Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

does it bother anyone here that that zelensky is a regular admitted cocaine user? i believe in everyones freedom to do want they want with their bodies, but I don't believe a leader of his country, that is conscripting unwilling men to die for him, should be sniffing the devils dandruff. and I don't support tax dollars going to kill civilians either, regardless of their ethnicity. btw-why are politics on rollitup???

Here we are on a weed forum judging others because they do a little coke. Classic !
does it bother anyone here that that zelensky is a regular admitted cocaine user? i believe in everyones freedom to do want they want with their bodies, but I don't believe a leader of his country, that is conscripting unwilling men to die for him, should be sniffing the devils dandruff. and I don't support tax dollars going to kill civilians either, regardless of their ethnicity. btw-why are politics on rollitup???

Youre spreading Russian Propaganda about Zelenskyy using coke.

Also Zelensky has over 90% approval from the Ukranian people. Thats hardly conscripting unwilling people to fight.

A video that was shown online was heavily edited, and highly manipulated. Russia/Putin was the one that tried to start the bullshit rumor that Zelensky and others in his cabinet were drug addicts.

Zelensky saying he uses coke, is bullshit. Putin said it, and a highly manipulated video is Russian Propaganda.

CLAIM: A video shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying he uses cocaine.
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A video of a 2019 interview with Zelenskyy was edited in a misleading way, rearranging statements he made about coffee and exercise to make it seem as if they were answers to a separate question about drugs.
THE FACTS: A deceptively edited video that appears to show Zelenskyy admitting that he uses cocaine has circulated widely on social media in recent days.
According to English subtitles in the video, the interviewer asks Zelenskyy what he thinks about cocaine. Zelenskyy responds by saying, “Awesome! Awesome!” and “Seriously! This is energy for the whole day. At 7 a.m. I got up. Took a walk with the dog. And I do snort drugs. This is the mode. I live in it!”
One Twitter user who posted the video wrote on April 19, “Video Emerges Of Ukraine’s President Zelensky Allegedly Praising Cocaine.” The video in the post has been viewed more than 41,000 times.
But the clip has been manipulated to make it seem as if Zelenskyy confirmed that he uses cocaine. In reality, the video actually shows multiple excerpts from an interview that Zelenskyy gave to Ukrayinska Pravda, a Ukrainian media outlet, in January 2019. The full interview, which was published on the outlet’s website and on YouTube, shows that Zelenskyy’s quotes were not about cocaine.
During the interview, journalist Roman Kravets tells Zelenskyy there is a rumor he used cocaine, prompting Zelenskyy to deny that he uses drugs, saying, “Great! Great! No, I’m sitting on something white, but it is a chair. It’s not cocaine. I don’t use drugs.”
Later, the journalist asks Zelenskyy, “Do you snort? Do you consume?” Zelenskyy replies, “I breathe coffee, because I am very addicted to coffee. I really like coffee, it’s true.” He also says he consumes the occasional glass of wine, but makes no mention of cocaine in his response.
In another part of the interview, Zelenskyy discusses his morning routine, saying: “This is the routine I’m doing. At 7 in the morning I get up, take my dog out and exercise. What is the use of exercising? It’s about forcing you. Energy for the whole day, I recommend it to everyone, but not through intensive practice because it makes you sleepy during the day.”
In the edited video now circulating online, Zelenskyy’s comments about his morning routine, coffee, and his denial that he uses cocaine are spliced together to make it seem as if he admitted to using the drug.
Misleadingly edited videos of the same interview have been circulating online for years. In April 2019, Ukrayinska Pravda published an article debunking one manipulated video, and confirming Zelenskyy did not confess to using cocaine in the original clip.
Similar posts suggesting without evidence that Zelenskyy abuses drugs or alcohol have circulated online in recent days A different video of Zelenskyy on a video call with Elon Musk was manipulated to make it look as if there was white powder on his desk, the AP reported Sunday.
During the war, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian state media have attempted to falsely paint Ukrainian leaders as “drug addicts,” according to AP reporting.
Jimi, have you ever been experienced? Well, I have...Thanks, Jimi, u did the work, and cleared Z's good name.
Like it mattered if Z did coke or not. Who the hell didn't snort a line or two, esp. in this board. LOL
Trump never snorted any, u can bet on that. He'd be better if he snorted something, anything.

Tucker Carlson, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz stand with Putin; most of America stands with Zelensky and the people of Ukraine.
I could never figure out why they say Russia is our ally all of a sudden. They don't remember radical right wing,
U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, and his red scare movement trying to lock up all kinds of people, ruining lives of folks
(many of whom probably snorted coke, btw) for being commie, pinko fags? Don't these republicans,
these right wingers, remember the John Birch Society, an anti-communist, ultraconservative, right wingers?
I thought they hated socialists and dems, calling dems, commie pinko fags. And now we're supposed to
accept commies? These idiots don't even know which side of the fence they're on, and yet they get elected.
They accuse the left of doing what they do. They're the ones locked up, doing prison time for pedophilia,
yet accuse the left of eating babies. They hate the commies, and the left along with them, yet are now
supporting probably the most heinous killer since Adolf. They are the ultimate of hypocrisy. Voters don't know.

GET INFORMED about these right wing conspiracy whackos. Google them first before you cast a ballot for them.
Don't just vote for somebody because they trigger some small self-righteous spark of anger in you. Find out first,
see what their history shows, not recent history either, not lies, propaganda and PR shit, but look them up over the
long term, don't throw away your vote and your freedom on these liars, polemics and rabble-rousers. They're
pandering to your anger, your fears, your innate hatred and greed. We all have those feelings, but we all know those
things should not rule our lives, nor should people who appeal to those things lead our country. Wake the hell up!
Jimi, have you ever been experienced? Well, I have...Thanks, Jimi, u did the work, and cleared Z's good name.
Like it mattered if Z did coke or not. Who the hell didn't snort a line or two, esp. in this board. LOL
Trump never snorted any, u can bet on that. He'd be better if he snorted something, anything.

Tucker Carlson, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz stand with Putin; most of America stands with Zelensky and the people of Ukraine.
I could never figure out why they say Russia is our ally all of a sudden. They don't remember radical right wing,
U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, and his red scare movement trying to lock up all kinds of people, ruining lives of folks
(many of whom probably snorted coke, btw) for being commie, pinko fags? Don't these republicans,
these right wingers, remember the John Birch Society, an anti-communist, ultraconservative, right wingers?
I thought they hated socialists and dems, calling dems, commie pinko fags. And now we're supposed to
accept commies? These idiots don't even know which side of the fence they're on, and yet they get elected.
They accuse the left of doing what they do. They're the ones locked up, doing prison time for pedophilia,
yet accuse the left of eating babies. They hate the commies, and the left along with them, yet are now
supporting probably the most heinous killer since Adolf. They are the ultimate of hypocrisy. Voters don't know.

GET INFORMED about these right wing conspiracy whackos. Google them first before you cast a ballot for them.
Don't just vote for somebody because they trigger some small self-righteous spark of anger in you. Find out first,
see what their history shows, not recent history either, not lies, propaganda and PR shit, but look them up over the
long term, don't throw away your vote and your freedom on these liars, polemics and rabble-rousers. They're
pandering to your anger, your fears, your innate hatred and greed. We all have those feelings, but we all know those
things should not rule our lives, nor should people who appeal to those things lead our country. Wake the hell up!

Its said that tRump DID snort both Adderall, and Coke on set of the Apprentice, and 2 guys that worked on the show are on record of him doing as much. As is Tom Arnold. Also they signed a nondisclosure contract, so if its not true, why isnt tRump suing them?? Because its on tape, and the tapes would be used in court as evidence. They also said he shit himself on the set.

tRump isnt as clean as he lets on.

And yes, Ive done my share of all of it, but OD shooting 95 units of 1:1000 solution of Adrenaline in 1976, and quit everything but weed. Ive also shot a ton of Coke, Desoxyn, K4s, LSD PCP. PCP was one of my favorites, but I stopped because it started fucking with my prostate, and made me not be able to piss when I did it, and would have to piss for hours, and not be able to. So I quit, and everything returned to normal. We used to get coke straight out of the pharmacy, and is nothing like street coke. Pharma coke is extremely dangerous. It had a skull and crossbones on the label, and a POISON warning.

Trump Nose Best: Adderall Use is Nothing to Sniff At
WebMonths ago, individuals who worked on the reality show The Apprentice claimed that Mr. Trump routinely snorted Adderall while on the set
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QUOTE="Ck427, post: 17202687, member: 1000133"]
does it bother anyone here that that zelensky is a regular admitted cocaine user? i believe in everyones freedom to do want they want with their bodies, but I don't believe a leader of his country, that is conscripting unwilling men to die for him, should be sniffing the devils dandruff. and I don't support tax dollars going to kill civilians either, regardless of their ethnicity. btw-why are politics on rollitup???
He's a comedian too.
Nah, I like original coke best.

"devil's dandruff", from somebody in a forum about marijuana, roots in hell?

Putin is killing civilians, none of our tax dollars go to him, i hope.

At least Putin released one black American from prison for pot related charges.
Biden and Harris are still hanging onto thousands (millions?) for pot and other "crimes" of self determination.
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Biden has no authority to release people from pot crimes. Especially State Convictions. He has ZERO jurisdiction over state crimes. The MORE ACT would do away with both Federal, and State nonviolent marijuana convictions.
He basically did all he could unilaterally do when he did away with past Federal Marijuana possession convictions. Which helped about 7-8000 people. Anyone ever convicted of possession in a National Park, or any federal facility, got their conviction expunged. While nobody is in Federal Prison for Possession, they still had their Federal Conviction expunged. Which is a huge roadblock for getting a job, security clearance, and many other things. Yopu cant enter Canada with any type of marijuana conviction. Same for most places in Europe. Now these people can now travel freely.

The reTHUGliKKKLANS are the ones holding up weed laws. It takes 10 reTHUGliKKKLANS to pass the MORE ACT in the Senate, and they dont have 10 reTHUGLIKKKLANS to back it. Its already passed the House.
The MORE ACT would do away with ALL NONVIOLENT Marijuana convictions. Even if you were guilty of selling a million pounds. As long as it was nonviolent, the MORE ACT would totally expunge that conviction.
Biden is also on record as saying he would sign the MORE ACT. But Schumer hasnt brought it to a vote in the Senate because he cant get 10 reTHUGliKKKLANS to back the legislation.
Fuckin dopers, potheads even!

Jesus christ "that guy did coke" is an embarrasment of a criticism to try and level at someone, particularly here. Get off my drug using lawn.

The rest of the stuff is just made up fever dream nonsense that isn't worth addressing. I do sincerely hope that those views keep getting pushed as the republican line, its great for us when the other side is...that.
Biden has no authority to release people from pot crimes.

Except there are no actual pot crimes. You, of all people should know that.

Biden is at a minimum virtue signaling meeting with Zelensky. It's not improbable he is meeting with Zelensky because both have been blackmailed
by their handlers.

Anyhow, Biden DID get somebody released for pot crimes, is Britney Griner still in Russia? Nope, Biden virtue signaling again, got her released.
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They cant nuke us right back, they don’t have the technology. Yeah I saw 911 . Who cares what happens to Putin. That punk needs to eat shit.
they do have the technology. maybe not a ton of it, but they DO have shit that can reach us. they have attack subs. some people here go on about how our subs KNOW where theirs are at all times...but just how sure of that are we? all it takes is one sub to get through, and they have at least a dozen nukes on board. that could fuck up an entire coast, or a couple of large population centers...millions dead...
russia would cease to exist, but so would at least a million americans, and more millions would be sick, many of them dying well before they should.
no one is a bigger hawk than i am, but i want to win, not fight to a draw where both sides lose.
The MORE ACT would do away with both Federal, and State nonviolent marijuana convictions.

If Biden is giving billions $$$ to Zelensky and if descendants of slaves should get reparations from the ancestors of people who harmed their ancestors, shouldn't Biden and other poltiicians pay reparations to people their actions put in jail? Like you!!?

Fuck politicians forcing you to pay them so they can wave their hands and say "look we've created legislation and pardoned you" !

You aren't the one needing pardoning, you were the one harmed. Take the blackmail money Biden is giving to Zelensky and give it back to Americans. If those Americans want to give money to Zelensky on their own so Zelensky's wife can jet set around and buy expensive clothes at least the dupes giving her money had a choice.
they do have the technology. maybe not a ton of it, but they DO have shit that can reach us. they have attack subs. some people here go on about how our subs KNOW where theirs are at all times...but just how sure of that are we? all it takes is one sub to get through, and they have at least a dozen nukes on board. that could fuck up an entire coast, or a couple of large population centers...millions dead...
russia would cease to exist, but so would at least a million americans, and more millions would be sick, many of them dying well before they should.
no one is a bigger hawk than i am, but i want to win, not fight to a draw where both sides lose.

The problem with Russia and there are many, is really that Russia isn't owned by the U.S. dollar and is actively seeking to separate from it's influence.

Follow the money. The USA "supporting" Ukraine and Zelensky is a distraction to keep eyes from the bigger picture.
It is way too early for Rob posts. High five my dude for making my morning poop weird.

I do see having to go fight as almost inevitable. It's a time I think it is justified, defending people is a cause worth fighting about. Putin isn't going to stop, the only way it ends is him dying or achieving victory. Taking his (putin) troops and going home just means we do this again in 5 years, so I don't even see that as a viable end game. You should not be the initial aggressor and should always try to find a peaceful solution, but once it's on its on, you end the threat and do it permanently.

Edit: dammit, now I gotta ask what's the bigger picture Rob. What do you think this is all about?
does it bother anyone here that that zelensky is a regular admitted cocaine user? i believe in everyones freedom to do want they want with their bodies, but I don't believe a leader of his country, that is conscripting unwilling men to die for him, should be sniffing the devils dandruff. and I don't support tax dollars going to kill civilians either, regardless of their ethnicity. btw-why are politics on rollitup???

At least he's honest about it.
I wish he would've used that same honesty when America needed him to testify regarding the call from That Man.

While, I support Zelensky and Ukraine 100%; I cannot forgive or forget and I'd tell him same if given the chance.
Except there are no actual pot crimes. You, of all people should know that.

Biden is at a minimum virtue signaling meeting with Zelensky. It's not improbable he is meeting with Zelensky because both have been blackmailed
by their handlers.

Anyhow, Biden DID get somebody released for pot crimes, is Britney Griner still in Russia? Nope, Biden virtue signaling again, got her released.

Thats not the same as getting people released from a USA prison. Biden has the authority to negotiate prisoner swaps. He has no authority to release people from prison. especially State prison. He has no jurisdiction whatsoever in state crimes. Just like a president has to authority to pardon people/buddies for state crimes. And if he tried to release all of the federal marijuana prisoners, the reTHUGliKKKLANS would have a shit fit, and try and impeach him for abuse of power. The only way to make weed acceptably legal, is to have Bipartisan Support. Theres no other way. And Biden has already said he would sign the MORE ACT, which as already stated, has passed the House last May.

And while weed shouldnt be a crime, it is under federal USA law, and until then, especially in unfriendly states, mainly with reTHUGliKKKLAN control, theyre still going to fry you. Thats reality. Not what I wish it was. But for small amounts, where I live the jails are to full to put weed people. Theyve got bigger fish to fry with Meth, heroin, Fentanyl mainly. I live in one of the most meth/fentanyl infested parts of the country. Extreme Northeast Kentucky. 2 years ago they brought in over 100 DEA agents, a 15 MILLION DOLLAR GRANT only 1 of 3 in the whole country that qualified, and have since added many more DEA agents.. Theres busts almost everyday. Just a couple weeks ago a guy and his girlfriend got busted for have almost 50 mobile meth labs in their house, 5lbs of processed meth, and $50,000 in cash. Im on the direct line from Detroit to East Kentucky. Route 23. They also bring it in by bus, and have bust so many, would think they would have wisened up, and stop bringing shit in that way, but they havent. Homeless people walking all hours of the night. All of the homeless shelters are full.

But until at least 10 reTHUGliKKKLANS can be convinced to legalize weed, it will never pass the Senate. Those are the facts. No word playing. No obfuscating. Plain and simple. If 10 reTHUGliKKKLANS in the Senate wont vote for weed legalization, it aint gonna happen anytime soon.

And you have zero evidence Biden, or Zelensky are being blackmailed. If the reTHUGliKKKLAND thought that, they would be all over it. Now youre just spewing bullshit. Bottom line is Putin invaded Ukraine, and the whole free world is trying to stop the invasion. If Putin gets Ukraine, Russia is knocking on Europes door. Better to get rid of the fucker now, than to wait until hes a threat to al of Europe. Putin is a no good murdering motherfucker. And thats his good traits.
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