Elons Little Plan


Well-Known Member
Side 3
Spoiled rich kid to a evil villain, to wealthy right wing troll who catfishes as a former climate hero, to mega rich evil villain.
And in a few years from now he could be back in the good graces of those that dislike him today. People have short memories and most only think of today. People are quick to forget the past when something shiny is in their face today and promises to be the future. musk has lots of shiny things he can dangle.


Well-Known Member
And in a few years from now he could be back in the good graces of those that dislike him today. People have short memories and most only think of today. People are quick to forget the past when something shiny is in their face today and promises to be the future. musk has lots of shiny things he can dangle.
Well if nothing else after buying Twitter he (and of course the Saudi's) has all the data he would ever need to build personality profiles and use them to design new long term troll action plans on how to con all the people who have ever had a twitter account to win back their affection. So you are very likely correct.


Well-Known Member

Joe: If Musk Does Leave Twitter, It's In His Best Interest

138,395 views Dec 19, 2022 #MSNBC #ElonMusk #Twitter
A clear majority of Twitter users who took part in a poll by Elon Musk voted for him to step down as head of the social media platform, a result he promised to follow through on. The Morning Joe panel discusses why it would be in Musk's best interest from a business perspective if he did step down.


Well-Known Member
Maga will kill Twitter faster than the republican party! :lol:

Elon was Trump's biggest sucker and he lost more money on Trump and maga than anybody else! :lol: Suckers come in all sizes and shapes. Elon pissed off his fans, twitter users and the press for what?
Donald won't even send him a free hero card featuring himself.

Twitter collapses and Elon walks away with a sore asshole after taking a huge hit to his fortune and the Arabs lose their money. They have Donald's undying gratitude I'm sure, another bunch he used as toilet paper to wipe his ass with.



Well-Known Member
So the next question turns to if he does quit, who is the troll left that Musk lets take over?
Who he hires to run it will say a lot about its future, most tech execs are rich already, he needs to hire an outsider from the social media industry, he needs to hire integrity for twitter to survive and part of any deal must be he can't be on it himself. Alternatives are coming, there is a social media niche to be filled and like Tesla, he soon won't be alone in the arena.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I didn't turn it into anything. You did because that's how you wanted to interpret my post and portray me. It's the same old story same old song and dance, my friend. Boring...

It's always about this side or that side with some of you. You need to move beyond that simplistic view of things.

As for my Clinton reference regarding morality.

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yeah, because getting a blowjob from your secretary is totally the same as insurrection, treason, and money laundering...


Well-Known Member
$40 billion in the last year.



Well-Known Member
I don't agree, Elon is using other people's money, he is running twitter personally and they will sue his ass personally, if he drives it into the ground and the trial will be messy, very messy. He'd like to bankrupt it and get out from under the debt, but the bankers would have a good case in court against him if he did. The Arabs wouldn't be in court, their bankers and lawyers would be though.

I would like to assume that he is legally protected...but yeah, it's rather unprecedented. I would think a good argument, and class action lawsuit, could be made about causing deliberate losses.

Gotta assume he is protected, but then again, he's sure showing everyone he isn't that bright.

Am bummed, was going to ask ye olde lawyer guy I work with about any options that might exist on my solar panel debacle but he split for vacation and I am sure I will forget before next time I see him.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
someone believed he would step aside? muck is incapable of stepping aside. he is convinced in his own superiority. no one can do anything half as good as he can do it, himself.
if he did step down as operating officer, he would never relinquish control, and would constantly be impeding the plans and designs of whoever he names as new general manager.
better that he just walk away and let it go into bankruptcy, allow newer, better platforms to compete for dominance, to become a new town square.