Rebuilding My10ft x 13ft Flower Room!!

The homeowners that built this house were a bit feked and the workers they got to build it "I think were on crack" it seems..

They have several outlets on the same breaker, so I have to be careful on what I plug in and where..

But by the time we are done it will be much better and I should not have any issues going forward..

End game for this room is no more then 45 amps.. "I dont think I will use this much"...

I am looking at 3 lights for this room in total, with inline fan, intake fan, dehumidifier..

I think I can keep it under the power I am dedicated to it.
It's perfectly normal to have several outlets and switches on one breaker. That said, most common items that we plug in aren't drawing high current. When you start a grow op and start throwing lights, ac, dehumidifiers, etc... onto a circuit, it can get pretty dicey. Good on you for running a couple dedicated breakers to the room. It will save headaches down the road. It's safer too!!!
It's perfectly normal to have several outlets and switches on one breaker. That said, most common items that we plug in aren't drawing high current. When you start a grow op and start throwing lights, ac, dehumidifiers, etc... onto a circuit, it can get pretty dicey. Good on you for running a couple dedicated breakers to the room. It will save headaches down the road. It's safer too!!!
I have my kids in my home, their safety is very important, I will take no chances when it comes to electrical and my kids.

This is going to be routed safely and I will have more power then I need in that room..

I only need 3 lights, 1 dehumidifier, 1 8inch inline, 1 intake fan and a few wall fans, and a portable ac 'only when needed", I will have 45 amps dedicated for this room, this should be plenty of power..

I am hoping to go all LED's and pull off 600's, this should still put me in that safe zone, if I have to I will also stick with more of the 450w LED's, but we will see as I start filling in the power.
The homeowners that built this house were a bit feked and the workers they got to build it "I think were on crack" it seems..

They have several outlets on the same breaker, so I have to be careful on what I plug in and where..

But by the time we are done it will be much better and I should not have any issues going forward..

End game for this room is no more then 45 amps.. "I dont think I will use this much"...

I am looking at 3 lights for this room in total, with inline fan, intake fan, dehumidifier..

I think I can keep it under the power I am dedicated to it.

If you’re doing new receptacles and wire put one on the ceiling for your lights. Best decision I ever made when building my room was putting a dedicated 20A on my ceiling strictly for my lights.
If you’re doing new receptacles and wire put one on the ceiling for your lights. Best decision I ever made when building my room was putting a dedicated 20A on my ceiling strictly for my lights.

Yup. And if you can swing it, run 20's instead of 15's. If you are sure 45 is enough, 60 will be better. And the cost now is negligible. Same labor,just a little bit more in materials. But if you have to run another line in the future, you will have to pay the labor twice. **given your breaker box and electrical service can handle it**
If you’re doing new receptacles and wire put one on the ceiling for your lights. Best decision I ever made when building my room was putting a dedicated 20A on my ceiling strictly for my lights.
That's exactly what I was doing, I am putting it right up on the top for 3 lights on that breaker.. Then I have another breaker allocated to the room for the ventilation and a 3rd breaker for a backup if needed..
I should be good, then I will have to figure out the veg room after.. Space is not the problem, I have over 1500 sq foot that I can use for whatever I want, it's routing the power that will be interesting..
I have more space then power and lights lol and I really don't think I can talk the old ball and chain into going a full 1500 sq foot garden, "but Im going to try, piece by piece" :)
Although we are talking about a massive remodel coming up in the near future "either next year or the year after, depends on rates"..

When we do this full overhaul remodel, we are completely redoing the house and I am going to get a 20-30k budget for a full blown outdoor/indoor greenhouse that I can run year round..

This will be our final remodel, if we do this then we wont be buying another house anytime soon.
Just got off phone with buddy, we are getting the wire needed to run the electrical tomorrow, the electricity to the flower room should be complete tomorrow..

Then I should also be picking up dehumidifier tomorrow as well..
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Just got off phone with buddy, we are getting the wire needed to run the electrical tomorrow, the electricity to the flower room should be complete tomorrow..

Then I should also be picking up dehumidifier tomorrow as well..

Pictures of the process are great eye candy for all
Quick Room Update:

We have 30 dedicated amps to this room with another 15 amps on stand by if I need it.. I will also be expanding ALOT more over the next year..

I got a 30 pint humidifier today and its working perfectly, environment is slowly getting in check!

Dedicated 15 amps for lights.. I have another 15 amps on standby if I need it for more lights..
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30 Pint Dehumidifier

Before I got dehumidifier today

Here is what it is now after I have the dehumidifier running..

We also took off the plywood that was boarding the window so we could stuff it full of insulation..

So I have 1 piece of plywood inside window, and 1 piece on the outside with an 8 inch hole through both of them and the vent ran through it.. The insulation is stuffed between the boards.. I am also wrapping the flex duct to help with light leaks for now "ill replace it at some point"..

I am getting Panda Film soon and we will be lining the walls, floor and ceiling..

Garden is slowly coming along.
Garden Update:

I fully cleaned out flower room again. It has been wiped down from the ceiling to the floor and every spot in between..

Walls have been scraped, cleaned and are ready for poly..

I will be getting black n white poly soon..
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panda film? i thot it was something made in china or was black and white, so i googled it and found out it's both.

i would never try growing where i live, way too crowded, plus illegal as shit.

anyhow back to the film i googled, i got this hilarious pic from amazon for panda film: can you believe that's in amazon? and those plants, if real, are male, right? I dunno, just thot somebody might get a laugh out of it.

I'm new here so if i don't post the image right, it's because i didn't read up on how to post them.
Sorry for the late update, I have been extremely busy with trimming the outdoor run..

I had to convert my flower room into an emergency dry room, I ran out of space in 2 other rooms..

Everything in that room will be coming down this week and stored in grove bags.

I am picking up Black and White Poly on Thursday, I am also picking up Pro Mix and a few other things needed, we are getting closer..

Also on a side note @Phlizon LED Grow Light will be contributing a PL4500 for my upcoming comparison journals I am setting up..

1st comparison round is going to be Phlizon PL4500 vs Spiderfarmer SF4000, I will also have a 600w HID in this room that I will be comparing to both of them..

All of this is in the works and will be starting this next week!!
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Sorry for the late update, I have been extremely busy with trimming the outdoor run..

I had to convert my flower room into an emergency dry room, I ran out of space in 2 other rooms..

Everything in that room will be coming down this week and stored in grove bags.

I am picking up Black and White Poly on Thursday, I am also picking up Pro Mix and a few other things needed, we are getting closer..

Also on a side note @Phlizon LED Grow Light will be contributing a PL4500 for my upcoming comparison journals I am setting up..

1st comparison round is going to be Phlizon PL4500 vs Spiderfarmer SF4000, I will also have a 600w HID in this room that I will be comparing to both of them..

All of this is in the works and will be starting this next week!!

Thats awesome news about the Phlizon light!! Looking forward to the comparison run. You gonna do a bunch of clones? All the same strain?
Thats awesome news about the Phlizon light!! Looking forward to the comparison run. You gonna do a bunch of clones? All the same strain?
Everything on this run will be the same as I can possibly make it, the one variable is going to be seeds..

I just finished my outdoor and I did not take mothers this year, so I am having to start from seed again.

I am going to be running the same strain under both, same nutrients, same type of water schedules, same on everything that I can possibly do.

To answer all variables if needed I will do 2 runs, 1 to get it started with seeds and then the second round with the clones..

When the log is done I will have a better idea as to which setup is best for a budget grower like myself..

Is it the 600w HID "200 bux, 16 years ago", is it the SF4000 with the Samsung 30 series diodes, or is the Phlizon PL4500 with the Samsung 28 series diodes just as comparable for less the price? We will see :)
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