Is Biden really that bad?

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I think CNN is finally trying to cater to more than a left leaning audience. I wonder if that’s an indication of the electorate
I think it is more an indication of the new ownership, which has a record of right-wing policy.

The big deficit spike was also caused by that man’s massive tax credit to wealthy corporations. Aid to Families with Veyrons and Gulfstreams.
from anyone that is willing to give it to him. I don't think he's being particular...right now Putin is his #1 supplier

I donated a case of m855, shipped it with kel-tec when they shipped.
whereas your post is literally sucking Putin's dick
Exactly what the bots at Twitter say to anyone who doesn't want to get involved. Zelensky is basically Trump of Ukraine in every way except the oligarch bankroll. Including hyper Nationalism. The irony is lost on you I suppose.
Mainly America. Ukraine isnt in Nato.
America is paying the bill and Ukraine gets some charity when Biden gets on the ph and tells other countries to or (insert something about trade). Not sure what Ukraines loan is to America in regard to payback- guessing oil and infrastructure contracts and of cause American bases. Biden sons in oil and spent time in Ukraine recently so he would be up to speed. Bushes would know to.

America is NATO. Everyone knows that. Certainly Ukraine and Russia do.
there's your see equality and equity as racism...that's a really strange opinion for a black person to have. i speak to middle eastern people, south American people, African people. this is a big tourist area and we get thousands of teenagers and adults from all over the world on J-12 visas every summer. almost all of them that i have spoken to say pretty much the same thing, that the rest of the world thinks it's a shame American blacks have never gotten reparations for how they were treated for so long, and that affirmative action is only leveling a very very tilted playing field...
you have to come to America to find people who don't think so...and you apparently have to come to either the libertarians or the republicans to find black people who don't think so.

Oh so suddenly you don't want to compare voter ID and citizenship verification at polls to blacks getting dogs sicked on them and being beaten with batons? What happened? Don't you want to tell me how I'm so oppressed and a victim of the system that I can't figure out how to bring an ID with me to the polls, the bank, a hotel or to the liquor store? Please.

So now you've moved the goal post to reparations?

Ok. I'll bite.

Let's do reparations. I'm all in if you start at the beginning of the supply chain. Let's start with all those kings and queens who put slaves in cages displayed on beaches for sale. You game? Why not? What about all the British that died at sea fighting that slave trade? Nothing? Why not?
What was going thru her mind when she tried to break into the US Capitol?..........9mm

Hilarious! It was her neck though, but who cares about that veteran right? Please continue to focus on this issue and 3 others that don't even reach double digits of things all Americans across the spectrum give a damn about though. It's quite fulfilling to see how out of touch yall really are.
Look at all that police brutality to keep them from exercising their right to protest. Why didn't kamala bail them out instead of keeping them in prison for the last 2 years on misdemeanor trespassing?

Isn't this the standard your team set buddy? When you "unleash the whirlwind" on the Supreme Court and protesters unlawfully gather outside their leaked home addresses because of a leaked draft decision to the point a literal assassin planned on killing one judges whole family while you,, the media and the administration supported this "right to protest" then this is the new standard.

again you conflate violence with protest.
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