Bob Bitchen's buds

That plant turned out to be shit! I was hoping it was going to be some sativa special. But I'm just going to run it over my dry shift and use the rest for mulch.

That's what I get for taking beans off of someone I don't know that well and trusting them. Was my sister's boyfriend LOL supposed to have been pre 98 bubba LOL
Yeah,that's the worst ,wasting your time and space with sub par seeds.
Hey, thanks, @Chunky Stool ! I watched the whole thing. Looks like I was keeping a too-warm environment and perhaps being a little heavy-handed with the nitrogen. This time, I'm doing super soil, which means no ammonia, if I can resist feeding them more than the occasional compost tea! ...Maybe on this lean diet, they will develop into supermodel plants, a.k.a. "Instagram weed". A guy can hope.
Instagram weed LOL
Chaka Kahn update - My dreams of searching the whole pack didn't come to fruition just yet... popped a couple for this winter tent run. Both are very vigorous, #1 definitely leggier with longer internode spacing, #2 more squat and stockier same amount of nodes cramed onto a tighter frame. Will let them grow until a lower branch is long enough to clone then ill repot and flip. I'm guessing around 2 weeks. 20221017_095112.jpg20221017_095623.jpg20221017_120045.jpg