LED recommendation for a 2x4

Agree - that's a bum light. I hope you get it resolved quickly.
They got back to me and asked me to test the light with the sensor flat on the ground and with the tent doors closed. So at my earliest convenience (between grows) I was able too, and lights checked out way better than what I was getting hand holding the PAR meter. At 30 inches I was getting 700 par in the middle. and even lighting of 600 (left and right) side of the tent. So maybe a little buyers remorse with the Hydra going on at the same time. Not use to dropping that much coin for a 4x2 lighting unit. Now I'm ready to grab that Growcraft 330 unit when they go on sale at 420. I've yet to grow a full cycle with my current lighting, the last grow had some mishaps from user error so we're starting all over with new pots, soil, and strain. With my new found confidence with the Atreum Hydra 3200 lighting, think I'll be better than good this time.
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anyone have any thoughts on this one? I can't seem to find much
Since you ask…

The only selling point for these lights is that they integrate with the ACI controllers right out of the box. Other than that, they fall short in a lot of areas - lack of uniformity/hot spot, lackluster PPF, driver is not dismountable, proprietary driver, board design is outdated, and spectrum is…confusing (no peaks in blue or in red).

In this price range, I'd go for the Atreum over this light.

AC Infinity has burst into the low end/home grower market and they remind me a lot of Bose, which has a horrid reputation as an audiophile company but has superb marketing. AC Infinity isn't quite in that category but they do have a flair for eye catching design and marketing. There is a typo one the site - they spelled "non-dismountable driver" as "air-suspended driver". ;-)
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Since you ask…

The only selling point for these lights is that they integrate with the ACI controllers right out of the box. Other than that, they fall short in a lot of areas - lack of uniformity/hot spot, lackluster PPF, driver is not dismountable, proprietary driver, board design is outdated, and spectrum is…confusing (no peaks in blue or in red).

In this price range, I'd go for the Atreum over this light.

AC Infinity has burst into the low end/home grower market and they remind me a lot of Bose, which has a horrid reputation as an audiophile company but has superb marketing. AC Infinity isn't quite in that category but they do have a flair for eye catching design and marketing. There is a typo one the site - they spelled "non-dismountable driver" with "air-suspended driver". ;-)

thanks for the info!
proprietary is often another word for 'pain in the ass'
thanks for the info!
proprietary is often another word for 'pain in the ass'
Yeh, it can be but, for me, it's not a big issue. Designing a driver is pretty straight forward and it wouldn't shock me to find out that everyone has reverse engineered all of the designs so it's just a question of how much the manufacturer wanted to cut cost.

Overall, if product A is selling for 40% less than Product B, it's highly unlikely that they're the same product. That's just not how markets work.

Like Dell computers...
As a programmer who has worked for Apple, among others…. ;-)

In the computer world, there are defensible reasons to have proprietary bits and pieces and we all think it's great when they do something great and wonderful. The pisser is when those proprietary pieces break (or break other things).
As a programmer who has worked for Apple, among others…. ;-)

In the computer world, there are defensible reasons to have proprietary bits and pieces and we all think it's great when they do something great and wonderful. The pisser is when those proprietary pieces break (or break other things).
I was installing an after market cpu cooler and literally had to hammer out pins underneath the motherboard so that an otherwise easy install could happen.

Yes, I have and use them :peace:

View attachment 5202147

What size tent is this setup with the Array 4 and so many plants? Is it a 4x4 tent? I'm thinking of buying this light for a 2x4.
What size tent is this setup with the Array 4 and so many plants? Is it a 4x4 tent? I'm thinking of buying this light for a 2x4.

Another option as brought to light by @hotrodharley in another thread is the Bestva Bp1000.

2 Bp 1000's over a 2x4 would also be a pretty good fit.
Here is 4 Bp1000's over a 4x4 and doing quite well so far. The par right down the center is a bit lower than under the boards so I'm gonna drop a cheap led 30w bar down between them.
For the price these are hard to beat and the actually run cooler than the Migro Bars.
Also use "bestvaled" at checkout for an even further discount !!
