Gun control is coming

It's not just conservatives that are against Oregon measure 114. It's an extremely poorly written law.

It gives power to individuals to decide who can get a permit. So if you're a minority living in eastern Oregon which has quite a bit of racism the Sheriff could deny your request because he doesn't like the color of your skin.

"The law, Measure 114, grants county sheriffs and police chiefs discretion to determine who qualifies to purchase a firearm under a new permit-to-purchase program."

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but youre smart enough to know that AR is a term used for assualt rifle styles

like everyone calls everything that looks like tupperware....tupperware but mostbrands on the market arent tupperware despite being called that

come on now you know this

you also love going on about how canadians shouldnt have a say in american topics, but weve been throughthis too, america and canada are very intertwined countries.
Ya, I get it. My point was just that the term assault weapon has been distorted. And the word assault rifle has also been distorted. It's not really accurate. The guns which are referred to as assault rifles are semi automatic, and not switchable to fully automatic, so it doesn't fit the original description of what an assault weapon is.
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Ya, I get it. My point was just that the term assault weapon has been distorted. And the word assault rifle is a term created by anti-gun advocates. It's not really accurate. The guns which are referred to as assault rifles are semi automatic, and not switchable to fully automatic, so it doesn't fit the original description of what an assault weapon is.
Still waiting to hear what you would classify an AR type rifle as?
Ya, I get it. My point was just that the term assault weapon has been distorted. And the word assault rifle is a term created by anti-gun advocates. It's not really accurate. The guns which are referred to as assault rifles are semi automatic, and not switchable to fully automatic, so it doesn't fit the original description of what an assault weapon is.
It hasn’t, really. It is synonymous with tacticool.

Furthermore, assault rifle ≠ assault weapon. Today’s infantry are issued assault rifles, which generally have a four-position mode lever.
Ya, I get it. My point was just that the term assault weapon has been distorted. And the word assault rifle is a term created by anti-gun advocates. It's not really accurate. The guns which are referred to as assault rifles are semi automatic, and not switchable to fully automatic, so it doesn't fit the original description of what an assault weapon is.
The report I posted a link to was very clear about what they meant when they used the term assault weapon. But your obsession with the jargon is a bullshit bit of minutia. The goal is to reduce death rates due to guns. Who gives AF what the weapon that killed your spouse or son was called?
The report I posted a link to was very clear about what they meant when they used the term assault weapon. But your obsession with the jargon is a bullshit bit of minutia. The goal is to reduce death rates due to guns. Who gives AF what the weapon that killed your spouse or son was called?
I'm not doing this with you guys today. I don't want to piss off Sunni. I'm gonna show myself out. Happy New Years. :bigjoint:
It's not just conservatives that are against Oregon measure 114. It's an extremely poorly written law.

It gives power to individuals to decide who can get a permit. So if you're a minority living in eastern Oregon which has quite a bit of racism the Sheriff could deny your request because he doesn't like the color of your skin.

"The law, Measure 114, grants county sheriffs and police chiefs discretion to determine who qualifies to purchase a firearm under a new permit-to-purchase program."

So they say.

It is a valid concern. Not a reason to stop the measure but a concern that has been voiced and noted.

Of course, you cherry picked a line from the article. In OPB's article, they cite the state police as saying:

When asked what criteria would be used to deny applicants under the new law, and if social media, political views, or condemnation of law enforcement could be used in making the determination, Oregon State Police replied with a link to the Firearms Instant Check System — procedures the agency says have been in place since 1996.

If what you cited is true, then the inequity already exists.

It's undergoing scrutiny in court right now. How about taking some deep breaths and calming down?
A suitability clause used at the discretion of a person or small group can be easily abused.
It's like the old Jim Crow laws. At least in the old times they didn't try to hide their agenda, if you wear a "n!@@3r" you wear automatically deemed unsuitable to possess a firearm.
So they say.

It is a valid concern. Not a reason to stop the measure but a concern that has been voiced and noted.

Of course, you cherry picked a line from the article. In OPB's article, they cite the state police as saying:

When asked what criteria would be used to deny applicants under the new law, and if social media, political views, or condemnation of law enforcement could be used in making the determination, Oregon State Police replied with a link to the Firearms Instant Check System — procedures the agency says have been in place since 1996.

If what you cited is true, then the inequity already exists.

It's undergoing scrutiny in court right now. How about taking some deep breaths and calming down?

I'm perfectly calm. The law won't affect me at all. Guns last a very long time and I have no intention of having any more in my lifetime.

You can call it cherry picking or whatever you want. I quoted a line that even you say is a valid concern yet it changes nothing as far as you are concerned regarding a very poorly written law.

They could find a social media post critical of law enforcement, trump, whatever and decide to refuse you a permit. I'm sure the Sheriff that allowed the Bundy's to take over federal land would scrutinize someone like you and decide that your far left views aligned with BLM, Antifa, etc... and decline to give you a permit. It's a poorly written law and that's all there is to it. Plus half the state has no plans on enforcing it anyway. But if it makes you feel good then get the pom poms out and cheer.

“Given abuses widely documented among law enforcement, [Measure 114] would create an environment ripe for further corruption,” Eliot says. “Police could easily restrict permits to preferred individuals and deny others without oversight to determine if people from particular racial or ethnic groups, religious backgrounds, LGBTQ status or political affiliations were being screened out.”

"This is due to a confluence of factors, from the rise of 3D printed ‘ghost-guns’ to reports of ties by some Oregon law enforcement officials to right-wing groups like Patriot Prayer and the Oath Keepers."

Those reports of ties to right wing groups are 100% accurate.

Go out to Eastern Oregon sporting a BLM or Antifa t-shirt and see how you're welcomed. For that matter go south as well. Start in Medford. Actually go almost anywhere outside the Portland area and you'll get the same reception.
ArmaLite style rifle (ArmaLite rifle style). It doesn't stand for assault rifle style. The AK47's they sell to civilians are also semi automatic, but are not considered an AR type rifle. At least to most of us that know a few things about guns.
You are aware that most of these semi-auto guns are easily converted to full auto aren't you. My Mini14 only takes a staple from a simple letter stapler placed in the correct spot. If you google it you will find how-to instructional videos on converting many semi's to full auto. This includes pistols as well.....also how to make suppressors.
You are aware that most of these semi-auto guns are easily converted to full auto aren't you. My Mini14 only takes a staple from a simple letter stapler placed in the correct spot. If you google it you will find how-to instructional videos on converting many semi's to full auto. This includes pistols as well.....also how to make suppressors.
Can I call them machine guns then? :cool: