Day 21 trim/defol?


Well-Known Member
80 degrees is fine too. All of the tips are burnt, indicating the EC is too hot. This could be nutrient overload in of itself or a watering issue.
Yea tips are burnt ok so I'll lay off the Fish & Kelp fert once a week, just go plain water, maybe some molasses. Ill also water less i guess? Case its overwatering. W/could it hurt to add CALMAG just to cross mag deficiency off the list though?


Well-Known Member
Yea tips are burnt ok so I'll lay off the Fish & Kelp fert once a week, just go plain water, maybe some molasses. Ill also water less i guess? Case its overwatering. W/could it hurt to add CALMAG just to cross mag deficiency off the list though?
Honestly you could cause additional lockout, so no, don't throw calmag at it. I personally doubt that's the issue. *Sorry, i know you asked lusid. ..


Well-Known Member
Yea tips are burnt ok so I'll lay off the Fish & Kelp fert once a week, just go plain water, maybe some molasses. Ill also water less i guess? Case its overwatering. W/could it hurt to add CALMAG just to cross mag deficiency off the list though?
I don't grow in soil so I'm not sure about the fix, but adding more parts per million when there are already too many only furthers the problem.


Well-Known Member
... What about Epsom salt? ...
I am not advocating that Epsom salts will fix the yellowing you have - but to answer the question on the use of Epsom, use 1 tsp. Epsom Salt per gallon every 2nd week. Epsom adds zero Ca but the plants love that little taste of S every so often.

Warm up some of the feed water on high for 30 - 60 seconds in a microwave then stir 1 tsp. of Epsom Salts until it dissolves completely. Then add that back into the feed water and measure your pH. Then just water like you normally would.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do at least remove the yellow leaves since they're doing absolutely nothing now anyway.
Really? That little bit of green in there isn’t providing the plant what it needs until he corrects the deficiency? Won’t the leaf fall off when the plants done with it? Won’t the plant start pulling nutrients out of the healthy green ones if ya yank the ones it already trying to finish off?


Well-Known Member
Really? That little bit of green in there isn’t providing the plant what it needs until he corrects the deficiency? Won’t the leaf fall off when the plants done with it? Won’t the plant start pulling nutrients out of the healthy green ones if ya yank the ones it already trying to finish off?
Once they're yellow they're done, the plant is still supplying that yellow leaf with food that's why you remove it..