2nd Grow: Strawberry Cough and C99xKali Mist fem from Expert Seeds

The sour crack on the bottom right has pistils already. It's been almost a month since I flipped the photos to 12/12. I consider that month to be a donut hole and from here I imagine they will go 8-10 weeks. I top dressed with organic 4-4-4 and supplemented with the 6 basic Foxfarm nutes. No rhyme or reason there just wanted to try it. The Strawberry Cough is at 26" and the C99 X Kali Mist 23". The photos smell like marinara. The autos are already starting to stink and the gas is a little sharper on the nose with those. I can't wait to see how these all smell in full bloom. The SC in the center is 2 weeks behind the others so I can see what the effect is like harvested later and earlier. The one in the solo cup is a 2nd gen bag seed from my last grow. I'm gonna transplant that in a week or so and veg it for a bit before moving it to the photo tent.
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Photo dump: We're cooking with gas now. The developed autos are all starting to flower and the photos are getting trichomes. Temps are low but it seems okay. I have a space heater at the ready.
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I rubbed the stems of the photos. The Strawberry Cough has a fruity skunky smell, but the one that is supposed to be C99xKali Mist smells like that cheese that is covered in almonds and comes around at Christmas. Also, a couple more bud shots.

The 3rd Sour Crack seedling didn't make it. The other 4 autos are ploughing along. One of the Toof Decay X Walter Whites is a head taller than the other three even the other TD X WW and its stem smells like burnt tires. I surmise the photos are in about week 3-4 of flower. They are getting frostier and there's an orange pistil here and there.
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Strawberry Cough appx. 37 days into flower. 20221226_162825.jpg

C99xKali Mist also~37 days. This one has slightly lighter pistils, but they smell identical. Like strawberries and hot dogs.
The Autos are doing okay. I'm not sure if the yellowing is variagation or a nute deficiency. I gave them another top dressing of 4-4-4 just in case.
I did the math wrong. The photos are on day 42-43 not 37. They are getting frosty.


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I finally have time to put some bones on this.
The Photo Tent is the 200w BloomPro Alpha Par Kit from Amazon
The Auto Tent is the TopGro "600*" w Kit also from Amazon. *I don't think it's really 600w
For soil, the Photos are in FF Ocean Forest and the Autos are in Happy Frog. I like Ocean Forest a lot better.
For nutrients, I went with a hybrid approach. I top dressed with Organic 4-4-4 and I give them The Fox Farm Trio + their 3 basic supplements but at reduced strength. Next grow I want to do organic living soil.
I flowered the photos at 30 days and did no training because I wanted to see the plants in their natural form.
The autos are also not being trained and are staying small. The One Toof Decay x Walter White auto is 2-3 x taller that the Sour Cracks and is a head taller than the other TDxWW.
The photos smell like Strawberry and Hot Dogs. They look slightly different, but they smell identical. I almost wonder if they are 2 phenos of one strain that Expert Seeds sold me, but, who knows? I already think their strains are their own interpretations of said strains. Their vigor and quality are pretty good, though, so I'm not complaining. The buds smell identical, but the stems smell different. The stem of the Strawberry Cough smells kind of like Vics Vapo Rub and the C99xKali Mist stem is cheesy. The Sour Crack is gassy and the Toof Decay x Walter Whites don't smell much yet, but the stems smell like burnt rubber when you rub them.
The photos are healthy af, but I dropped the ball a bit on the autos in the Happy Frog. I think I caught it in time because the yellow isn't spreading to the tops, but I needed to be hitting them a little harder with nitrogen than I was. My temps are super low and I am running a space heater. It doesn't seem to be having too detrimental an effect.


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Fun anecdote of something I've learned between my first and second grow: At the beginning, I was puzzled as to why all the Hydro shops sell so many single bottles of things and now I know. Big Bloom and PH up are the only bottles I've made a dent in at all :P
Fun anecdote of something I've learned between my first and second grow: At the beginning, I was puzzled as to why all the Hydro shops sell so many single bottles of things and now I know. Big Bloom and PH up are the only bottles I've made a dent in at all :P
Hey! I tried roots organic awhile back and went through several bottles of ph up..lol
Hey! I tried roots organic awhile back and went through several bottles of ph up..lol
Good job by the way... your plants look great
Ha! These nutrients are crazy. I want to try living soil next grow.

Thank you. I try to stay out of their way as much as possible and let them do their thing. Next time, though, I am going to let one fem photo veg longer and train it into a net. I just wanted to see the plants in full form. I topped on my first grow and didn't need to.