Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

There was mention of “sport” shooting. I’m hoping the shooting squirrels part isn’t what’s considered sport.
Not a "sport".. it's called getting rid of the pests that constantly chew up your outdoor decorative lighting, truck injector wiring harnesses, etc. We spent over $1500 in wiring repair on one truck last summer. They get in your attic, ruin solar panel wiring, .... they're just a pain in the ass.
Here are the markings on my rifle...
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We have some of my nieces friends that she stayed with in the Canary Islands that are here in Oklahoma right now. Had Thanksgiving with them. They're coming to my place this weekend to shoot. Im gonna reload up on some Tanerite, they've never seen an AK/AR or Tanerite before. Gonna blow thier minds.
They've never been to a big family Thanksgiving. The 2 bothers that is. We made them do the wishbone thing, and explained how if you won, your wish would come true. The winner (the younger brother).. I told him that he had to wear it as a necklace for 12 days before his wish came true. I let this go on for about 2 hours before I let him off the hook.
No killing here @sunni ... but pretty funny..... Armadillos are another pest. They'll make your yard look like a mine field overnight. I spot lighted this one shortly after getting a new Panzer AR12 (Turkinsh made 12 gage AR style, 10+1 mag)... I had loaded up Critical Defense rounds in the clips, and thought I'd give it a go. I hadn't dialed in the front bead, and the load stays very tight, unlike birdshot that spreads out... this load stays tight. I missed him from 30y and shot just under him, but listen to the background music as Paige was shooting video .......
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So, he's saying that a wheel gun has no value? .. and yes, a wheel gun is a semi automatic. Who the hell wants to load a chamber one at a time? "Hey bad guy, sorry I missed, gimme a minute to reload". This is exactly why the old powder guns had bayonets. It gave them a fighting chance till they could reload.
Think about how the situation might be different if the bad guy also had to reload after every shot.

I know, mind blowing right?
No killing here @sunni ... but pretty funny..... Armadillos are another pest. They'll make your yard look like a mine field overnight. I spot lighted this one shortly after getting a new Panzer AR12 (Turkinsh made 12 gage AR style, 10+1 mag)... I had loaded up Critical Defense rounds in the clips, and thought I'd give it a go. I hadn't dialed in the front bead, and the load stays very tight, unlike birdshot that spreads out... this load stays tight. I missed him from 30y and shot just under him, but listen to the background music as Paige was shooting video .......
why do you want me to watch videos of you shooting animals?
Most just don't want to lose their toys, it's as simple as that.
As a American,I often think about how the US is perceived by other countries concerning the stunning and horrendous amount of mass shootings that occur in the states. We are a relatively young country not far removed from the wild West days,the right to bear arms has morphed into us being armed to the teeth "just in case". We have a powerful NRA lobby that effectively thwarts any legislative changes.This explains the sheer amount of guns in our country.What is doesn't explain is how the hate filled darkness that permeates the soul of these people to randomly execute multiple innocent people. We've all blamed the usual suspects,realistic video games,violence glorified in movies and television,etc.,but is has to be something more than that. People who are unhappy and don't want to live any longer use to commit suicide 25 yrs ago it seems to me. I vividly remember a mass shooting in a Post office way back and it led to the term "going postal",then two kids who were shunned as outcasts by their peers did Columbine. Since then it has become more and more common as the years have past to where we are now when this happens weekly or even more. The process that occurs in a distraught individual's mind that makes it a rational action to murder as many people as possible before putting the gun to their own head is a level of hate and darkness that I can't comprehend.
So, he's saying that a wheel gun has no value? .. and yes, a wheel gun is a semi automatic. Who the hell wants to load a chamber one at a time? "Hey bad guy, sorry I missed, gimme a minute to reload". This is exactly why the old powder guns had bayonets. It gave them a fighting chance till they could reload.
Revolvers are repeaters, not semi-autos.
You crazy Americans and your guns.

I’m pretty sure the OP didn’t intend for this thread to turn into gun porn but hey, if you can’t beat ‘em, join em.

I picked this baby up yesterday;

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It’s semiautomatic and with a magnum cartridge I can caulk around a window from 30 ft. away.
Angry Canadian enters public rest room with automatic mastic projector and caulks up 8 people, leak reveals
Witnesses say he said “sorry” and “excuse me” throughout ordeal
As a American,I often think about how the US is perceived by other countries concerning the stunning and horrendous amount of mass shootings that occur in the states. We are a relatively young country not far removed from the wild West days,the right to bear arms has morphed into us being armed to the teeth "just in case". We have a powerful NRA lobby that effectively thwarts any legislative changes.This explains the sheer amount of guns in our country.What is doesn't explain is how the hate filled darkness that permeates the soul of these people to randomly execute multiple innocent people. We've all blamed the usual suspects,realistic video games,violence glorified in movies and television,etc.,but is has to be something more than that. People who are unhappy and don't want to live any longer use to commit suicide 25 yrs ago it seems to me. I vividly remember a mass shooting in a Post office way back and it led to the term "going postal",then two kids who were shunned as outcasts by their peers did Columbine. Since then it has become more and more common as the years have past to where we are now when this happens weekly or even more. The process that occurs in a distraught individual's mind that makes it a rational action to murder as many people as possible before putting the gun to their own head is a level of hate and darkness that I can't comprehend.
I look at guns in America like land mines, the more you have scattered around, the more folks get blown up. The same cultural and personal forces are in other countries too, the difference is the number of guns in circulation and the laws and regulations surrounding their ownership, that's it. We have the same movies, TV and video games in Canada too, even occasional mass shootings, like one a year ago here in NS. In that case the guns were smuggled from the states and the ammo bought by conning others with an FAC who are in shit for supplying it. Most shootings in Canada these days are with smuggled guns and almost all pistol shootings are.