Elons Little Plan

Elon has some Kanye energy going on.

Mr Musk keeps me from buying on of his cars. He just seems like a dipshit that will blow up his company. They are so technology heavy I have no clue what you would do if tesla folded and no longer supported your vehicle. They have their own special maintenance places. Nobody services them AFAIK.
It's the Russians. They are working with the most successful African-American in history to subvert our democracy through the guise of free speech.

Bet that's it.

Or maybe Democrat Elon believes in the 1st Ammendment.

Na, couldn't be; that's insane.
Or they just brainwashed him by flooding all his social media accounts with trolls to feed his ego over the last decade+.
Ive never liked twitter and have never had an account with them. The fact that they have convenient videos and politicians use it doesn't change the fact that I could give a shit less about it.

As for Musk, the dude is a rich spoiled brat whose daddies blood diamonds and tax payers dollars got him to where he is today, outside of the damage he does as he plays dr. Evil's son sucks, but it doesn't mean I give a shit about him either.

But keep on being the typical right wing propagandists and tell me how I feel some more.
it was actually blood emeralds, just for accuracies sake...he did not force poor people to work in a dangerous mine to gather diamonds...he forced poor people to work in dangerous mines to gather emeralds, which is obviously a much better situation....
i find it fascinating how hard it is for republicans to tell the difference between protected free speech, and unprotected hate speech.
Of course things such as threats and hate speech can often not go unfettered, however the current line has been drawn to also include things considered well outside of simple "unprotected hate speech".
That’s an awful low bar. I am under the impression that the legal definition of hate speech does not cover mere spite.
I didn't realize that we were getting lawyers involved, I assumed that we were simply discussing hateful speech. It's a moot point really, because your post's only purpose serves as an attempt to poke holes in the subtle phrasing of my previous statement, however that alone does not discount the statement itself.
Hate speech and hateful speech are not the same. Blurring the two together is jesuitry.

and therein lies the jesuitry. Goalposts on rollers for quick&easy moving as required.
Please identify definitions for each, so that I can be sure to keep on track in the future. Also please keep your definitions brief.