Kids say the darndest things...

This is great if you want to keep the magic of santa going :blsmoke:
I learned, from my parents, that blackmail was quick and efficient. The adults and children celebrated Christmas gift exchange on Christmas Eve. All the kids received Santa's gifts on Christmas morning. It was a simple decision for them. Give up the belief in Santa and get only one tranche of gifts or continue the story......
I learned, from my parents, that blackmail was quick and efficient. The adults and children celebrated Christmas gift exchange on Christmas Eve. All the kids received Santa's gifts on Christmas morning. It was a simple decision for them. Give up the belief in Santa and get only one tranche of gifts or continue the story......

My wife started it last year. It works great. I remember finding out when I was a kid and thinking "assholes lied to me" lol
I told my kids Santa was the spirit of Christmas. When they got old enough to ask I told them Santa is in everyone because he is the feeling you get when someone likes the present you chose for them.

In our family, it's the opposite. My younger brother is told by his parents to behave, otherwise he won't get presents for Christmas, to which he replies that he knows that his parents do it all and in addition says that he will get a present anyway. And this is how to deal with such things?
I honestly don't remember when I found out about fairy tales. But they usually go hand in hand with finding out everything is fake. Easter Bunny, tooth fairy etc. I think my daughter was about 7 when she started questioning things. And saw me as the tooth fairy one night she claims. And now at 9 she likes "a fat guy breaks in your house through your chimney, that's creepy AF". Lol.
The kids going to a sleepover tonight. She had a shirt on that exposed her midriff when she put her hands up. Conversation verbatim as follows:

Me: Put a shirt on that's more appropriate for a little girls sleepover.

A few minutes later

Wife: Why'd you change again ?

Lil neo : Dad said I looked like a stripper.

Me: Wut!!??

So when my daughter was about 4, she had free reign of the living-room. We put a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs and turned it into a 20X10 playpen. One day I took a break to the restroom, when I came back my daughter had drawn pictures on the wall at the end of each couch, assigning seating. Each one had "mommy," and "daddy" written underneath it.

Then on a subsequent day, I had come home and found a line in the somewhat form of a sine wave starting at the bottom of the stairs going all the way up to the top. I asked my precious daughter why she had done it, she replied, "I wanted the stairs to be more wavy." I had no reply other than to shrug.

The wave lasted until she was 10, two of the three wall-couch assigment have remained despite numerous scrubings with the drill brush and magic erasers. However, we're about to do a full remodel of the house interior and all of the toddler artwork will be erased to the paints of time.

However... as a side note, she's now top of her class in art school. So, there is that.