Tell me about your Bicycle

Just turned 600 miles on my e-bike yesterday, and outran an angry German Shepherd....barely!

First time I have actually been chased, surprisingly! Making me think a can of mace might be a good idea!

Last year I had a bear cub jump out just a few feet in front of me...Honestly the German Shepherd was far scarier!!

Believe it or not , while on my Pee-Wee Herman bike , riding along a country ridge road , a fing psycho woodchuck came flying out of the tall grass , running like a f'ing Greyhound after me , nipping at my feet and barking f'ing loud...peddled my f'ing ass off...........
beats f'ing Dobermans running you down on foot.....happened in Mexico all the time when doing environmental work in orchards ( owners have them for security , always forgot to tell the flesh eaters that I was there . ) I charged em extra !
Believe it or not , while on my Pee-Wee Herman bike , riding along a country ridge road , a fing psycho woodchuck came flying out of the tall grass , running like a f'ing Greyhound after me , nipping at my feet and barking f'ing loud...peddled my f'ing ass off...........
beats f'ing Dobermans running you down on foot.....happened in Mexico all the time when doing environmental work in orchards ( owners have them for security , always forgot to tell the flesh eaters that I was there . ) I charged em extra !
I believe you mistook a beaver for a woodchuck. Woodchucks eat grass. Beavers are furry little meat eaters. LOL.
Apologies. Was funny once.
A rabid woodchuck?
Believe it or not , while on my Pee-Wee Herman bike , riding along a country ridge road , a fing psycho woodchuck came flying out of the tall grass , running like a f'ing Greyhound after me , nipping at my feet and barking f'ing loud...peddled my f'ing ass off...........
beats f'ing Dobermans running you down on foot.....happened in Mexico all the time when doing environmental work in orchards ( owners have them for security , always forgot to tell the flesh eaters that I was there . ) I charged em extra !

Thanks stoner gears , coaster brakes , big fucking white-wall tires, enormous comfortable seat , rear view mirror' , fenders ( remember..." they" started selling bikes with no fenders , real smart if ya like mud in you're a- hole ). By the way , ....good " volley the other night " query concerning the hyphenization of
" Christian" was meant to be rhetorical....I always felt that you are or you are not....
Got sent home from St. Vincent's de Paul catholic f'ing school for saying that to one of those mean bitches dressed in long scary black robes , other fucked-up garb and a huge f'ing cross and set of Rosary beads. What a nightmare...fing psychological warfare.....really not a warm , fuzzy memory...stoned again !
I believe you mistook a beaver for a woodchuck. Woodchucks eat grass. Beavers are furry little meat eaters. LOL.
Apologies. Was funny once.
A rabid woodchuck?

" Raibid" ran through my head.....oh , it was a fucking woodchuck for sure !
Have shit-tons of beaver around here.....there's is as you certainly know, living up there in the " Mitten :" , quite a difference.....I wasn't even f-ed up yet !
Was joke in the 80's. Beaver being synonymous with vagina.

That synonym was f'ing hugely popular......" hey Cassie , throw me a beaver , would ya ? Always during middle of class.......The guys were " throwing moons and red-eyes in the hallways between that class shuffle. Remember those ? Those " " red-eyes " certainly demanded one's attention when witnessed. Then there was the " Pressed Ham " .

Shes' a fine looking , sturdy bike ....looks like a great ride ! Your bicycle apparently is very popular ! Don't even wanna know how much ya forked-out for a spin on that.
I've always loved those " ape-hanger " handle bars . Gotta get me one ! I must say however that the long hair on the big-headlight at faster speeds could seriously f-up that " eye(s) ya got on the road and fly in your mouth , gaging your ass ! Be safe...don't get too cocky or you will end up going down...hard ! Ya rascal !
Was photo shopped. Tis but a dream.

Could you imagine the headlines? Man dies from terminal orgasm while living wet dream on bicycle.

Shopped or not , irrelevant ! It was the response ( put a f'ing smile on my face) .
Know ya really got're on a great fing roll.....wit and pith up the ass ! Yer in that " zone " .....if I kept that flow going , I'd be up all night writing and getting shellaced.....done it many times...f'ing love it......ya pay of course for taking the rare liberty ! Shit ! I'm cruising , Crazytown, sorry ..........enjoy while the " faucet is open " .
Shopped or not , irrelevant ! It was the response ( put a f'ing smile on my face) .
Know ya really got're on a great fing roll.....wit and pith up the ass ! Yer in that " zone " .....if I kept that flow going , I'd be up all night writing and getting shellaced.....done it many times...f'ing love it......ya pay of course for taking the rare liberty ! Shit ! I'm cruising , Crazytown, sorry ..........enjoy while the " faucet is open " .
Limited mobility. Character building pain. And a collection of buds. I rant for my sanity. Or due to my insanity. Still I like a laugh.
Limited mobility. Character building pain. And a collection of buds. I rant for my sanity. Or due to my insanity. Still I like a laugh.

Empathy oozes otta me for you ! That f'ing pain can really fuck your head up , that's the problem.....trying to will yourself through the non-fucking-stop pain while navigating with a very distressed head....been doing it for about 10yrs.......must f'ing adapt.....must still find humor . Writing seems to take my mind off the nightmare...
F'ing always must crack-on......I ain't going " gently into any fing long good night " ,
I'm a kicker and a fucking screamer !
Empathy oozes otta me for you ! That f'ing pain can really fuck your head up , that's the problem.....trying to will yourself through the non-fucking-stop pain while navigating with a very distressed head....been doing it for about 10yrs.......must f'ing adapt.....must still find humor . Writing seems to take my mind off the nightmare...
F'ing always must crack-on......I ain't going " gently into any fing long good night " ,
I'm a kicker and a fucking screamer !
As long as you are not screaming my name. Laugh! I ain't coming.