
Now the Ukrainians are doing to the Russians, what they did to them on the eastern front this spring. They are using artillery to kill them at a distance and avoid close combat with the best troops they have left, who are being supplemented now with cannon fodder. Those they are reducing and panicking while also targeting the rear areas where the experienced regular troops are. They have the artillery advantage now and it is precisely hitting the Russians while drones swarm overhead and artillery and mortar rounds rain down with great accuracy. By the time the tanks and infantry hit their lines those alive and still there have full shorts and are ready to surrender.

Vlad's army is being worn away and there could be tens of thousands of Russians taken prisoner in the coming months, perhaps sooner if they break. The Russian army of reality and myth is being destroyed before the world's eyes by a much smaller and poor country fighting with a lot of help, but with one hand tied behind its back. Until recently they were doing it with mostly old Soviet weapons, leftovers from the cold war, the same ones the Russians used.

They must have sunk some ships or caused some other critical damage to Piss Putin off, so he shuts down the grain deal. It could lead to the destruction of the Black Seas fleet if they start sinking grain ships, which would be quickly US registered and flagged. Stick truck mounted Harpoon anti-ship missiles on one of the cargo hatches and a few stingers. A Turkish Naval escort would also discourage attacks. NATO anti-submarine planes patrolling international waters in the Black Sea could sink anything that attacked a civilian grain ship in international waters. They are attacking the Russian Naval and air bases in Crimea for a reason and that is to reduce Russian control over the Black Sea.

They have drones similar to the Iranian ones that are stealth and can go the distance. We know what those kayak like drone boats were for now, how they controlled them and got such a good video feed from a distance is interesting. They might have used a highflying drone offshore to relay radio signals. Steer one of them into a ship and the sensors on the front detonate a warhead. If it sank a few feet before detonating it would be even more effective, a small charge to sink it and a hydrostatically triggered one to detonate the warhead 10 feet under the water to better sink the target.

Make one of the drone boats an AA one with a camera and a stinger or two on a gimbal for those pesky helicopters, shoot one down and the rest will get shy about being in gun range over water. The rest of the swarm can deal with the ships, if they were carrying a torpedo underneath the drone boat to get it in range, they might be onto something.
Russia was pissed at the deal as they wanted to ship their own grain and fertilizer. The problem was that the Russian ships could not get insurance and without insurance they would not be allowed into ports. They were talking about walking out of the deal weeks ago if not months. In the end they stopped letting ships loaded with grain from leaving Odessa.

Ukraine says Russia deliberately delaying passage of 150 grain ships
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Friday accused Russia of deliberately delaying the passage of ships carrying grain exports under a U.N. brokered-deal, and said 150 vessels were waiting to be loaded.

Kyiv has exported almost 11 million tonnes of grains and other foods since July, when the United Nations signed the agreement with Russia, Ukraine and Turkey.

In a video address, Zelenskiy said the delay meant Ukraine grain exports were short 3 million tonnes - which he said was enough to feed 10 million people

The deal runs out in November but talks on an extension are not making much progress because Russian concerns are not being taken into proper account, Russia's U.N. ambassador in Geneva said on Thursday.

Zelenskiy said in Friday's video address that "the enemy is doing everything to slow down our food exports... as of today, more than 150 ships are queuing to fulfill contractual obligations on the delivery of our agricultural products."

"This is an artificial queue. It only arose because Russia is deliberately delaying the passage of the ships," he added, but did not give details.

Ukraine Says Russian Inspectors Delaying 165 Cargo Ships In Grain Deal
Kyiv on Monday. Oct. 24, accused Russia of purposefully delaying the arrival from Turkey of more than 165 cargo ships heading to Ukrainian ports to be loaded with grain.

Russia’s inspectors “have been significantly prolonging the inspection of vessels… As a result, more than 165 vessels have been stuck in a queue near the Bosphorus Strait and this number continues to grow daily”, the Ukrainian foreign ministry said.

“We have reason to believe that the delays in Russia’s inspections of the Grain Initiative’s vessels are politically motivated,” it added.

The vessels have been waiting to clear the meticulous inspection process required under the Turkish- and UN-backed accord aimed at getting Ukrainian grain to foreign markets and easing fears of a global food crisis.

Since the deal between Russia and Ukraine came into force on August 1, more than 8.5 million metric tonnes of grain and foodstuffs have left for Europe, the Middle East and to a lesser extent, Africa, according to data from the Joint Coordination Center (ICC) overseeing the agreement.

In a statement late on Monday, the ICC confirmed the delays but stopped short of pointing a finger of blame at any parties.

“The JCC is concerned that the delays may cause disruption in the supply chain and port operations,” it said.

A spokesperson for the Istanbul-based centre told AFP that over 170 ships were waiting in the Bosphorus in order to head to Ukrainian ports for grain loads.
Russia was pissed at the deal as they wanted to ship their own grain and fertilizer. The problem was that the Russian ships could not get insurance and without insurance they would not be allowed into ports. They were talking about walking out of the deal weeks ago if not months. In the end they stopped letting ships loaded with grain from leaving Odessa.

Ukraine says Russia deliberately delaying passage of 150 grain ships
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Friday accused Russia of deliberately delaying the passage of ships carrying grain exports under a U.N. brokered-deal, and said 150 vessels were waiting to be loaded.

Kyiv has exported almost 11 million tonnes of grains and other foods since July, when the United Nations signed the agreement with Russia, Ukraine and Turkey.

In a video address, Zelenskiy said the delay meant Ukraine grain exports were short 3 million tonnes - which he said was enough to feed 10 million people

The deal runs out in November but talks on an extension are not making much progress because Russian concerns are not being taken into proper account, Russia's U.N. ambassador in Geneva said on Thursday.

Zelenskiy said in Friday's video address that "the enemy is doing everything to slow down our food exports... as of today, more than 150 ships are queuing to fulfill contractual obligations on the delivery of our agricultural products."

"This is an artificial queue. It only arose because Russia is deliberately delaying the passage of the ships," he added, but did not give details.

Ukraine Says Russian Inspectors Delaying 165 Cargo Ships In Grain Deal
Kyiv on Monday. Oct. 24, accused Russia of purposefully delaying the arrival from Turkey of more than 165 cargo ships heading to Ukrainian ports to be loaded with grain.

Russia’s inspectors “have been significantly prolonging the inspection of vessels… As a result, more than 165 vessels have been stuck in a queue near the Bosphorus Strait and this number continues to grow daily”, the Ukrainian foreign ministry said.

“We have reason to believe that the delays in Russia’s inspections of the Grain Initiative’s vessels are politically motivated,” it added.

The vessels have been waiting to clear the meticulous inspection process required under the Turkish- and UN-backed accord aimed at getting Ukrainian grain to foreign markets and easing fears of a global food crisis.

Since the deal between Russia and Ukraine came into force on August 1, more than 8.5 million metric tonnes of grain and foodstuffs have left for Europe, the Middle East and to a lesser extent, Africa, according to data from the Joint Coordination Center (ICC) overseeing the agreement.

In a statement late on Monday, the ICC confirmed the delays but stopped short of pointing a finger of blame at any parties.

“The JCC is concerned that the delays may cause disruption in the supply chain and port operations,” it said.

A spokesperson for the Istanbul-based centre told AFP that over 170 ships were waiting in the Bosphorus in order to head to Ukrainian ports for grain loads.
They should be allowed to reflag them and sell their grain and fertilizer, since there is a shortage, something could be arranged, and I don't think either is sanctioned. I don't think the allies are gonna let the poor starve over this and there will be trouble. Looks like the Russians need to be driven out of western Crimea and we should give them the means to do it. If they wanna fight over sinking civilian grain ships, they would get one with us, or a new Ukrainian weapons system Uncle Sam provides. I think if the Russians sink a grain ship in international waters, the allies should sink the Black Sea fleet, subs and all.
All the tech the Russians and Iranians use is obtained from abroad, most from allies and as the part sources and lot numbers are traced the clandestine supply chains are shut down. However, a lot of powerful technology is becoming ubiquitous and hard to control, so we need to get better at tracking tech and enforcing sanctions, perhaps an international organization of allied states could help police some of it. We can't have drones and cruise missiles full of our components murdering civilians and attacking cities.

The conscripts are getting slaughtered, Ukrainian Russian causality figures have been high for a while now, a combination of deadly artillery and untrained troops being feed into a meat grinder. They don't mention prisoners and count them as casualties, hopefully there are a lot, better to waste food on them than bullets. The POWs will hopefully carry the seeds of Russia's destruction back home with them. It's what happens when your vote doesn't count, the opposition or other government alternatives have been snuffed out and a despot rules your country. You become a pawn in a slave army of orcs forced to fight for an evil cause with no equipment, in uniforms you have to buy yourself because corrupt officials and incompetent officers stole everything.

Vlad said he wanted to make Russia great again, this is the result, its destruction, Vlad lies as much as Trump and is just as corrupt. Sound vaguely familiar?

UPDATE: Saturday, Oct 29, 2022 · 2:57:13 PM ADT · Mark Sumner
And exactly why are Republicans standing in the way of a plan to provide assistance to Ukraine using funds recovered from seized Russian assets? According to The Washington Post
A group of House and Senate Republicans have objected to a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act conference report that would allow the United States to transfer the proceeds of forfeited Russian property to Ukraine, according to people involved with the negotiations. …
The dispute over the measure comes amid questions about the future of Republican support for Ukraine’s war effort.
Republicans are making a lame procedural argument about sending this idea back for further review by House committees, but there’s little doubt the goal here is to protect Russia and starve Ukraine.
UPDATE: Saturday, Oct 29, 2022 · 12:49:47 PM ADT · Mark Sumner
Looking at the design of the Ukrainian USV, the whole thing probably cost less then $10k in parts (not counting the explosives). If I had to guess, I’d bet the gimbaled camera and control systems came by simply disassembling a consumer drone, likely one from DJI. This is fantastic use of readily-available materials and just damn clever engineering. Add Starlink antenna, jet ski motor, batteries, and a nose full of boom.
This is the kind of thing that should be making the “great navies” of the world tremble, not zillion mile an hour super-hyper-expo-sonic missiles that cost as much as a frigate.
If this attack was as successful as it seems to be, expect a lot more such exploits in the future.

Russia is facing disintegration Vlad, because it is still an empire held together by force, it is not a true federation, but an empire of conquest by ethnic Russians. If Russia becomes a liberal democracy, it will shrink dramatically in size as republics break away, and freedom for Russians is the price they must pay for hanging onto the Czar's and Stalin's old empire. Stalin, communism, corruption and Putin killed any hope for a unified multiethnic liberal democratic Russia.

Once the army collapses and is defeated in Ukraine the regime won't be far behind and during the turmoil some republics will probably break free and declare independence.
