Week 5 of flower upper fan leaves fading


Active Member
Hi fellow growers. I am having some issues. I am on my 5th week of flower and my fan leaves are fading hard. I have been feeding full strength nutes up until the last 2 feedings which have been at half strength. This seems to happen to me every time around this time in flower. This seemed to start happening more when I switched the nutes to half strength but this happens to me either way. Wondering what the community thinks might be the issues.

I am in soil using gh flora series nutes. Ppms the last 2 feedings have been around 800. Ppm runoff last week was around 2400. This week it's down to 1700. Ph runoff is 6.4 so no problem there.

Ive attached some pics too so let me know what you all think.


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Active Member
Are you growing with LED ? Since i switch from hps to LED i seem to have lime green top canopy i feel like it light burn and /or it needs more cal/ mag to help them .....
I am yeah. I do think mine is light burn too.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen will not help....you put in 800ppm in and 2400 out?! , means the plant has way more nutrients it needs, depending on strain some can deal with it better than others, but if you got salt building up in the medium /a potential lock out, well... you will have nitrogen cal magnesium issues , faded plants....something to think about.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen will not help....you put in 800ppm in and 2400 out?! , means the plant has way more nutrients it needs, depending on strain some can deal with it better than others, but if you got salt building up in the medium /a potential lock out, well... you will have nitrogen cal magnesium issues , faded plants....something to think about.
I've been trying to figure this out. I'm growing in soil too. Have been told I don't need to have a ton of run off. I usual end up with less than 10% run off. How can I not get salt build up if I'm not watering to run off. The same thing is going on with my plants.


Well-Known Member
Say , like taylorman puts in 800pm into the soil and it comes out way too high, well thats not good ...the plant is not using all available nutrients so a build up occurs, if i did put in 800 pm , I'd want the same value or less with the run off for them to be happy...so to fix this i would leech/flush the soil with twice the amount of water with say 400ppm to double the container size which once corrected does not need to be done again (usually) some will check each week or even a month) . Keep ppm and ph of soil in check and you are golden , this is a good way to dial it in.

Hopefully someone with more knowledge can shime in and even correct any above statements.

I'm still learning :rolleyes::oops:
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Well-Known Member
I use a grow nutrient from start to finish, no yellowing. MaxiGro or Foliage Pro, no need for anything else. Most people feed bloom nutes once flowering starts and end up yellowing mid flower. Only time I'd say a bloom nute is fine is if you're in Coco or hydro and using Maxibloom.


Well-Known Member
Say , like taylorman puts in 800pm into the soil and it comes out way too high, well thats not good ...the plant is not using all available nutrients so a build up occurs, if i did put in 800 pm , I'd want the same value or less with the run off for them to be happy...so to fix this i would leech/flush the soil with twice the amount of water with say 400ppm to double the container size which once corrected does not need to be done again (usually) some will check each week or even a month) . Keep ppm and ph of soil in check and you are golden , this is a good way to dial it in.

Hopefully someone with more knowledge can shime in and even correct any above statements.

I'm still learning :rolleyes::oops:
That's good stuff, thanks man. My problem right now is that my run off tray is caked with salt buildup. I can't get it out of there bc the plants are under a trellis net. So I don't feel like I can trust the run off ppm bc as soon as I suck it up to test it I end up stirring up all the salt build-up and I get hella high numbers. I bought a tds meter specifically for this reason and I don't really even use it for the other reason. The plants seem to be doing alright but they are getting some very slight yellowing. They're in week 5 flower though, so I was hoping it was just it's natural fading. Thanks for the info.