
Tapper: As Putin loses territory, he seems to be gaining swagger
43,883 views Oct 11, 2022 CNN's Jake Tapper breaks down Russian President Vladimir Putin's brutal tactics in Ukraine and explains why global leaders may not have taken him seriously enough.

See why Putin is losing his grip on former Soviet republics
596,634 views Oct 11, 2022 Russia’s war in Ukraine is being felt across the former Soviet Union, where many countries are reacting in horror to the Kremlin’s destructive invasion. CNN’s Ivan Watson reports from Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Also - talking to some gun guys I know - they consider RussIan ammo as ‘ dirtier ‘ compared to western .
So , I would think that Chinese ammunition would of “ same quality “.

Basic Russian conscript training for combat is apparently very short before getting dumped into the soup.
The muddy winter is approaching - so pretty much assume that any real weapon care would be a problem.
Most of them will be under supplied for winter / half starved / looking for a way out of the winter hell that’s coming.
Pretty sure we will double up on proper fighting gear and logistical support for the Ukrainians .

Imagine a group of orcs - wounded badly - alone in the dark / freezing and a gauze pak from 1975.
I foresee more surrendering. Even those prison criminals and scum thrown into combat will have a world of hurt coming - praying for their cell they left.
A lot of the Berdan-primed Russian surplus ammo used corrosive (chlorate-based) primers.
actions speak louder than words, lets see them do something about that guy.
Your suggestion they aren’t because they are weak women who don’t share your bloodlust and vindictiveness does not reflect realtity.

I noticed the lady PMs of the Baltic states weren't among them.

This would have been a less judgmental response and made the point.

The level of judgementalness you perceive from me calling out someone who equates 6 strong women as weaker than a Russian coward is of no concern to me. You do you Finny.
When those women, elected democratically by women and men, got their position, they got exactly the same crap, mostly from rightwinged white men: “what, a woman as minister of defense?” Such archaic beliefs is what we fight against to make the world a better place. 50-50 man-woman population = 50-50 male - female leaders. Deal with it. Old white men worry about the best person being passed for a woman don’t realize how many best female persons for the job decline the position because they don’t feel like being a constant target of discrimination based on sex. Even from the left. Aside from president/pm I can’t think of a better position than minister of defence because their skills is exactly what this world needs. Not some old white men joining the enemy in committing war crimes cause they can’t handle their egoes and hormones.

When the Russians beat the nazis they took 3million prisoners, a third of them died in horrible camps not that different from how nazis treated Jews. Of those million deads in camps only a 3rd was military. Over 600k dead germans… who what? all deserved to die cause they didn’t suicide by going against the nazi regime? Ugh, I guess for some people that would make it fair to kill Russian civilians, cause they too are born within Russia, and when you’re born in a nation, even if there are no democratic elections or freedom to protest, you’re responsible for your dictators and oligarchs‘ actions and deserve to die… That‘s some hitleresque bs. Next time a mad tv personality is elected to hold the football, takes away women rights and moves towards fascism I look forward to seeing his head explode asap. If a Russian civilia can stop Putin, Trump is a relatively easy target.

Russians who flee to Europe do not get the same treatment as Ukranians but yes are somewhat welcome to request asylum like anyone else. Not every Russian is a demon and any less civilians for Putin to recruit into his army is a good thing. How do you separate the good from the bad? No idea, but it *must* be done simply cause it’s the right and humane thing to do.

Always surprising how much some are willing to double down on let’s say not so well thought out comments.

Some clip on Twitter, someone’s viral take, is not representative and doesn’t separate that person from the rest who obviously wholeheartedly agree. Of course the east uses harsher rethoric, they‘ve practically been under Russian control. Any action is coordinated with NATO and its leader the US. The suggestion west europe isn’t doing anything about it cause women in charge of defense is ridiculous.

Drone operators play a key role in Ukraine's counteroffensive • FRANCE 24 English
154,263 views Oct 11, 2022 Drone operators have played a key role in Ukrainian forces' counteroffensive in the country's northeast. Ukraine is counting not only on Western arms but on inexpensive, easily procurable weapons such as drones to counter Russian firepower. FRANCE 24's Catherine Norris Trent reports.
Think she hates Russians? The legacy of Stalin, he's reaching out from the grave, back to the future.

Russia needs cultural change, and, in the end, it will be an iron curtain or losing for them. An Iron curtain would be impossible to impose through the middle of the Slavic speaking world in the information age. To Vlad and his incompetent crew of ex KGB, a prosperous liberal democracy next door competing for their oil and gas revenue would be unacceptable, it was about more than just looking like fools, it was also about the spread of ideas, and greed was involved too.

Leaders and governments can lead their countries and cultures up or down, the ride down is always faster and easier than the climb up. Look at Russia and the state of its culture, look at Ukraine's, they both started at the same place, Ukraine evolved to Zelensky and the future, Russia was stuck with Putin and in the past. The culture of Russia must be changed too, and it must be by the influence and example of Ukraine and perhaps Belarus. This has to happen along with political change and a new government that is stable enough to stick around in the face of Asian republics wanting to succeed and other rightwing reactionary forces in Russia.

Just look at the State of America in just a few years of Trump, now imagine if he had total power for over 20 years, then you would have Russia or worse. Trump still haunts American society and changed American politics forever and he was just a moron and a clown who had partial power for 4 years.

Hear what professor who just visited Russia noticed
47,164 views Oct 12, 2022 Professor Nina Khrushcheva discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's mindset and her observations during her recent visit to Russia.
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Think she hates Russians? The legacy of Stalin, he's reaching out from the grave, back to the future.

Russia needs cultural change, and, in the end, it will be an iron curtain or losing for them. An Iron curtain would be impossible to impose through the middle of the Slavic speaking world in the information age. To Vlad and his incompetent crew of ex KGB, a prosperous liberal democracy next door competing for their oil and gas revenue would be unacceptable, it was about more than just looking like fools, it was also about the spread of ideas, and greed was involved too.

Leaders and governments can lead their countries and cultures up or down, the ride down is always faster and easier than the climb up. Look at Russia and the state of its culture, look at Ukraine's, they both started to the same place, Ukraine evolved to Zelensky and the future, Russia was stuck with Putin and in the past. The culture of Russia must be changed too, and it must be by the influence and example of Ukraine and perhaps Belarus. This has to happen along with political change and a new government that is stable enough to stick around in the face of Asian republics wanting to succeed and other rightwing reactionary forces in Russia.

Just look at the State of America in just a few years of Trump, now imagine if he had total power for over 20 years, then you would have Russia or worse. Trump still haunts American society and changed American politics forever and he was a just moron and a clown who had partial power for 4 years.

Hear what professor who just visited Russia noticed
47,164 views Oct 12, 2022 Professor Nina Khrushcheva discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's mindset and her observations during her recent visit to Russia.
I don’t think Vladolf’s crew is incompetent. They suffer the same problems as the original.

(edit) at the risk of using broad strokes, the rational/irrational blend she describes has been a feature of that nation’s foreign policy since before Napoleon.
Call it Russional.
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Germany’s new military strategy: Ukraine war serves as a wake-up call for the Bundeswehr

20,541 views Oct 12, 2022 It's a revolution in a country with a pacifist tradition. In June, the German parliament voted to spend €100 billion to modernise the army and replace obsolete equipment. The special fund is meant to create the biggest conventional army in Europe. Before the war in Ukraine, that would have been unthinkable. But the population backs the change: around two-thirds of Germans say they approve the modernisation of their armed forces.
Id like to, but no. The main perpetuator's get off scoff free.
Funny that Hussein and Bin Laden didn't make trial, let alone a public one. Wonder who they would of implicated.

Maybe you are thinking Gaddafi?
I don’t think Vladolf’s crew is incompetent. They suffer the same problems as the original.
They do, but he had over 20 years and a fortune coming in to build a better country and ended up with today's Russia. His performance over Ukraine and his subsequent actions calls his abilities into question. It didn't take long to corner him and thanks to the Ukrainians, much investment either, considering the upside and what is spent to counter his threat any way. The arms being used to destroy him, and his army were already made and paid for, in some cases by the Russians themselves.
They do, but he had over 20 years and a fortune coming in to build a better country and ended up with today's Russia. His performance over Ukraine and his subsequent actions calls his abilities into question. It didn't take long to corner him and thanks to the Ukrainians, much investment either, considering the upside and what is spent to counter his threat any way. The arms being used to destroy him, and his army were already made and paid for, in some cases by the Russians themselves.
That does not impinge on my argument.
That does not impinge on my argument.
China managed to prosper economically with a totalitarian regime, responsible government is the only requirement. To seize and maintain power Vlad needed the wealthy and corrupt and got a piece of the action too, but he threw them under the bus and in the video above she states a million people have voted with their feet, probably over the past few years. I've heard numbers ranging from 400K, to 700K and up to 1million of the mostly young educated and resourceful upper middle-class people. People living like shit is of no concern of Vlad's, unless it causes political unrest, but a strong economy means a strong military and that is important to him. By those metrics I deem him incompetent and operating far above his pay grade as a cold war KGB colonel, which he will always be.
China managed to prosper economically with a totalitarian regime, responsible government is the only requirement. To seize and maintain power Vlad needed the wealthy and corrupt and got a piece of the action too, but he threw them under the bus and in the video above she states a million people have voted with their feet, probably over the past few years. I've heard numbers ranging from 400K, to 700K and up to 1million of the mostly young educated and resourceful upper middle-class people. People living like shit is of no concern of Vlad's, unless it causes political unrest, but a strong economy means a strong military and that is important to him. By those metrics I deem him incompetent and operating far above his pay grade as a cold war KGB colonel, which he will always be.
again “all true but not on point”.

Germany prospered (until it didn’t, largely due to the boss’s micromanagement). Then the Holocaust came to light.

China is prospering now, possibly because there is no one autocrat. They seem to take leadership by committe seriously. What does not get mentioned much is that the government killed more of its charges than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Russia under Stalin killed maybe thirty million. Now under Putin the autocratic model continues, but without the focusing effect of the invader at the gates of the great cities.

I mention the megadeaths as a repudiation of the idea of responsible government. It fits in with a trend I’ve sensed in some of your recent postings, a focus on success despite moral problems, generating a durable impression that the end justifies the means. That is where I say no.

*my original point