Well-Known Member
@OldMedUser I like to use tsp, and cups as measuring data points when figuring small doses.
My small mj leaf molds hold 1/2 tsp each. There are 48 tsp in one cup and so that's 96, 1/2 tsp doses in one cup for that mold, give or take a couple either way.
Another mold holds 2 tsp, so one cup gives me 24 doses.
Then of course divide the total thc by the doses.
I'm with @LeastExpectedGrower on figuring thc. I use numbers lower than a dispensary or seed catalog advertises, and find that works best for me. If bud x is advertised at 20% I use 17% in my calculations.
And for what it's worth I have rarely ate a dispensary edible that seemed close to the listed dose. They all seem weak. I can easily eat 50mg of dispensary edibles and barely feel anything although I typically use 35-40mg for my homemade edibles. A dose that seems to suit my wife and I.
I went back to school for 3 years in my 30s to get a diploma in environmental chemistry so do all that stuff in metric. That was over 30 years ago and I grew up with Imperial measure so can work with both. I'm an old fart now but still a young rebel hippie at heart.

I plan to make all the pot I have in storage into two batches of oil. One CBD and the other THC with samples of both sent to a lab in Vancouver to get exact numbers to work with when making my edibles. The THC oil will have a bunch of different strains in it but the CBD oil will be of only one strain that I'm pretty sure has more THC in it than I want but I know has significant CBD from doing a Beam's Test on it and getting a strong reaction for CBD.
Still on the search for a CBD only plant with decent levels of CBD if this one has too much THC. I'd like an auto CBD like that as well as a photo then I could grow some outside to stock up in the fall.
The chocolates I made from my current CBD plant have a bit of a definite THC effect. I calculated the 20mg dose for each by assuming the oil I made from some was 50% CBD then calculated accordingly going by that but it's still a very rough guesstimate which goes against my training. Bit of OCD going on there I think.

I don't seem to get as much pain relief from these current edibles than I did from previous ones I made from a different CBD strain so I'll be pissed off if this stuff turns out much lower on CBD than I hoped. I'm being investigated as possibly having MS so it could be that it's just getting worse and I need to increase my dosage to get the same results.