What are you watching?

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Just binged stranger things. In it's entirety.
I'm going to watch the neverending story tonight again. Love that movie. Stranger things was great. Lots of 80s nostalgia, kinda felt good. Story is silly but if you like silly horror movies/80s music/under dogs/Dungeons and Dragons you'll find something in there you'll like.
Omfg I just found the coolest show on Netflix. It's called "Oats Studio" and it's a post apocalyptic with Sigourney Weaver. Within the first 5 minutes you'll be able to tell if you'll like it or not

Edit: I was wrong about it being a show. It's a bunch of short films. All different stories. But def well made and very interesting.
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I missed this show SO much! Glad it's back. Best writing on TV...

Dude this show was out for a while before I watched it. My buddy had been trying to get me to. This was in the 3rd or 4th season. Within 5 minutes it had me. The first thing I thought was "holy fucking shit this show is on a whole other level". I finished an the episode in a week. Then I watched it over again. Still haven't caught up on the last season yet though.
Dude this show was out for a while before I watched it. My buddy had been trying to get me to. This was in the 3rd or 4th season. Within 5 minutes it had me. The first thing I thought was "holy fucking shit this show is on a whole other level". I finished an the episode in a week. Then I watched it over again. Still haven't caught up on the last season yet though.

Yeah, I was late to the party, too. I started watching in 2020, and since then I've watch all 5 seasons a few times. It one of those rare shows that is worth all the hype...