Red Wave 2022

I have mixed feelings, I tend to think comedy should be out there in the uncomfortable space talking about uncomfortable things, and Chapelle was awesome at that. His jokes started to fall flat though and he never really came back from that weird freak out he had when he ran away from his show.

You can say quite a bit of offensive shit if it's funny. It doesn't come across as being shitty. I do think the public has gotten overly sensitive about what comedians say and what topics are taboo...but given that fine better come correct and really nail the joke. He cant seem to do that anymore. As always, people are free to say what they want...but we are free to not like what someone says and not want to buy their crappy jokes.

Maybe your jokes just suck now Dave. Perhaps you have been riding your fame from 2002 and haven't really put out anything decent in a long time but still exist like you have, kinda like kanye. It's not cancel culture for people to just not like your stuff. I'm not canceling Adam Sandler when I don't watch the 4 straight to Netflix movies he puts out a year, and I loved Billy Madison.
yeah, he just doesn't make me laugh anymore. the fucking rick james story, the playing basketball with prince joke, the player hater's ball, even Clayton Bigsby...those were funny as fuck. it just makes me kind of sad and occasionally uncomfortable to watch his new material.
American enters the era of parliamentary politics in the house and Nancy should be good at it.


Maybe Pelosi should try to get a handful of non traitorous Republicans in the House to jump over into the winning (non-fascist) side of the isle. I am guessing there are some left, tbh I haven't checked, but there should be some right?

Maybe Pelosi should try to get a handful of non traitorous Republicans in the House to jump over into the winning (non-fascist) side of the isle. I am guessing there are some left, tbh I haven't checked, but there should be some right?
Nancy is good at balancing interests and a one or two republican majority would be vulnerable to that, not just the extremist can set the agenda, moderates can too. The new house might end up operating like a regular parliamentary democracy for a change. Also, with a one seat majority Joe could pull some traditional political shenanigans and offer one of them, from the right state, a plum federal job and the democratic governor could appoint the replacement. Likewise, they could elect Nancy as speaker temporarily and then dump her when they settle on a more moderate republican, which will all eat into their time in office and they won't get anything done. Voting in the house to impeach Biden without cause would cause a few of them to vote no with a one or two seat majority. The speaker can lose their job with a simple nonconfidence vote too. Nancy could walk the tight rope, but not McCarthy.

Maybe Pelosi should try to get a handful of non traitorous Republicans in the House to jump over into the winning (non-fascist) side of the isle. I am guessing there are some left, tbh I haven't checked, but there should be some right?
I think they’re quitting and or retiring.
How would this work, the house speaker does not need to be elected, so how about Liz Cheney torpedoes McCarthy and the Magats in a 2-seat republican majority with democratic and some republican support for her as a compromise speaker? Trump would lose what's left of his mind and Mitch might approve.