Grove Bags?

TY, so i went to their site. Found 'em on amazon earlier, fmoi, but had never hoid a 'em before.
Hey, why u think they call me a doughper? :eyesmoke:

Well, huh!

LOL, got ta max da margins. How 'mersh izzat? :finger:
At $18.99 for four of these, somebody's sure "maxin' da margins" eh?
Grove Bags - TerpLoc Curing & Storage Bags (1 Oz. - 4 pack)

Sure sure...Let's run some numbers...

A case of 12 large mouth quart Ball Jars runs $16.00 for a dozen, or $1.34 each.

10 Grove Bags in quarter pound size is $26.00 making them $2.60 each. So that's twice as much, but each bag holds about twice or three times a single jar, so for the weight, they're ~ about the same price. Both can be re-used. One actually takes the work out since they're not just 'regular mylar bags' as some here have claimed but a specific formulation designed to keep constant humidity, and you don't have to re-open them during cure at all...but even if you don't care about the extra time and fuss of having to take the tops off of piles of jars daily or more for a few weeks, that's fine. But to get roughly the same effect, you'll need Boveda or Boost packs for your jars, factor those into your cost at $.70-$1.00. And all of a sudden your jars are running ~$2.00 anyway. Then you get the additional hassle of dealing with storing a bunch of glass jars.
I found that it was $18.99 for four = $4.75. I dunno where
ya'all got your numbers from, but not from where I got them.
I did, and found nothing cheap for that brand. I did find way cheaper bags, but
they weren't the fancy kinda breathable grove bags. I ain't payin' 5 bux for no
damn plastic bag anyway. This is just for conversation. :) The price I found was
the price I quoted in my OP, btw. So looking for other bag prices, really isn't the point here.
TY, so i went to their site. Found 'em on amazon earlier, fmoi, but had never hoid a 'em before.
Hey, why u think they call me a doughper? :eyesmoke:

Well, huh!

LOL, got ta max da margins. How 'mersh izzat? :finger:
At $18.99 for four of these, somebody's sure "maxin' da margins" eh?
Grove Bags - TerpLoc Curing & Storage Bags (1 Oz. - 4 pack)
Go to there website they are like 3$eaxh
Also on the 5$ per 1 pound bags. Given that a single quart jar is $1.34 or so, and you can really fit about 2 to 2.5oz per jar, a pound of cannabis would be between 6.4 and 8 jars, doing that math gives us either $9.38 (7 jars) or $10.72 to cure and store a pound. So a $5 grove bag would be substantially less. And if you're doing the quarter pound bags, then you're nearly at the same price.
Also on the 5$ per 1 pound bags. Given that a single quart jar is $1.34 or so, and you can really fit about 2 to 2.5oz per jar, a pound of cannabis would be between 6.4 and 8 jars, doing that math gives us either $9.38 (7 jars) or $10.72 to cure and store a pound. So a $5 grove bag would be substantially less. And if you're doing the quarter pound bags, then you're nearly at the same price.
How fucking dare you do basic maths!
Also on the 5$ per 1 pound bags. Given that a single quart jar is $1.34 or so, and you can really fit about 2 to 2.5oz per jar, a pound of cannabis would be between 6.4 and 8 jars, doing that math gives us either $9.38 (7 jars) or $10.72 to cure and store a pound. So a $5 grove bag would be substantially less. And if you're doing the quarter pound bags, then you're nearly at the same price.
Stop being so fucking logical. People in denial don't like that shit. :eyesmoke:
It would probably cheese some people off to find out that I went to the Grove Bags site and found that they haven't even increased the cost of the QP bags from when I bought them a few months back. Still at $25.99 for 10.

Also, if you don't need 10 of 1 kind, you can select the mix n match option or whatever it is and try out all different sizes. That's what I did. Spent about $40ish and got a variety of QP, oz, half oz, quarter oz, and eighths.