Rebuilding My10ft x 13ft Flower Room!!

Once I get all this mess caught up, I also have other journals that I am going to be doing as well..

I am not just a canna grower at this point, I will be logging some indoor fruits and veggies going forward, I have to get my starts and cuttings ready to sell at the local farmers markets next year and to fill out all my outdoor beds..

Its going to be going crazy around here after this trimming madness is done..

At what point do you just say fek it and throw the left overs in the trash?

Brave enough to toss 1lb in the trash? what about 5?

At this rate I will be.. I got several trash bags filled with material to run for water hash, several nugs trimmed up and ready to make rosin with, and yet I still can not move around in my flower room nor can I get into my 4th veggie/dry room without running into hanging branches..

This is system overload over here and Im getting to that point that I just dont know if I want to trim it anymore lol, bad problem to have but I guess it's good at the same time..

Maybe my stubborn ass should have invested into a machine trimmer or something, this hand trimming from sun up til sun down and into the late mornings is starting to frustrate the old man.
I got so many trash bags of material for water hash that buddy doesn't want to run it lol..

I raised some eyes around here with buddies with how big my plants got this year.. Needless to say, it's not common to pull these type of monsters up here in Ontario.

Now that they are down, everyone is running scared of the trimming and processing lol
I got so many trash bags of material for water hash that buddy doesn't want to run it lol..

I raised some eyes around here with buddies with how big my plants got this year.. Needless to say, it's not common to pull these type of monsters up here in Ontario.

Now that they are down, everyone is running scared of the trimming and processing lol

You literally just typed this exact thing right above

how high are you?
@Phlizon LED Grow Light PL4500 showed up today!

I am setting things up now and will start the comparison journal either this weekend, or early next week..

I will also finish out this rebuild thread this weekend as I will have everything finished!

Thanks again Phlizon for joining the comparison's.. :joint:
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I just hung all 4 lights.. OH MY, Old man got a Godzilla "smurf" size chubby!

This is soo bright, holy fek.. I feel sorry for the 600w hps, these other LED's swallow it right up!

More to come but I think I am going to really enjoy this comparison!
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I have panda film, I got 100ft roll..

I also got everything I need for my soil mix..

worm castings
Sea Compost
Cricket Manure
Extra blood meal
Dolomite lime
Gaia Green
Bokashi Pro Grow
Microbial Mass "secret sauce"
Bat Guano
Alfalfa pellets
Fish emulsion
epsom salt

I have a few other things as well, but this will be the main base of the soil mix..

I also picked up a fresh tarp so I can mix the soil

We also ordered a lux meter "you math heads can do the conversion".

Construction is fully underway tonight, I am staying up until that room is ready to go..

Final construction pics will be coming soon..
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Flower room is constructed!!!

Poly is hung, lights are hung, power strips with timers are up, cords are being routed to the wall..

Pics will come in the morning, I am so tired Im going to bed.

Poly made it a lot brighter as expected, now I for sure have to wear sunglasses or I will get a migraine.

After I post pics tomorrow/today, this thread will be concluded and I will start to bring up the comparison journal.
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Flower room/comparison room

10ft x 13ft x 7.5ft.

I still have a fem minor things to do in this room, I have to tighten and secure the floor, but for the most part I am ok with it, this room should produce good enough for me :)..

The false ceiling panels were removed to hang the lights, I also have HVAC people coming in about 2 weeks to redo all of our HVAC..

I will leave the panels off until the HVAC guys get here, they will need to see the vents that is up there, no point in putting them back, just so I have to take them back down again soon..

I will also be replacing the 8inch vent hose, I tried to makeshift some black wrap, but said fek it and ordered the 4 layer vent, will be here next week.
