
Got it. Your idea is to treat people's lives as pawns in your chess game and cannon fodder. My idea is to spare as many lives as possible. At this point, is deescalation even possible?
You are merely moralizing; this is war and how it is conducted by nation states, we don't live in a perfect world, not yet anyway. This is pragmatic reality, not aspirational, there are no courts, cops or justice system, people like Putin and Hitler control the resources and militaries of a nation states FFS. Unless you can drone strike the fucker you have to deal with him, his lackies, population and soldiers. Civilians will suffer in war, it has always be thus, Russia embarked an imperial adventure, the genocide and extermination of a nation. The cowed and brainwashed population did not object too strongly to this crime against humanity, like the draftees, they are little more than slaves and like them, they will suffer, and some might die.

So, stop with the virtue signaling as if you were more moral and ethical than the rest, it appears more egotism than concern for actual human beings. I'm not in favor of killing civilians, even soldiers when they can be cut off and forced to surrender by fighting smart. Likewise with disrupting transport and electricity in retaliation, it is more productive than simply attacking high rises and slaughtering civilians. World opinion counts, one side is getting lots of support and the other is getting sanctions and shit on for a reason, the same reason why their population is running for the exits.
You are merely moralizing; this is war and how it is conducted by nation states, we don't live in a perfect world, not yet anyway. This is pragmatic reality, not aspirational, there are no courts, cops or justice system, people like Putin and Hitler control the resources and militaries of a nation states FFS. Unless you can drone strike the fucker you have to deal with him, his lackies, population and soldiers. Civilians will suffer in war, it has always be thus, Russia embarked an imperial adventure, the genocide and extermination of a nation. The cowed and brainwashed population did not object too strongly to this crime against humanity, like the draftees, they are little more than slaves and like them, they will suffer, and some might die.

So, stop with the virtue signaling as if you were more moral and ethical than the rest, it appears more egotism than concern for actual human beings. I'm not in favor of killing civilians, even soldiers when they can be cut off and forced to surrender by fighting smart. Likewise with disrupting transport and electricity in retaliation, it is more productive than simply attacking high rises and slaughtering civilians. World opinion counts, one side is getting lots of support and the other is getting sanctions and shit on for a reason, the same reason why their population is running for the exits.
The suggestion that you are using casuistical reasoning that the end justifies the means is not without precedent in your postings on war.
And what good will they be? How would it go after the Iranian drones?

interesting question......you would have to attach it somewhat to radar tracking systems, and pack it with a small explosive package of some kinda....once caught by tracking send it up and out to meet it...boom..
America bombed civilians not that long ago in Afghanistan. Germans bombed London, The allies bombed the fk outa every German city. Armies rape, pillage and steal and slaughter.
Its war.

Was it the Mongols who slaughtered the best?

Be nice if ALL perpetrators of a War crime where actually publicly trailed and punished.
are you offering decent odds on that?
Dead civilian Russians ok but what is this nonsense? Each of those women have 10x the brains that Russian has. Those 6 are largely the result of working towards an equal male-female balance in politics, something we're actually quite proud of. Why pretend they are weak? Cause they are women instead of old white men? No wonder Hillary didn't get elected with such a backward view on women in power.
I voted for Hillary...
I think better arrangements can be made for these people, those that want change back home need to be gathered and organized, this is an unused resource. The more people that pour out of Russia the better, the EU just needs to make some temporary arrangements, there is a labor shortage there too. Ukraine might offer citizenship to those who volunteer, they even have a Russian corps, maybe they wouldn't mind fighting in a competent army and for change in Russia. The exodus is a hurting the Russian government, is bad PR and is a drain of brains and talent.

Russia is not ripe for change at this point, and they are better off in western Europe spread around than in a Russian Gulag, they will get an education in how a government should work and how free people live. Every one of them should be educated about how Vlad had a vast fortune pouring in for 20 years and why Russia is failing, and he is a loser, why they were living like shit and not like kings. They already know much of this but fill in the details and tell them how to effect change when they get the chance.

This should not be a problem for Russia's border states, it should be an EU problem and opportunity all rolled into one, spread them around 35 countries and have a plan for the useful things that can be done with them, from filling in labor shortages to organizing an opposition force, to volunteering for the Ukrainians, educate all of them though.

Tensions rise as Russian men flee into Georgia - BBC Newsnight
298,744 views Oct 11, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin's partial mobilisation has seen tens of thousands of men flee Russia into Georgia. Estimates suggest up to 10,000 men a day were making the journey at one point. Those who have made the trip have spent days waiting in a queue to cross the border, all to avoid fighting on the battlefield in Ukraine. But is the influx causing unease with local Georgians? With a troubled history going back to the 2008 Russo-Georgia war, some politicians are asking the government to end the open-door policy that allows Russians to stay in Georgia for up to a year without a visa. BBC Caucasus Correspondent Rayhan Demytrie reports on the situation on the ground and whether those who stay in Russia can resist the war from their own homeland.
Let’s not forget the very real chance that surveillance experts, lone-wolf/army-of-one types, saboteurs, spies, & provocateurs may be leaving, too - hidden amid the mass of exiters, ready to get situated & start bloody hell. Keeping track of who goes where & what they’re up to will be an extra nightmare for EU in particular
And what good will they be? How would it go after the Iranian drones?
Testing and experience will determine that, the Iranian drones are prop driven, but built for speed, they seem to be doing a good and increasing job at bringing them down, they are in effect a cruise missile. Commercial quadcopters can be dealt with by jamming guns, but perhaps the plane type reconnaissance drones would be its target. The cost of destroying these things in a war should be cheaper than the cost of the target and a missile that costs a hundred times that of a drone and designed for manned aircraft with higher performance might not be the way forward. A variety of solutions are currently employed depending on the target and what is available to bring it down. This could also be a suicide drone for ground attack too and might be multipurpose, it is designed for high performance, like a fighter.
Civilians are not your enemy combatants. Your idea to target them is disgusting and immoral.

And your idea is to stoop to their level and kill their innocent civilians? Sickening.
I haven't seen you once criticize Putin for all the children he's killing in Ukraine.....comrade
WTF is this guy to interfere in US foreign policy, the arrogant asshole, doesn't he think the state department and CIA know what they are doing. Maybe instead of calling Putin he should visit Ukraine for a little fact finding.

Pride goeth before the fall and it is the biggest hazard for a "master of the universe", those whom the God's wish to destroy, they first make mad.

Who let this South African get involved in our politics?
I haven't seen you once criticize Putin for all the children he's killing in Ukraine.....comrade
Let me be clear for you then, and say that I don't support Putin's actions or his humanitarian atrocities. I have intimated this before, so I'm sorry that you've missed it. The thing is I don't have a say in Russian politics, because I'm a US citizen, so I get to vote for US politicians. Yes, I think that voting for them gives me a right to be critical about how they handle both domestic and world affairs. Why does it bother you when I'm critical of the people who I vote for?
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I think better arrangements can be made for these people, those that want change back home need to be gathered and organized, this is an unused resource. The more people that pour out of Russia the better, the EU just needs to make some temporary arrangements, there is a labor shortage there too. Ukraine might offer citizenship to those who volunteer, they even have a Russian corps, maybe they wouldn't mind fighting in a competent army and for change in Russia. The exodus is a hurting the Russian government, is bad PR and is a drain of brains and talent.

Russia is not ripe for change at this point, and they are better off in western Europe spread around than in a Russian Gulag, they will get an education in how a government should work and how free people live. Every one of them should be educated about how Vlad had a vast fortune pouring in for 20 years and why Russia is failing, and he is a loser, why they were living like shit and not like kings. They already know much of this but fill in the details and tell them how to effect change when they get the chance.

This should not be a problem for Russia's border states, it should be an EU problem and opportunity all rolled into one, spread them around 35 countries and have a plan for the useful things that can be done with them, from filling in labor shortages to organizing an opposition force, to volunteering for the Ukrainians, educate all of them though.

Tensions rise as Russian men flee into Georgia - BBC Newsnight
298,744 views Oct 11, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin's partial mobilisation has seen tens of thousands of men flee Russia into Georgia. Estimates suggest up to 10,000 men a day were making the journey at one point. Those who have made the trip have spent days waiting in a queue to cross the border, all to avoid fighting on the battlefield in Ukraine. But is the influx causing unease with local Georgians? With a troubled history going back to the 2008 Russo-Georgia war, some politicians are asking the government to end the open-door policy that allows Russians to stay in Georgia for up to a year without a visa. BBC Caucasus Correspondent Rayhan Demytrie reports on the situation on the ground and whether those who stay in Russia can resist the war from their own homeland.
Those countries would be wise not to let these ORC cockroaches into their country. They need to send them back to russia to deal with the sh*t pile they left behind. It's sad to see them living well in Georgia (and other countries) next to Ukrainian refugees who's lost everything to the invading Russians. F*ck them
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