Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I was not lulzing at you. It was directed at the rube who said it in the first place.

It's funny how our minds can see through mistakes like that to the point where we don't even recall the actual words, but the meaning intended by the author.

Kind of like the most recent troll, @Nope_49595933949 who chose to muddy up this thread with an irrelevant didactic and boring monologue about an irrelevant point of law regarding automatic weapons. People responded to his fakery but calling bullshit. Which it is, because the OP has nothing to do with automatic weapons. But the troll keeps on trolling. Not for me, though. ignore button will wash it away.
I don’t know if this is a fair assessment of Nope’s intentions. You said it yourself a few weeks ago, threads get hijacked all the time around here (this thread alone has people talking about everything from ammo and gun prices to gun regulations).

I could be wrong but I don’t believe Nope is trying to deflect with minutia as the accusations imply.
I don’t know if this is a fair assessment of Nope’s intentions. You said it yourself a few weeks ago, threads get hijacked all the time around here (this thread alone has people talking about everything from ammo and gun prices to gun regulations).

I could be wrong but I don’t believe Nope is trying to deflect with minutia as the accusations imply.
He is missing the forest because of the trees though. Regulate guns or it will end up being done in a most unpleasant way when people have had enough, even in America. I've demonstrated how this might be done within the constitutional framework too. It happened in almost all other democratic countries where the majority rules and the reason it hasn't happened in America yet, is because the majority really does not rule.
He is missing the forest because of the trees though. Regulate guns or it will end up being done in a most unpleasant way when people have had enough, even in America. I've demonstrated how this might be done within the constitutional framework too. It happened in almost all other democratic countries where the majority rules and the reason it hasn't happened in America yet, is because the majority really does not rule.
I’m not talking about the validity of Nope’s argument, I’m talking about the intention of it.

You put yourself out there quite a bit and sometimes you’re wrong. I’m sure more than a few Americans get annoyed with your “advice” on how they should run their country and I believe Nope got irritated and called you out on a point where they believed you were wrong. I don’t believe Nope calling you out on that demonstrated a nefarious intention of deflection.

but, like I said earlier, I could be wrong.
I’m not talking about the validity of Nope’s argument, I’m talking about the intention of it.

You put yourself out there quite a bit and sometimes you’re wrong. I’m sure more than a few Americans get annoyed with your “advice” on how they should run their country and I believe Nope got irritated and called you out on a point where they believed you were wrong. I don’t believe Nope calling you out on that demonstrated a nefarious intention of deflection.

but, like I said earlier, I could be wrong.
I never accused him of it and clarified the point in subsequent posts. How they run their country is their business, but we have to witness it and, in many cases, deal with it up here. Many are under the false impression the 2nd reigns supreme, it does not IMHO and they can implement gun laws and regulation.

The American political system is a hold from the 18th century frozen in time by a written constitution and the historical divisions inherent in the county's founding. The fundamental question has been and still is human rights for African Americans and that was a major driving force in freezing things too. A war over it and generational resentment that left the south like today's Ukraine, only they lost.
I don’t know if this is a fair assessment of Nope’s intentions. You said it yourself a few weeks ago, threads get hijacked all the time around here (this thread alone has people talking about everything from ammo and gun prices to gun regulations).

I could be wrong but I don’t believe Nope is trying to deflect with minutia as the accusations imply.
post 1975 is pure troll
cooked it wrong, find someone who can and will change your mind. There is a company down this direction that sell process wild pig already slice and diced, and they sell other wild animal meat too.....they have a good selection..
Your right, it’s all in the prep and recipes. The only thing I could never get to enjoy was woodcock they taste like earth worms lol. I love venison, with moose a close second, with elk close behind. Haven’t tried hog, not many here yet. But I imagine it’s close to bear :).