I've also placed at least a hundred orders overseas since the 90s. I've never gotten an opened package or intercept letter. Out of that entire time period, I had 3 get "lost" at Chicago ISC, where the tracking just times out after 3 months or whatever-and all 3 of those have been since the pandemic. I find it so odd that the same person had this happen multiple times in a row, that's just incredibly bad luck, or maybe they are clued in to something that Herbies is doing. I prefer when a bank sends seeds in a normal small envelope, instead of jammed inside a kid's toy in a package. Their are seed packing materials that keep them flat enough, yet still protected, so it just feels like a normal letter or small card. Also, The Attitude has given me endless entertainment over the years with some of their stealth options, once in a while they get super lazy, but other times they go to absurd lengths to make it stealth. I miss getting those stealth packages now that there are so many domestic banks but I still order regularly from Proseeds in the UK, I have some Mulanje Gold making it's way to me right now <says prayer>!!