Scotch Whisky / Bourbon Whiskey thread

Even in my little podunk town, they line up sometimes 10 deep to have a chance to buy a regulated bottle of bourbon so they can go on FB and flip it. Larger cities the line is 40 or 50 with camp chairs and everything. 6 or 8 years ago, none of this. :(

This is a pretty good list if you're looking to sample and I've had most of these, I personally don't care for Old Tub or Jim Beam and the Evan Williams they show is a single barrel not a BIB. They don't have my go to current favorite Old Grand Dad both the BIB and 114.

I've only tried a few of these but I have some unopened Dickel I might give it a shot(!) tonite. :hump:

Used to be 5 years or so ago, I could walk in to our state store (spirits are state regulated on pricing and selection) and get pick of just about any bourbon they carried even if it was distillery regulated. Now there are hoards of people waiting in line for bourbons making many unobtainable unless you get on the tater train (those waiting in line to get bourbon to flip) or pay top $$$ on secondary market. There's still a few places I can mail order to my state but it's a PITA. :( Bourbon seems to be the only one affected, Scotch, rum etc still have robust selection(s) Go figure.

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The perfect amount of water to add to whisky revealed by scientists (and it's bad news if you like adding ice cubes into your tipple!)
  • Adding water to whisky forces aromatic compounds into the air above the drink
  • This alters its flavour, but scientists wanted to find out when the effect stops
  • They analysed the components in a whisky's 'headspace' while diluting it

Impact of Dilution on Whisky Aroma: A Sensory and Volatile Composition Analysis