Electricity saving "tip" curtousy of the Oprah show.


Well-Known Member
Captin Cronizzle, the truth is you'd be swinging off my scrotum like a chimpanzee in real life.

That will be all.
Can an admin please take this cheeze nuts off this thread?
I have seen them do this in other threads for newbie ass wipes that are just here to have fun on the weekends when they don't have school.

You should ask man!:bigjoint:
Dude seriously, don't be afraid to post stuff from one asshole, it happens all the time. They got me early and i fought back untill they gave up, but also learned my lesson quick, "be serious or get out"!!LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
i think i have heard more hating, then what i originally posted. i dont have time to check for spelling or grammer cuz i dont care. i dont have time for that, as well as unplugging shit, just pay ur power bill on time, and u draw no heat. the power company doesn't want to bust somebody for using lots of power, when u pay for it! duh! by the way, being pretentious, is another thing faggots do. the dude clearly admitted to being gay, then his gay buddy pipes up about taking it in the ass while watchin oprah, in between lockdown. i think everyone is quik to point the finger at someone else supposedly hating. turns out u all have something hateful to say to me. my point was to save evryone their time in reading this stupid thread. continue on haters, faggots, and idiots! its truly amazing how everyone gets sooooooo stirred up! are we gonna see some members come out of the closet? almost forgot, as for the comment about hiding behind my pc and key board, what the fuck are you lookin at and typing on? more proof to my suspicion of this thread breeding gays and idiots. i"ll check back soon. my suspicions are, that there will be more hating. have a nice day!
BITCH! If you can't reasonably conclude that your post began negative from the first six words, remained consistent in mood /theme, interrupted/offended those seeking peaceful dialogue (your original post was on pg 3 or 4, clearly disruptive), and that you deserve to be "got at", then you need a timeout to do some meditation. Now spit them lil' babies out ya mouth, gargle with antiseptic, and un-jack this thread. Meet me in the appropriate section with our own personal thread and in my free time we can entertain the hell out of the world with our ignorant displays. Get the fuck on! :lol: bongsmilie Purple Kush, TRICK!


Well-Known Member
Oh are we telling him our strains:roll:, so he feels like even more of a loser:-(?..........
White Widow
Skunk #1
and getting Norther lights clones next week.
All the above are growing at the same time, in the same room, with real soil, real equipment, and real nutes.
I do not make believe what i am doing for entertainment purposes:!:
This is a real, serious, hobby of mine, and don't do this looking to converse with people that can get me knocked.
That's i why i only talk serious business with serious growers, not like captain cocklick here.


Well-Known Member
Do you know you just called your self a faggot? You came here hating first bro, I do not take it int he ass as you love to speak of, maybe a homosexual tendency of your own?, but inbetween lockdown, i beat lil' hoes like you for the money they owed me. Now if you would like to continue to bad mouth me or anyone else on this sit, please feel free to pm me with your person info. and i will be sure to that dr. green finger and myself make a special trip to visit you. it will be fun, we'll bring the weed, cuz i have yet to see you growing any or that you even grow, so we'll bring that. Then we will all get godd and high, while we watch your girl do a little dance for us on our laps, give the dirty whore a dollar and then have our way with you. If you would like to continue to call me a fag, then let's do some girlfriend posting and we'll se has better taste in pussy, not cock!
Furthermore, you came here and started this, don't get offended that everybody else here, who grows this shit, and deals with people like you on a regular basis, got offended at what you said.
Now, Because i was locked up does not mean i take it in the ass, you keep speaking of gay sex, and ass fuckin, and oprah loving, when the truth is, i like oprah cuz bitches like oprah. That means i get the pussy and you're stuck typing one handed while holding that thing you call a penis untill it goes boom-boom on your lap. I do things bitches like, alize, for the bitches, Lotion in my bathroom, for the bitches, t.v shows, for the bitches.
I'm sorry how am i gay again?
Oh because a sorry nebie wanted to act like he was the man for a day.
Well, you go ahead and when you are done having your fun for a day, we here on RIU will be the man growing our funk, and fucking bitches you only wish to talk to some day!!
Thank you have a nice day!!!!!
Ya dig? Playas love females to this extent, somethin' pussyboys know jack about. My soft hands would caress his bitch right out his life...WIT' his savings. Pimp hard! :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
:o......no, don't do it to him, it makes them cry so bad when ya take their bitch!!!!!!:lol:
;-) I think you could possibly save a little on your electric by unplugging appliances not in use. I go behind this stringy haired freak of mine all the time unplugging curlin' irons and blow driers. Thanks for sharing this, OP. :peace: :mrgreen:bongsmilie

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i think you dumbasses, yes you know who i'm talkin bout', should shut the fuck bout' ur fake-ass pimp acting. the thread left savin electricity long ago. it seemed to take an ignorant turned into u n ur buddy flossin bout some bullshit, but you really stuntin. ur a horrible grower and will always be. u will also, always be ignorant, it is in ur genetic profile, thank mom and dad. also clean up that dump of a grow room, u probably transplanted ur plants like 4 times? why? and get a clue about shit. before you talk shit. and ur right, u do get all the bitches, cuz guy's like me get all the ladies. just cuz i got like 7 posts don't mean i dont know shit. gangster wanna-be. sorry for jackin an already jacked thread folks, tune in for response. this is fun! have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of this before, just because it's on the Oprah show doesn't mean its true. Trust me. It wont cut your bill in half, 1/4 or anything like that. It might save you $5. Ive tried it before. Doesn't work, and not worth the time.


Well-Known Member
I have a serious, non-aggressive inquiry if I may.

Hypothetically, if I had a 50W HPS, a 150W HPS, and a 200W MH running on some cacti, how much would that cost per month? Would it even be enough to worry about? Also, has anyone in this thread noticed any results unplugging things? If I had that 400W of power on 18+ hours a day, I would at least try to leave other lights off when it wasn't necessary for them to be on, turn off my computer and tv when not in use, etc. After all, it couldn't hurt and it really doesn't take that much time...or should I say wouldn't...hypothetically.


Active Member
Ive heard of this before, just because it's on the Oprah show doesn't mean its true.
LoL, fuck I should have just left Oprah's name out of this, god damn already. Once again it has nothing to do with what Oprah says. I can't stand the bitch as much as the next guy but she does have interesting guests from time to time. Now for the electricity questions I have no idea I'm not an electrician, all you can do is try it yourself and see what happens, this was just a "tip".

think you dumbasses, yes you know who i'm talkin bout', should shut the fuck bout' ur fake-ass pimp acting. the thread left savin electricity long ago. it seemed to take an ignorant turned into u n ur buddy flossin bout some bullshit, but you really stuntin. ur a horrible grower and will always be. u will also, always be ignorant, it is in ur genetic profile, thank mom and dad. also clean up that dump of a grow room, u probably transplanted ur plants like 4 times? why? and get a clue about shit. before you talk shit. and ur right, u do get all the bitches, cuz guy's like me get all the ladies. just cuz i got like 7 posts don't mean i dont know shit. gangster wanna-be. sorry for jackin an already jacked thread folks, tune in for response. this is fun! have a nice day!
Dude, just shut the fuck up already, your the one who originally started the ignorance, now your just talking out your ass.

Everyone just stop responding to this clown ass faggot and put him in the corner on time out with the silent treatment program.

I'm done responding to you, you get no more attention sugar cakes. I thought only little school girls craved attention to this extent, but I guess bitch made guys like yourself follow suit.


Active Member
Do I still get attention? I just did the math (I think), and that would cost me $21 a month...seems like quite a spike.
Yeah, your still good, lol. Those lights add up man, that's what this is all about. At the very least always make sure to turn off everything your not using and make it a habit. My dad taught me that at a young age, he'd kick my ass for leaving lights on, the door open, TV running ect.. so I was programed quick. Unplugging it will only add to the savings, how much will it add ? don't know, there are too many variables to consider, but it's a FACT that energy is consumed even when somethings off but plugged in.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my dad always said stuff like "We're not heating the outside you know!" so I get where you're coming from.

Do you think that 400W would really make a $20+ mark on my electric bill every month? Even if I did do all of that power conservation and somehow saved like $5 a month, that still seems like a way bigger bill. How sketchy would that be?


Active Member
Your good, no worries untill you get up to the 2000w + range, the 400 will be anywhere from $10-20 depending on time left on and your electric plan. The easiest thing to do to save is change all you regular light bulbs in your house out for some low wattage fluorescents if you haven't already.


Active Member
Didn't read the whole thread but this has been known for a while. Phantom power is really a PITA. Makes me mad actually that these devices are manufactured this way. I think there should be regs against it but... apparently thats just me. Certain manufacturers could use it as a selling point IMO. As the following link states, various devices use varying amounts of it. I happened to look at the stats of the 37" plasma my roomate just bought. Fucker draws 30w while off. I couldn't believe it was right there in the manual. The soul purpose being that you can instantly turn it on rather than hit the button and have to wait 10-15 seconds. Com'on I'd much rather wait a bit than pay for it all the time.

Also, check this site out. Cliffnotes: X10 is a system that controls your entire house electrical through the existing grid within your home using signal waves. Pretty cool concept. Friend of mine has his whole house setup this way. I'm getting started on mine currently. Extra bonus of new X10 outlets can be programmed to automatically or manually control phantom draw.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my dad always said stuff like "We're not heating the outside you know!" so I get where you're coming from.

Do you think that 400W would really make a $20+ mark on my electric bill every month? Even if I did do all of that power conservation and somehow saved like $5 a month, that still seems like a way bigger bill. How sketchy would that be?
take the number of proposed wattage, in your case that would be 400, multiply that by the number of hours the unit will run daily, multiply that by your electric rate (for example $.06 per kilowatt hr), and finally divide by 1000. This will give you the daily consumption, and all ya have to do is multiply by 30 to calculate monthly costs. A 1000 watt bulb running 12 hours a day at 6 cents/kilowatt hour would raise the bill 72 cents a day (1000 x 12 x .06 / 1000 = .72). Monthly costs would increase $21.60. Believe it. A $21 increase is not considered a spike. Typically, the experts agree that it is not uncommon to consume 1000 watts per room. If you have a 3 bedroom house...get busy! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Cool I feel better...I'll just have to make sure to turn off my old lady's Christmas lights when she's not around. Most of the lights in my house are CFLs, and starting today I've been trying to remember to turn off and unplug things not in use...like I'm about to do to my CPU.