :lol: The feds will think so, especially if the democrats hold the house and get a useful majority in the senate. They might even end up on a domestic terrorist watch list...
When I was confronted with the fact that 70 million people voted for Trump and admitted I could not understand these people, DIY suggested I read up on authoritarianism. The book I chose, Authoritarian Nightmare, Trump and His Followers was available in my local library, so I checked it out. It's a pretty stale read but gave me some insight into what's going on with not just Trump but the kind of people who can still aggressively and violently support That Man after all that has happened. Another significant read, Kleptopia, which documents how dirty money from dictators and their oligarchs is corrupting financial and political systems around the world gave me insight into how dirty money is corrupting governments around the world..

I must admit that despite the warnings Dean and Altmeyer gave in their book, I was not completely unprepared for what happened on Jan 6. And again, now that the story regarding Trumps pillage of the National Archives begins to be told, the warnings in Kleptopia had not sunk in enough. As in Jan 6, I am dumbfounded by the tale of betrayal of the US by Donald Trump, a billionaire sociopath who is completely centered on himself and without empathy or compassion to come. The US has been nothing but good to That Man and yet, look at what he has done. Not just to the US but as you point out, apparently That Man betrayed people serving the US's national security interests, causing them to be killed or worse.

So, I can read up on these subjects. Cite facts, figures, and what experts predict what will happen. But I don't and will never understand people like him. How can he have done those things and come back to face the cameras claiming his innocence? I felt a hot rage after Jan 6. Years later, now that the new betrayals to the people of the US and to those who serve in our interest, I feel my anger has cooled, but remains, awaiting the dish that is best served cold.

And yet, the danger remains. Trump has managed to corrupt our judicial system to the point where a very junior judge is writing law from the bench and its quite possible that the SCOTUS will eventually confirm that an ex president who moonlights as a spy for nations hostile to the US has executive privilege. I predicted that these early to middle years in the 2020's would be the nexus for this country. Will the radical right minority prevail or will our democracy prevail?

So, bravo for Biden and his blunt words last Saturday. He's saying what needs to be said. But it's my guess there are a lot of people who, like me, can't really understand what's going on. Because what Trump and other malicious sociopaths are doing is incomprehensible. When we look for explanations within the context of our own behavior, what Biden says sounds just as outrageous as what Trump says. Trump and his lying liars can still win the day.
For me, the warning came in two stages. The first was getting a German education in the 70s, when handwringing analysis of “how did we let it happen?” was two months of tenth grade. Over the decades it sank in how quickly and easily a republic can be consumed by totalitarians. The analogy between Jan 6 and the Reichstag fire is not coincidence. We felt the wind from the bullet.

Btw, I say to anyone who claims that Joe and Jane Sauerkraut “knew and colluded” in the Holocaust: No. Access to that information was quite controlled. Heck, until late ‘44 everyone thought they were winning the war! Having spoken (in their language) to people who were there, the official story held up until the bombers from the west and the refugees from the east would not stop coming.

The second was a deep dive into a church where it was Brother This and Sister That, and speaking in tongues during service. I was a wide-eyed college naïf from the suburbs - and I discovered a community where conformity and obedience were aggressively enforced. Critical thought was a no-no. In fact, the pastor, Brother Somebody, told me outright that my studying a science was bad for my salvation. The more I ponder it, the more grateful I am to have walked away.

So I do understand to an extent. Obedience and loyalty are the nonnegotiable price for the community’s affirmation, and that is a powerful thing. The Repugs are in cahoots with the theocrats, and are not shy about using the same abusive indoctrination tactics. And understanding, I relentlessly oppose.

The one lasting consequence of my time among the pentecostals is an abiding hatred of the tambourine.
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Pay with a golden toilet from trump tower. He will not pay them . His name is poison. …..
Lost track on all the financial lawsuits and stiffed workers.
Trump brand is actually worse than the “ made in chi-na “ labels.
Only degenerate inbreds will flaunt streetwear akin to “ I’m with Stupid “.
It’s required cult wear.

Wonder if they have to wear “ trump saves “ underroos like the mormons ….

( no disrespect to Mormons :bigjoint: ) My company has mormon staff and they do wear magic underwear.

Like 15-20 years back I really liked the trump brand dress shirts. They were kinda gaudy, white cuffs on an otherwise colorful shirt, but I liked them at the time. Man I'm glad I knew he was a fuckin loser back then and kept on shopping.