Is Pierre Poilievre Canada’s trump?

“Conservative MPs are planning to vote against giving kids dental care when their leader has had publicly-paid dental care for nearly two decades," Singh said Wednesday, referring to Pierre Poilievre, who has been an MP since 2004.
No surprise we have fascist and idiots too and if the Tories give them a home, it will go worse for them than in the states a lot faster. I'm a liberal and I know what he and they are, however, the liberals and NDP won't let a tory government form unless they get a majority in the house. Some of the pro fascist posters I see here are from Canada and probably vote Tory, but the few others here are either liberal or NDP. I see unrelenting attacks on Trudeau on social media and a lot of the FREEDUM bunch hate his guts, but most of them don't know shit about politics or policy.

So, the scum rose to the top of the tory party, he seems like a place holder for DoFO to me.
Alberta is ultra conservative. Oil, cowboys and country music, kinda like Texas.
They don't wanna leave their tar sands in the ground, but it's the new coal and with global climate change policy they are shit out of luck, soon things won't be optional, there will be sanctions. I expect demand for gasoline to steadily decrease over the next decade with the introduction of EVs globally. As more alternatives come online producers will be competing to sell it while they can or leave it in the ground like coal. Alberta will have to go back to raising cows and many of the greedy arrogant bastards won't like herding cattle at all!
Canada has its issues with bigotry and racism, but we don't have people in public speaking like this to crowds of racist lunatics, much less a politician. We don't have a party devoted to suppressing minorities and openly promoting fascism that is controlled by a rabid base. The American political system amplifies, tribalizes and polarizes, a two-party system is only one party removed from a one-party state and that's what they will have, one way or another, and gridlock until then. Time to change things, open up the system to multiparty democracy, apply the monopoly laws FFS, you don't allow it in commerce, why in politics. Forget registering and primaries unless they are all open, registering fosters tribalism and hampers political mobility, none of it and political parties are in the US constitution.

Things have a tendency to leak through to Canada from the states, not all of them good. However, this is a global phenomenon a reaction to globalization, but I think it might have something to do with the internet and how people are increasingly getting their information and the ability to form communities and tribes online that give them social support when they read and spout bullshit.

Canada has its issues with bigotry and racism, but we don't have people in public speaking like this to crowds of racist lunatics, much less a politician. We don't have a party devoted to suppressing minorities and openly promoting fascism that is controlled by a rabid base. The American political system amplifies, tribalizes and polarizes, a two-party system is only one party removed from a one-party state and that's what they will have, one way or another, and gridlock until then. Time to change things, open up the system to multiparty democracy, apply the monopoly laws FFS, you don't allow it in commerce, why in politics. Forget registering and primaries unless they are all open, registering fosters tribalism and hampers political mobility, none of it and political parties are in the US constitution.

Things have a tendency to leak through to Canada from the states, not all of them good. However, this is a global phenomenon a reaction to globalization, but I think it might have something to do with the internet and how people are increasingly getting their information and the ability to form communities and tribes online that give them social support when they read and spout bullshit.

And Nazis come from you know where..America was set-up as a place to freely worship or not..My God Muffy, what has happened to us? (Park Avenue accent)..far from that nasty toilet sound of Bronx or old Brooklyn of you know who.
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