New grower, leaves shriveling/dying

Im sorry I dont know how to start my own thread. Im 55 yrs old and struggle with seeing. Not trying to offend anybody. Far from it. I am just asking for help. Im just stressed out. Id appreciate any help and ill leave yall be. I was just hoping someone here could help an old man. Sorry if I bothered ya.
It's understandable in your situation, it just happens frequently when people are impatient to get answers. I get being 55 and having to learn forum etiquette and norms, I'm 54 myself. Go to the Plant problem thread here:

Click on the post thread button up top and then try to describe the issue on the right thread. You'll get a much better chance of getting an answer. Once you get it up on there I'll stop by and try to help if I can.
Im sorry I dont know how to start my own thread. Im 55 yrs old and struggle with seeing. Not trying to offend anybody. Far from it. I am just asking for help. Im just stressed out. Id appreciate any help and ill leave yall be. I was just hoping someone here could help an old man. Sorry if I bothered ya.

Looks like leaf septoria to me due to the yellowing around the dots. Although it doesn’t look out of control yet. What kind of conditions are you growing in? My plants were outside in hot, humid July here in southern VA. Lots of rain and being so close to several tomatoes that also had it were the cause. Good news is I removed all leaves that had spots and treated with Daconcil 3n1 fungus treatment and neem oil, alternating every 3-5 days for a couple weeks. This stopped the leaf spot. The plants were also moved into an indoor environment. This did wonders for me. I just harvested these plants last month and yielded over 10 ounces. For my first run and lots of troubles early on I was happy. 103D5989-9CB3-44E1-874B-5C63C4609F15.jpeg47B0C034-6A49-4CBA-A0D5-A7FC6F22015A.jpeg
Looks like leaf septoria to me due to the yellowing around the dots. Although it doesn’t look out of control yet. What kind of conditions are you growing in? My plants were outside in hot, humid July here in southern VA. Lots of rain and being so close to several tomatoes that also had it were the cause. Good news is I removed all leaves that had spots and treated with Daconcil 3n1 fungus treatment and neem oil, alternating every 3-5 days for a couple weeks. This stopped the leaf spot. The plants were also moved into an indoor environment. This did wonders for me. I just harvested these plants last month and yielded over 10 ounces. For my first run and lots of troubles early on I was happy. View attachment 5220682View attachment 5220683
Thanks for the response. They are indoors from the start. 68 degrees, 65%RH , 6.5 ph. And lots of circulation. I read up and figured that it at least LOOKED like septoria or rust and decided that treating with neem oil shouldnt hurt anything. Better to be wrong about septoria than right and not treat it. The problem has gotten no worse since transplanting so im hopeful. I like your pics. Nice grow! What strain ? Again thanks. Sorry for crashing yalls thread. I started my own now as suggested above.
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Grand daddy purple and Bubba kush. Just make sure you treat after lights go off so you don’t burn your plants. I’ve learned this growing cannabis hobby takes patience. When a problem develops typically it takes a while to develop and also time to correct itself. Don’t freak out! These plants are very resilient and tough. Good luck with the grow!
Plants are 7 weeks old. Growing outside. Thought I had a minor mite problem, been treating with Beesafe 3n1. After checking runoff PPM realized I was over fertilizing as well. That’s under control I believe but some leaves are still doing this. Any ideas? Thanks.
Get you a good microscope or jeweler loupe to see if there are any insects or pest problems. It there is,you can try a free sample of 100% all natural insecticide and fungicide here. It will naturally prevent and eliminate pests, harmful insects, mildew, fungus, mold, viruses, and bad bacteria causing disease in your garden. Besides that, K. I. S. S. your garden...Keep It Simple Smartie!
I enjoyed this thread. Time to move on. Feels like it's going to become irritating, like citric acid feels when splashed in the eye.
Hope it wasnt me. I started my own thread. Never meant to crash in.
Not at all. You come across as a good member and I enjoy helping established members. It was a sarcastic joke that only a few would get about an advertiser that probably only read the 1st post. I usually don't say anything regarding advertisers, but it felt more like spamming than helping resolve a problem. Had I counted to 10 I probably would not have made that post.
When you crashed that thread, you handled it well, to me how you handled it was more important than the act of crashing the other thread.
Not at all. You come across as a good member and I enjoy helping established members. It was a sarcastic joke that only a few would get about an advertiser that probably only read the 1st post. I usually don't say anything regarding advertisers, but it felt more like spamming than helping resolve a problem. Had I counted to 10 I probably would not have made that post.
When you crashed that thread, you handled it well, to me how you handled it was more important than the act of crashing the other thread.
Understood. Yeah they crashed my thread right after that. And of course wanted all my personal info. Which i denied as usual. And youre right it was spamming so i dont blame you. Snake oil salesmen not welcome. Peace !
Not at all. You come across as a good member and I enjoy helping established members. It was a sarcastic joke that only a few would get about an advertiser that probably only read the 1st post. I usually don't say anything regarding advertisers, but it felt more like spamming than helping resolve a problem. Had I counted to 10 I probably would not have made that post.
When you crashed that thread, you handled it well, to me how you handled it was more important than the act of crashing the other thread.
LOL at citric acid in your eye. A garden comedian. Yes, more than the first thread is read when genuine about helping. In fact, a little natural citric acid may help more than any help you can give.
advertisers are allowed to join in discussion that isnt spamming , they are allowed to discuss and chat like regular users and should not receive flack, yes they're an advertiser but they should be allowed to utilize the forum as well.
advertisers are allowed to join in discussion that isnt spamming , they are allowed to discuss and chat like regular users and should not receive flack, yes they're an advertiser but they should be allowed to utilize the forum as well.
And i did say thanks for answering on my thread. I just was not interested in paying for a "free" product. So be it. I can ignore the ones im not interested in. No flak necessary.
And i did say thanks for answering on my thread. I just was not interested in paying for a "free" product. So be it. I can ignore the ones im not interested in. No flak necessary.
I'm sure it's cool. I was the one who started it, not you. I could go on discussing ways and scenarios of how I could see that style of posting being unhelpful but really, it's best to move on. Like I said I wouldn't have made the post if I thought it through and once posted considered deleting it but said fuck it and left it there.
Look forward to following your grow!